Otis & Friends Dog Walking Services

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Otis & Friends Dog Walking Services

Specialises in solo dog visits and walks.
Fully insured & canine first aid trained.
Small pet visits available too.



ūüôÉ‚ô•ÔłŹ Who needs a Gucci Gang when ya got a Poochi Gang - I know..... I‚Äôm wasted ūüėā Thought that one up whilst out walking! Even though I‚Äôm abit sniffly today couldn‚Äôt have been any nicer ūüôā The weather was on side and all the dogs were brilliant!
ūüß°Fudge had a play with his mates & gave me a super welcome! ūüíô Max & Bill enjoyed their trot and even made some friends. ūüíõ Sid & Trix were their lovely crazy selfs & I got a fuss from Freddie the Bengal! ūüźą ... ūüíö It was lovely to see Jax fly after the ball again. ūüíú Murphy was fairly well behaved after a mischievous Christmas break with his parents ūüėā although he couldn‚Äôt resist a roll in ūü¶äūüí© .... the bath was running when we got back ūüėā uh ohhhh! ūüß° Lola & Mont had me wrapped around trees quite spectacularly ūüėā and I think by Montys spins they were pleased to see me! ūüíö Berty boy ....wasn‚Äôt quite as pleased as everyone else to be back walking ūüėā but I‚Äôm pretty sure he enjoys himself when we get going! ‚̧ԳŹ Last but not least Juno took me around some bushes that she doesn‚Äôt usually go around but because it‚Äôs me I just followed her .... she actually found a mashed up roast dinner!!! No idea of why it would be there ūü§∑ūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ I did tell her ‚ÄúNot a chance!‚ÄĚ And pulled her away!! It looked vile!
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I hope everyone had a good Christmas and NYE! I‚Äôm with the majority of people who have caught the germs! Currently in bed with a hot lemon ūüćč water and my furry little leg warmer - Otis! Even though I‚Äôm ill I‚Äôm still looking forward to going back to work tomorrow .... I‚Äôm in need of the fresh air and furry friends ūüź∂‚ô•ÔłŹ
My diary WILL be done later so I will text through times/confirmations of bookings bsfore tomorrow xxx.




ūüźįūüź∂ and last but certainly not least, we have the cutest little poser in the actual world - Bella Boo!! I feel like you all need to thank me for these photos as they are that adorable! She absolutely loves the attention and I think you can see that from her little face!! ‚ô•ÔłŹūüĆłūüźį


Day 3 - Murphy modelling the Tiger ūüźĮ
I can‚Äôt take the credit for this photo, Murph gets rather excitable when I turn up so trying to get a good pic of him was impossible!! He‚Äôs since using the outfit as a teddy & greeted me with it on today‚Äôs walk! Love my crazy Choc Lab, isn‚Äôt he adorable ‚ô•ÔłŹ‚ô•ÔłŹ‚ô•ÔłŹ‚ô•ÔłŹ


‚ô•ÔłŹūü•į Day Two - We have Fudge being a monkey ūüźí and he literally was a monkey, he just wouldn‚Äôt stay will for a photo! He knew he was about to be treated for wearing his costume ūüėāūüôąūü•į‚ô•ÔłŹ


‚ô•ÔłŹūü•į For those that don‚Äôt know my Mum works in B&M, last week a load of doggie outfits were going cheap - obviously she couldn‚Äôt resist! I had 4 outfits in total so I‚Äôm going to post one each night for a special Christmas treat!!
The models were picked based on size/fit (turns out I‚Äôm pretty good at eyeing that up) and I only picked dogs without a sibling to make it fair ūüėāūüôą
Heres little Jax modelling his Cutest ‚ÄúDumbo‚ÄĚlook! ūüźė I don‚Äôt think he knew what to make of it his new outfit but he let me have my fun regardless! How cute is he!! ‚ô•ÔłŹūüíô‚ô•ÔłŹūüíô‚ô•ÔłŹ


‚ô•ÔłŹūüź∂ūüźĺ A few of this weeks walkies!
Including a walk with my own boy Otis, who got ridiculously excited over a stroll around Sense Valley!
I really enjoy sharing my photos/stories with you & lots have told me they enjoy reading them, however when I‚Äôm working lots by the time I get home I‚Äôm shattered with little brain function! In the New Year I‚Äôm going to be figuring out a way to get more of my day to day goings on out there.... I would love to write a blog along with opening... our little online doggie shop ..... Id love to take Otis & Friends even further!!! ūü•įūüźĺūüź∂‚ô•ÔłŹ
Dream Big!! ūüź∂ūüíú
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‚ô•ÔłŹūü•į Just look at my little ones in their beautiful outfits! ūü•į‚ô•ÔłŹ Absolutely stunning!
ūüíú Bella - Lola - Monty ūüíú


‚ô•ÔłŹ Not taken many pics this week as most of the time it‚Äôs been dull, rainy and not very pleasant! Still managed a few crackers though...... I‚Äôm not sure which is my fave .... Blue prancing or Jax hoverboarding! See if you can spot who I‚Äôm talking about! ūüėõ
Have a fab weekend all & thank you to all who have supported/text me about my moany post earlier on in the week ūü•įūü•įūü•į xxx


‚ö†ÔłŹ Polite Notice ‚ö†ÔłŹ
I do try to be as flexible as possible regarding payments, however it feels like I am spending more and more time chasing my wages. I respect that people get busy & it’s a busy month for all however I’m also busy and do not want to waste my time chasing money I’ve earnt. I’m sure you wouldn’t like to be waiting around for your wages at this time of the year or any other time of the year & neither do I. I do not mind sending a reminder at all and the one offs I can deal with, but each month & on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th text/message/email it starts to wear me down & in all honesty makes me feel abit shitty!!
Sorry for the moan & please pay me .... I need petrol .... ūü§∑ūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüėĖūü§™


ūü§≠ I don‚Äôt remember buying this many collars, bandannas and harness! Whoops! ūüėā Chaos commenced when Otis came back from his walk, he decided it was playtime ..... As you can see he picked ‚ÄúTeam Bottrill‚ÄĚ for today‚Äôs look! ūüö≤ ūüėā
He has collars from New York, Amsterdam, Mallorca & Florida! And lots from our favourite local maker...... Charlie and Boo !!


ūüíē Only gone and bagged myself a Poodle & a GSD all in one go! Everyone meet Sid & Trixie! What a beautiful pair! Both lively, loving & a little bit crazy - just what I like!! ūüíē
ūüėĀ These two will be my last clients for a while, my books are now officially closed for the foreseeable. Very happy with the little gang I‚Äôve created over the last year! ‚ô•ÔłŹūüźē
ūüôŹūüŹĽ Thank you to everyone who has helped me get my business going, from recommendations to likes on Facebook posts, you‚Äôve all helped me no matter how big or small. I feel very privileged to be at this stage in my journey. Lots of Love Charlotte xx ūüėö


ūüĆß And here we have Boycie modelling today‚Äôs favourite trend ..... the towel!! ūüėā He can be a little weary of me at times, he genuinely looks at me like I‚Äôm going to kill him if I move a leaf off his back unannounced or if he gets stuck to a thorny branch that‚Äôs also my fault ūü§∑ūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹūüėā So I loved how today he let me do this to him ‚ô•ÔłŹ A big soft fool ..... just like moi !! ‚ėļÔłŹ
Ps I‚Äôve eventually dried off .... just incase anyone was worried ūüėúūüėĚūü§™ūüėõūüėč
ūüĆßūüĆßūüĆßūüĆßūüĆßūüĆßūüĆßūüĆßūüĆßūüĆßū üĆßūüĆßūüĆßūüĆßūüĆß
... I‚Äôve just thought I could use this at Christmas does anyone else see a Shepherd? ūüźŹūüźĎ
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ūüíô‚̧ԳŹūüźĺ Dog of the Week ūüźĺūüíô‚̧ԳŹ ūüź∂ūüĆüThis week my DOTW is Frankie ūüź∂
ūüźĺūüíú Frankie is a gorgeous Border Collie. She doesn‚Äôt look it but will actually be 10 next month. ūüíúūüźĺ
... ūüĆľShe isn‚Äôt one of my regular dogs, but I have the pleasure of taking her out when her Grandparents are away ūüėŹ ūüĆľ
ūüź∂ When I get there she greets me with a big stretch after her morning snooze and a waggy tail ! ūüß°
‚ô•ÔłŹ Frankie has had both her cruciate ligaments operated on and has been doing excellent in her recovery, it‚Äôs so nice to see dogs who have had serious operations doing well. ‚ô•ÔłŹ
ūü§© It took her only one walk to learn that at the end of the walk she gets a treat, and now as soon as we enter the house she‚Äôs staring at me excitedly waiting for my goodies ūüėŹ She‚Äôs not a fan of other dogs so we tend to stick to lonely country paths where she can have a chill, sniff & wander and to be honest I quite enjoy the calming walk ..... it‚Äôs nice to have one every now and then, gives me a rest ūüėčūü§©
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‚ô•ÔłŹūüĆł What a week, my busiest on record & typically on the week I move into my new home just to add that extra challenge into the mix! I managed it .... I don‚Äôt know how ....in truth it has been tough.... but I did it ūü§ó In total 36 Walks by me & 3 by my apprentice ūüėĚ I just want to say a massive Thank you to all of my ‚Äúclients‚ÄĚ - who I now class as friends, I‚Äôm so lucky to have such an amazing bunch ...I‚Äôve read a few horror stories about other dog walkers clients and I‚Äôm ridiculously lucky! ūüĆł‚ô•ÔłŹ
ūüĆł Can you see my new additions? A pair of super cute Pugs....Welcome Darla & Alfie! Pugley if you‚Äôre reading this Nanny has found you a girlfriend ūüėčūüėúūüĆł


ūüź∂Sorry for the lack of posts, it‚Äôs quite hectic on this side.... turns out moving house as well as Birthday celebrations is quite mental!ūüź∂
‚̧ԳŹ‚≠źÔłŹ I have got a back log of gorgeous doggo pics to share however for tonight check out one of my Birthday presents (curtesy of my Brother & Sister in law) a PJ top with Otis‚Äôs face plastered all over it ūüėā The only problem is I can‚Äôt bring myself to wear it, it‚Äôs just too cute! My plan is to take it on any weekends/holidays when I‚Äôm away from him to help with Otis withdrawals ūüėā ‚≠źÔłŹ‚ô•ÔłŹ


‚ô•ÔłŹūüźĺ Today‚Äôs gorgeous dogs! ūüźĺ‚ô•ÔłŹ
ūüíô A massive shoutout to Blue (Staffy) who despite being growled at, snapped at, snarled at & barked at by an aggressive Terrier who had slipped his harness remained as calm as a cucumber, I‚Äôve never seen a dog behave the way he did today when faced with such threatening behaviour. Absolute credit to his breed & owners! ūüíô Thankfully although the Terrier was showing every kind of threatening behaviour possible he wasn‚Äôt making any contact so no dog was harmed.....just a human with jelly legs & a fast beating heart in need of a vodka shot ūüôčūüŹĽ‚Äć‚ôÄÔłŹ ūüíô


can't say enough good things about you. having two crazy huskies didn't think I would find any one wanting to walk one let alone two but you went for it any way. they love it when I tell them your coming for them. chilled out when I get home, don't know what I would do with out you now. xx


We have been so lucky to have found Charlotte just before we went to Australia for 3 weeks. Charlotte instantly connected with our Max and we knew he was in perfect hands on his walks. We had previously had a bad experience with another dog walker which made me even more nervous about getting another walker however Charlotte is fab she takes photos of Max on his walks updates me when she has got him and is just very professional overall. Whilst we went to Australia Max stayed with our in laws we arranged that Charlotte took max out 3 times a week whilst we was away not only did she take Max she also picked up their dog completely off her own back and sent us pictures every visit of Max which made us so happy the other side of the world. We can’t thank her enough for her services a lovely lady who is genuinely interested in looking after your dog like her own xx


My woody loves going walkies with charlotte she gives him lots of cuddles and kisses ÔŅĹ and sends lots of photos of him thank you so much we love you x


It was our first experience using a dog walking service and Charlotte was excellent! We would absolutely recommended her, the dogs loved their walks with her and it was great to receive the photos of them having fun while we were away on holiday. Charlotte did a great job, was reliable and we will definitely use her again.


Having had an accident a few years ago, I sadly became unable to walk my labradoodle, Juno and was recommended Charlotte’s dog walking service. Having never had anybody but family walk Juno, I was initially very wary of letting her go with somebody else. It turns out I didn’t need to worry at all! Charlotte is very approachable and professional and arranged a home visit to meet me and Juno. I could tell immediately on seeing how Charlotte was with Juno that she would take good care of her. She is very reliable and has never let me down. Juno has become much calmer around cats and other dogs thanks to Charlotte. Juno and I have become good friends with Charlotte since using her services and would both highly recommend her! Thanks Charlotte!


From the first time we met Charlottes we understood directly that she is a true dog lover. Her service is exceptional, reliable and we even get to see what our Australian Shepherd have been up to in the day and this means a lot! We can highly recommend Charlotte to any one!


Couldn‚Äôt recommend anymore!! Reliable and trustworthy. Excellent service!! ÔŅĹÔŅĹ


Charlotte walked our two dogs today and I was very happy with the service. She sent photos ...and I was rest assured the dogs were happy and well cared for.

Would definitely use her again! :)


Charlotte looked after my pets while I was away, she did such a fab job, got pictures of them and updates. Thanks so much, I'd highly recommend her.


Charlotte has started walking our 6 month old lab this week and we got a really good vibe as soon as we met. We’ve been unhappy with our current dog walker for a while now and have been struggling to find alternative arrangements. Going to work this week knowing our boy is well cared for has really taken the pressure off. We’ve come home to one content & happy pooch so can’t recommend Charlotte services highly enough!


Charlotte has been helping me with my dogs for the last few weeks and she has been great. Very patient and caring.


Charlotte has been a life saver coming to look after my pup in the day while we have been working. Highly recommend this lovely lady. We will definitely be using Charlotte again once Charlie is no longer a pup and needing day care rather than just a walk. Thank you for all you have done x


Charlotte has been a god send since our last Dog Walker was no longer able to continue walking for us. Our boys have taken to her really easily, she is a natural and they can't wait to see her each day. Charlotte has been really flexible with our routine too which we can't thank her for enough. Wouldn't hesitate to recommend Charlotte.


Charlotte came to my house to take my scared, crazy digger a walk, she was amazing with him, i knew he would be in safe hands, Diggers happy & content now & im not stressed because hes had a lovley long walk, i loved the photos too


can't say enough good things about you. having two crazy huskies didn't think I would find any one wanting to walk one let alone two but you went for it any way. they love it when I tell them your coming for them. chilled out when I get home, don't know what I would do with out you now. xx


We have been so lucky to have found Charlotte just before we went to Australia for 3 weeks. Charlotte instantly connected with our Max and we knew he was in perfect hands on his walks. We had previously had a bad experience with another dog walker which made me even more nervous about getting another walker however Charlotte is fab she takes photos of Max on his walks updates me when she has got him and is just very professional overall. Whilst we went to Australia Max stayed with our in laws we arranged that Charlotte took max out 3 times a week whilst we was away not only did she take Max she also picked up their dog completely off her own back and sent us pictures every visit of Max which made us so happy the other side of the world. We can’t thank her enough for her services a lovely lady who is genuinely interested in looking after your dog like her own xx


My woody loves going walkies with charlotte she gives him lots of cuddles and kisses ÔŅĹ and sends lots of photos of him thank you so much we love you x


It was our first experience using a dog walking service and Charlotte was excellent! We would absolutely recommended her, the dogs loved their walks with her and it was great to receive the photos of them having fun while we were away on holiday. Charlotte did a great job, was reliable and we will definitely use her again.


Having had an accident a few years ago, I sadly became unable to walk my labradoodle, Juno and was recommended Charlotte’s dog walking service. Having never had anybody but family walk Juno, I was initially very wary of letting her go with somebody else. It turns out I didn’t need to worry at all! Charlotte is very approachable and professional and arranged a home visit to meet me and Juno. I could tell immediately on seeing how Charlotte was with Juno that she would take good care of her. She is very reliable and has never let me down. Juno has become much calmer around cats and other dogs thanks to Charlotte. Juno and I have become good friends with Charlotte since using her services and would both highly recommend her! Thanks Charlotte!


From the first time we met Charlottes we understood directly that she is a true dog lover. Her service is exceptional, reliable and we even get to see what our Australian Shepherd have been up to in the day and this means a lot! We can highly recommend Charlotte to any one!


Couldn‚Äôt recommend anymore!! Reliable and trustworthy. Excellent service!! ÔŅĹÔŅĹ


Charlotte walked our two dogs today and I was very happy with the service. She sent photos ...and I was rest assured the dogs were happy and well cared for.

Would definitely use her again! :)


Charlotte looked after my pets while I was away, she did such a fab job, got pictures of them and updates. Thanks so much, I'd highly recommend her.


Charlotte has started walking our 6 month old lab this week and we got a really good vibe as soon as we met. We’ve been unhappy with our current dog walker for a while now and have been struggling to find alternative arrangements. Going to work this week knowing our boy is well cared for has really taken the pressure off. We’ve come home to one content & happy pooch so can’t recommend Charlotte services highly enough!


Charlotte has been helping me with my dogs for the last few weeks and she has been great. Very patient and caring.


Charlotte has been a life saver coming to look after my pup in the day while we have been working. Highly recommend this lovely lady. We will definitely be using Charlotte again once Charlie is no longer a pup and needing day care rather than just a walk. Thank you for all you have done x


Charlotte has been a god send since our last Dog Walker was no longer able to continue walking for us. Our boys have taken to her really easily, she is a natural and they can't wait to see her each day. Charlotte has been really flexible with our routine too which we can't thank her for enough. Wouldn't hesitate to recommend Charlotte.


Charlotte came to my house to take my scared, crazy digger a walk, she was amazing with him, i knew he would be in safe hands, Diggers happy & content now & im not stressed because hes had a lovley long walk, i loved the photos too

More about Otis & Friends Dog Walking Services

Otis & Friends Dog Walking Services is located at 65 Thomas Road, LE67 5FY Whitwick
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -