Oxford University Lgbtq Society

About Oxford University Lgbtq Society

Welcome to the official facebook page of the Oxford University LGBTQ Society. Like this page for information about our wide range of events and activities throughout the year.

Oxford University Lgbtq Society Description

Welcome to the Oxford University LGBTQ + society page!

We are a student run society that hosts a multitude of social and welfare events throughout the term, and provides welfare support and advice to LGBTQ + students here at Oxford.

Check out our events section for everything going on this week!

Hit the sign up button to sign up to our mailing list so you're up to date with everything that's going on.

Get in touch by sending us a message, or by emailing a specific rep on the committee. Whatever it is, don't hesitate to get in contact, we're here for you!

Committee contacts:
Katt Walton - Christ Church - President - ouprez@gmail.com
Bethan Hughes - Merton - Secretary - ousecre@gmail.com
Mason Hancock - Merton - Treasurer - outreas@gmail
Ollie Hull - Merton - Social Secretary - ousocialsec@gmail.com
Edmund Little - Corpus Christi - Welfare - ouwelf01@gmail.com
Kat Collison - Mansfield - IT - ouitofficer@gmail.com
Alex- Publicity Officer - oupubl@gmail.com
Ari Cousins - Queen's - Disabilties rep - oudisab@gmail.com
Leo Kershaw - LMH - Ace /Aro Rep - ouacearo@gmail.com
Dan Orr - Christ Church - Trans Rep - outrans01@gmail.com
Anya Lyon-Fraser - St. Hilda's - Bi /Pan Rep - oubipan@gmail.com
Alice Desquiens - Merton - Internationals rep - ouinter@gmail
Jen Sheppard - Christ Church - Trans Rep - outrans02@gmail.com
Ellie Oppenheim - St Catz - Women's Officer - ouwomoff@gmail.com
Hakim Faiz - Regents Park - Junior Social Sec - oujunsocialsec@gmail
Molly Moore - St Catz - Grad rep - ougradu01@gmail.com



In celebration of Oxford Pride, 🤡 Haute Mess 🤡 has released a limited number of £6 tickets available TODAY only to their biggest drag extravaganza yet 😮👉🎟


Hey y'all, This is just a quick reminder that the PLUSH FOR ALL campaign on IndieGogo is CLOSING THIS MONDAY (3 JUNE): https://igg.me/at/plushoxford
It would be really awesome if you could donate any amount or buy merch before it closes (wear it at Pride tomorrow!!). We've also been selling the PLUSH FOR ALL stash at LGBTQ+ Tuesday drinks, if anyone would rather make a donation there.
... As it stands, we're only about 70% through our fundraising target. Almost all colleges have already given and we really need to raise the remaining funds by THIS TERM in order to get the chair lift running by Michaelmas. The LGBTQ+ Society's committee members have been working really hard all term to get this far, but we really need your help to get to the end goal.
So much heart has gone into the campaign so far, and it's awesome to be able to sport stash that's so unique to Oxford and, crucially, which supports the creation of safe and accessible spaces for LGBTQ+ people :)
Image description: 1. Five people: Ami, Glyn, Bronwyn, Nadja and Flora, sit on some steps by the Rad Cam. They are all wearing black tees and jumpers with “Plush For All” printed on the front in rainbow colours. Glyn and Ami hold up a rainbow Pride flag behind them. 2. The same group poses in front of the Hertford Bridge. Glyn and Bron hold the flag in the back, whilst Flora stands Ami kneels in the foreground and Nadja lies on the ground at the very front of the photo. 3. Flora stands in front of the bridge wearing a long-sleeved, hoodless Plush for All jumper and red trousers 4. Glyn poses under Hertford Bridge in a black Plush For All tee shirt and blue jeans.
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location is gonna be on the right of the path down chch meadows to the isis (poplar walk) !!


PANEL: Gender policing? When nature calls, all anyone wants to do is use a toilet! Thursday 30th, 6-7 pm, New College
The New College JCR/MCR LGBTQ+ Officers will be hosting a panel/info event on gender neutral bathrooms in the New College Lecture Room 6.
... Come and find out more about why gender-neutral bathrooms are such an important safety issue, and what we can do to make New College's (and other) bathrooms a safe place for everyone to use.
Joining our discussion will be Kei Patrick (she/her), Wadham SU's Trans Rep, and Teddy (he/him), another student from Wadham, who will be sharing with us their thoughts, experiences, and concerns regarding gendered bathrooms.
This event will give us the chance to have an informed discussion before an MCR vote on neutralising all New College bathrooms later this term.
The venue is wheelchair-accessible.
Please contact Rose, Giulia or Moritz for more information about the event! giulia.bernardini@new.ox.ac.uk rose.laurie@new.ox.ac.uk moritz.reithmayr@new.ox.ac.uk
Image description: Poster entitled "Gender policing?" featuring of a roll of toilet paper. Printed into the toilet paper is: "When nature calls, all anyone wants to do is use a toilet!". There is a subtitle on the bottom left: "info event on gender-neutral bathrooms". Poster includes the New College crest, featuring a rainbow chevron, and information about the time, place and date of the event.
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In an attempt to use our social media platforms to give back to our membership, contribute to access and outreach efforts, and help spread and create positive, nuanced and diverse images of LGBTQ+ communities and individuals, we have decided to launch Out in Oxford: an LGBTQ+ Humans of Oxford Series, a photographic social media campaign that we’ll be sharing primarily through our new instagram @oulgbtq (www.instagram.com/oulgbtq).
You can find our statement of intent and gene...ral information about the project here: https://docs.google.com/…/16C9CfA65zWKa VlyWVm1x_Ezt5g…/edit…. As well as on an instagram post dedicated to launching the initiative: https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx2Tlo3HYel/.
If you would like to take part, we’ll be needing a photograph and a written statement from you.
The statement should be personal, but don’t worry about it too much, we’d just love to hear about your experiences. We have some guidance available and some guiding questions on the document above, please take a look at that for some ideas. To submit a statement, please send in an email with ‘Out in Oxford’ in the subject line, and send in your name and pronouns (as well as your college and/or subject, if you are comfortable with sharing that information), as well as a short personal statement according to the guidelines above. We will then be in touch with more information and with a consent form.
We’ll also be having drop-in photo sessions starting from tomorrow at the Rad Cam, so please sign up for a sessions using the following form: https://forms.gle/AW3VkhMq9CMxeWCWA. Daisy will be in touch with you after you’ve signed up to confirm and to talk through the details. If none of the sessions are convenient for you, please email oupubl@gmail.com, and do feel free to get a head start with your statement, and we’ll try sort something out!
Please email Daisy (oupubl@gmail.com) or drop us a Facebook message here with any questions, we can’t wait to get this ball rolling!
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✨🏳️‍🌈🐣🕊️✨ This is a reminder that registration for Rainbow Marriages are still open ✨🏳️‍🌈🐣🕊️✨
Getting Rainbow Married and becoming a Rainbow Parent is a great opportunity to welcome next year's freshers in to the LGBTQ+ community at your college and beyond!
Sign up for a marriage of up to 3 spouses, and over the summer the Rainbow Stork (Glyn Owen) will match you up with freshers to be your Rainbow Children
... Read the post below for details and some FAQ, any additional questions? e-mail Glyn at ousecre@gmail.com
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Oxford's Films For Europe will be hosting a FREE screening of Almodovar's 'La Mala Educación' at Queen's College.
This Spanish film deals with issues of sexuality and gender in Franco and post-Franco era Spain, tackling issues within the church and the film industry.
Hit going, interested or 'save' on the event to get updates closer to the date.

More about Oxford University Lgbtq Society

Oxford University Lgbtq Society is located at Oxford, Oxfordshire