Overwhelmed By His Love

Monday: 14:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 14:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 14:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 14:00 - 21:00
Friday: 14:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 14:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 11:00 - 21:00

About Overwhelmed By His Love

Evangelistic Missions -Spread the Gospel of Jesus to nations, preach His Love and bring His presence through Worship!

Overwhelmed By His Love Description

Its all started 1990 when my family moved to Lithuania and suddenly Lithuania gain Independance from soviet union! it was such the difficult time of revoliution when hunger for God were rising in people hearts that provoked great Revival in the country. Thousand Lithuanian hearts were received salvation those special hunger for God days .
i just been 13 years old when in 1992 i came to revival meeting with my precious mother and brother and felt divine electricity fell on me all over my body and i experienced power of Holy Spirit so strong as waves of electricity . Started tremble and cry without any understanding wondering what is happening to me! That electricity was so strong and increasing 3 times from the toes of my feet to the top of my head , it was so tense that i thought if its continues a bit longer i would dye ;) thats how strong it was lol
and suddenly when i start crying loud all trembling lol its started melting and after 5 min completely gone . My mum standing next to me observing everything what is happening to me scared and said- " please we never would need to come to this strange church again". lol Nobody those days of us being understanding that divine power of the Holy Spirit can be manifesting in such reality!
After that in September 1992 coming to my school for new year semester , my friends were starting asking me why i look so different and bold as never before. I were opening my month and start preaching Gospel and revival were hit my school . Every evening we gather together to worship and pray and i could not stop preaching it was just mighty flow as a living waters from my soul with manifestations of the Spirit, many kids were all came to receive salvation, some of them even delivered from evil spirits and healed! it was so real and the same time like in dream ! i could not believe myself and nobody can expect that God can come suddenly in my life and overtake me by the power! its definately not was my power, not my might ( because i were such shy quiet little girl ;)) ) BUT BY HIS SPIRIT! ! ! !
Of course we did not avoid persecutions too! ! President of my school were frighting me if i not stop preaching gospel and do those weird meetings between kids he would throw me out of the school. we were secretly running from school to attend Sundays church meetings and secretly gathering to worship and fellowship we were SO hungry for HIs presence ! so hungry for His Spirit! ! ! ! Those days i never remember that i were coming to church alone but at least 10 other kids with me who giving them lives to Jesus and touched by the power of God.
After year then the Presedent of the school finally decided to throw me out of the school in my 15 years old for preaching the gospel, but God gave me great Favor to hold exams and pass to study in conservatory of music were i start play piano and then i felt God presence in my playing . i would wake up early at 5 am and go play at 6am in big beautiful hall with grand piano to University. i loved those moments of worship on piano and quiet sweet voice of fellowship with the Holy Spirit and wanted to play more and more till God empower me with passion and i would Play and Play and Play. then i start do my first piano concerts and country competitions where my piano professor use to put me instead semester exams.
I never forget that moment when i came to concert after praying at home and be in His presence i came without any fear and warming up straight to the platform and start play . . . . divine Piece were all over me for whole piece i played when that after one of the professors came crying to me -so unusual emotional with tiers asking me , who is my teacher , that teaches me play , that touches her heart , because she never ever crying in students concerts in her life ever. But the answer was my teacher He is Holy Spirit!
God were my provision in this hard time of revoliution when people were left without jobs and my precious mom with 2 high bachelor degrees working hard on two jobs had income by bread and milk only giving up. So howerer God never left me without provision, i were dressed better than girls from royal families lol and everytime when i ask God for money He giving me same day as i were asking HIm! ! so by my mom surprise i bringing home big money to my mom saying to her : ' see mummy how God loves you and provides you and He never leaves you! ! ! "
in 2000 in July complete my 18 years old i were on train to Siberia as missionary to the different churches of Siberia preaching Gospel of Salvation and lead Worship
And still have big burden to preach and all my life i dedicate to do so -filled by the power of faith - all over the world preaching His wonderful Word of salvation with the Move of the Holy Spirit! ! ! !
Admire the Reality of the Living God! ! ! - is my destiny and yours to preach it! ! ! ! !
in my life were time when seems darkness were so close and seems God hearing you no more , but then power of Faith is need to activate and remember all HIs good works He done for you and you growing by faith and learn walking in His mercy and Love that He pour in you forever, because
He deeply loves you and
Never ever forgets you ,
Never leaves you! !
His Love is everlasting!
Is strong enough to rise you !
And if He started He is able to finish calling in you!
Able Who called you! ! !



It's Is Only He who Gives you PeaceIt's Is Only He who Gives you Peace


♥ Then the Holy Spirit breathing on you - you have revelation of His word in you! Revelation of His Love! . His Words are living waters ! They Deep that never have the end. His Words of Love never have the end! How deep and endless His Mercy! His words is Flowing to refresh you! To heal you! To restore you! They flows and becomes in you a Life an Everlasting Life! . Jesus is the Word of God in you! ❤️


"True religion is the union of the soul with God, and a real participation of the divine nature, the very image of God drawn upon the soul, it is Christ formed in us."- Scougal"True religion is the union of the soul with God, and a real participation of the divine nature, the very image of God drawn upon the soul, it is Christ formed in us."- Scougal


Some of my precious friends asked my to add Piano Sound with my performance to this label . So I played today this morning and recorded ! With Great Love to You!! ❤️ ;)


♥ Your heart is delicate! From there rises the desires that guide your own life! From there is rises worship and from there can flow a Living waters to give Life to others! Guard your heart above everything else! ❤️


♥ His Resurrective Power Gives you Strength to Do Impossible ♥


Dear Friend in few moments please I would like to share with you my dream I sow in my seventeen years old that I believe will minister to your heart as it ministered to mine and I pray and believe it would help you to nourish His divine Will in to your heart for your life!
1997 Vilnius Lithuania I sow the Dream :...
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♥ There is two types of Christians : 1. Conscious 2. Unconscious 1.Consciously Christians are BORN Again in the Spirit people who consciously desided to follow Jesus apart of any religious doctrines and family backgrounds. They Got revelation about True salvation that Only Holy Spirit revealing . Those attracted by deep personal experience and communion with Holy Spirit! 2. Unconscious Christians are based just on family backgrounds and religion doctrines are NOT born again people in the Spirit ♥


There is Peace and Joy in His Presence! Come to JesusThere is Peace and Joy in His Presence! Come to Jesus


The most big miracle happen in your heart when you get know Jesus personallyThe most big miracle happen in your heart when you get know Jesus personally


You have a holy boldness when you born of the SpiritYou have a holy boldness when you born of the Spirit

More about Overwhelmed By His Love

Monday: 14:00 - 21:00
Tuesday: 14:00 - 21:00
Wednesday: 14:00 - 21:00
Thursday: 14:00 - 21:00
Friday: 14:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 14:00 - 21:00
Sunday: 11:00 - 21:00