Oxy Therapy

About Oxy Therapy

Leaner Body Coach for busy women | ­¤ć©­¤ćĄ ­¤ć¼­¤ć¦
­¤ī┐Get leaner, flatter tummy, triple energy, cut cravings
­¤īłA Mind & Body approach to feel Good + Confident once and for all



Did you know that you become like the 5 people you spend the most time with??? So choose your tribe wisely­¤śē­¤ÖÅ­¤ææ­¤żŚ­¤ÆĢDid you know that you become like the 5 people you spend the most time with??? So choose your tribe wisely­¤śē­¤ÖÅ­¤ææ­¤żŚ­¤ÆĢ


THIS WAS MY FIRST SELFIE EVER AT 39 Almost 1 year ago before we leave Europe!
I never intended to share this photo... but here I am because what I'm going to say might resonate with some of you. .... .
I was saying that I wanted to make a bigger impact yet I was not consistent online, .
I was saying that I wanted to do like those women in my field growing their personal brand, yet I was procrastinating, . I was saying that I wanted to move my business online so that I could travel, work from anywhere with my laptop & my phone, yet I was finding excuses such as it's not the right time, I need a big following, I don't like/no clue about marketing & all, .
I was saying all of this but I had a big internal conflict about social media being superficial and that people on there had nothing else more interesting to do in their life than sharing their personal life. I am being honest. That was obviously a limiting belief that I had developed.. . .
EVERYTHING CHANGED WHEN my partner & I decided to join an educational business platform and community of online entrepreneurs 7 months ago. Teaching and mentoring us on how to create a personal brand by being our authentic self, creating impact & income online while living life in our own terms wherever in the world.. and so much more.. .
It hasnŌĆÖt always been easy ŌĆö but every step has been totally worth it .
And the BEST is yet to come as EPIC platform uplevellings are happening and it's completely CHANGING THE GAME . .
ŌĀĆŌĀĆŌĀĆŌĀĆŌĀĆŌĀĆŌĀĆŌĀĆŌĀĆ If you'd like to learn more or be part of the GAME CHANGING, drop ŌĆ£GAMEŌĆØ below or message me and letŌĆÖs have a chat!
Much Love x
#education #digitalnomadgirls #digitalmarketing #makeanimpact #onlinebusiness #educationalplatform #gamechanger #epic #personalbranding #incomestreams #onlineincome #lifebychoice #lifebydesign #lifecoaching
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­¤Ź▓THE 1 INGREDIENT YOU NEED IN YOUR RECIPE FOR SUCCESS . . >>Find out what is it that has such A COMPOUNDING EFFECT on yourself, your life and business<< ­¤ÄźWatch this, think of the things you say you really want and be honest with yourself­¤żö
... If you feel you struggle to put "this ingredient in your recipe" about the things you really want to achieve, feel free to share here or send me a message and let's have a chat­¤ŚŻ
­¤ōŻShare this video with anyone you know that might need to hear this and let me know once you've done it . . . .
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If you want to live a life you've never lived, you get to do things you've never done before. Nothing changes IF nothing changes­¤śēIf you want to live a life you've never lived, you get to do things you've never done before. Nothing changes IF nothing changes­¤śē


Ahhh this feeling when you receive a private message form someone you don't know yet giving you outstanding feedback from the work you do online­¤ź░ . .
It just happened to someone who recently joined my team and it made my day to feel how happier and even more boosted she was after this­¤Åå... . . .
Making a difference in people's lives doing what we love and believe in is one of the best reward ever­¤Æ× . . .
Having an online business in today's digital economy is the BEST WAY to impact more people globally . . .
So whoever sees this post, thank you for being here and supporting us!­¤ÖÅ
#onlinebusiness #Freedomlifestyle #educationalplatform #education #onlinemarketing #impact #makingadifference #health #sustainability #highvibe #digitalnomadgirls #digitalmarketing
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Sitting down is the new disease of our generation...­¤Öł­¤Öē­¤Öł
MOVING DAILY and often throughout the day is key for your energy levels, joints, muscles, cellulite (yeah sorry ladies), your mind and so much more­¤śĆ
What Movement or Exercise have you managed to sneak in today guys?­¤æć­¤æć­¤æć
... PS: If you have not, it's not too late. Could be any moves really (ideally engaging your full body) as long as you break the patterns of holding the same position(s) for too long, get the blood to circulate, and ideally muscles to be challenged (at least a bit­¤śü)
Today was my rest day and I just did some yoga and fun animal movements 20mins
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Next Level Education & Trainings from the Online Business Platform I am a part­¤ż»
+ Calls with my Tribe where we mentor, support, brainstorm ideas and hold each other accountable­¤æ®ŌĆŹ­¤Æ╗­¤æ©ŌĆŹ­¤Æ╗­¤æ®ŌĆŹ­ ¤Æ╗­¤æ©ŌĆŹ­¤Æ╗
+ Writing for & Collaborating with My Healthy Bangkok­¤Æ”­¤īÄ­¤ÖÅ
... +Conversations with like-minded people - clients or business partners­¤żŚ
STILL leaving me plenty of room to enjoy a Swim + Massage or Healing session + Yoga Mobility private Session like today!ŌØż
This pretty much sums up the last couple of days. Loving my online businesses­¤æī­¤Öī
On my way for a healthy lunch followed by Video Shooting & Yoga Session with this beauty @Minna McHale @Inhaleexhalemchale who is leaving for Kuala Lumpur soon­¤śó
BUT we met online and will continue working together online, the beauty of the digital economyŌ£ī
Enjoy your day guys Muahh x
#onlinecoaching #onlinebusiness #femaleentrepreneur #workfromanywhere #mentoring #education #togetherwerise #onlinecommunity #holistichealth
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I have always associated getting too comfortable with being stuck or, boring, or not progressing eg loss of excitement for life. That's only my personal view.
In my experience, stretching out my comfort zone has helped me grow­¤ī┐ and create the most magical things and experiences in my lifetime - whether it's business, lifestyle, or else.
Until it becomes comfortable again and I stretch out further and so on.
­¤æŗThere is no secret. If you truly want to shift your current reality, you have to do things you never did before, it's gonna take you to step into an upgraded version of yourself.
And it might feel intense and uncomfortable for a while but that's when the transformation happens and the Universe will reward you 10 folds on the other side­¤żĖŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ
Remember everyone has their own definition of what "uncomfortable" is for themselves. Something tiny for one would be perceived big for others.
­¤æē­¤żøSo what "Uncomfortable New thing" could you start this week to create more magic in your life? How can you challenge yourself?
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LIFE is such a great teacher that when you donŌĆÖt learn a lesson, it repeats it until you get itŌØż­¤æŖ­¤śü­¤ÖÅŌ£īŌØżLIFE is such a great teacher that when you donŌĆÖt learn a lesson, it repeats it until you get itŌØż­¤æŖ­¤śü­¤ÖÅŌ£īŌØż


This is what Food Shopping delivery should look like with as little packaging & plastics as possible. Full of wholefoods (organic or pesticide free as much as you can)­¤ź”­¤źæ­¤īČ­¤Źä­¤Źå­¤źĢ
Always look for BULK purchase, if its is a small shop like- I love working with­¤ÆĢ as a small business entrepreneur myself, ALWAYS ASK as they'll usually offer great discounts! You will save on packaging, delivery cost, time and overall make a more sustainably responsible choice­¤Öī
I am very picky with the qu...ality of the food, drinks AND products I put on my body (which is under my control as opposed to pollution for example) BUT also with the impact of each of my consumer decisions­¤īÅ­¤īŖ­¤Æ¦
These days you can find lots of fancy juices and superfood products, that are not cheap!!, but they use a plastic bottle... WTF???­¤śĪ They clearly get their marketing wrong, definitely with me.
Anyways, so grateful for all small or bigger businesses + health/planet conscious people like me who can make a big impact­¤żŚ
Happy Monday ­¤ŹĆ
#sustainability #wholefoods #holistichealth #healthcoaching #nutritionistuk #bangkokexpatlife #radiancewholefoods #smallbusinessowners #entrepreneurship #plasticfree #makeanimpact
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Soooo much fun learning & practicing animal moves with Inhaleexhalemchale­¤”å­¤”Ć­¤ÉŠ­¤ÉÆ­¤ÉĖ
­¤æĆAnd new fun mobility moves to follow in my stories too­¤æĆ
It's more challenging than it looks guys!!­¤Öł­¤śĆ
... Perfect brain stimulation with different move patterns, coordination let right with lower and upper body and enhanced mobility.
#movementculture #movement #movementismedicine #animalwalks#bodyweighttraining #inhaleexhalemchale #oxytherapy #holistichealth #wholeness #wellbeing#wellness #bangkokexpatlife #bangkokexpat#expatlifethailand
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Make it a mission to find "your" Freedom, whatever that means to you - and Breath there. Laugh there, Love there, LIVE THERE!­¤Æ½Make it a mission to find "your" Freedom, whatever that means to you - and Breath there. Laugh there, Love there, LIVE THERE!­¤Æ½


ŌÅ░LAST CALL - ONLY A COUPLE OF TICKETS LEFT ­¤ÆźWoop Woop, So EXCITED for tomorrow's Free Event
­¤ī┤­¤Æ╗­¤ō▓START YOUR ONLINE BUSINESS, like I did! ­¤ō▓­¤Æ╗­¤ī┤
... For those who make it, I will share more details about this opportunity than I do online so do your best to be there. For those who can't attend in BANGKOK Thailand, comment "ME" below or message me. Audrey x
Ō£©Ō£©Ō£©Ō£©Ō£©Ō£©Ō£©Ō£©Ō£©Ō£©Ō£©Ō£© Join us for our Bangkok Meetup and discover how you can use the same educational platform to run your own holistic health online business from anywhere you wish and in a way that aligns with you, like we do. Only sharing what works
You can use the educational platform on its own which teaches us everything we need to know to create or grow a successful biz online or you can use it and decide to run your holistic business like I do.
This online business can be run along with a part-time or full-time job while you progressively replace your full-time income in a matter of months.
This is a new lucrative way to leverage the online space and generate legit long term passive income which I will share the crispy details of.
You will learn how you can do this from your phone and laptop. We will also share with you a typical Mentorship you can apply for when you join our online platform & community to fast-track your results.
This business is life-changing and purposeful. This is a business, not a get rich-quick scheme!
This Event is for you if:
~You want to start your own online business ~Or You want to grow & scale your existing online business ~Or You want to start something different and meaningful online ~You value health, freedom, personal growth, making an impact, connection with like-minded entrepreneurs ~You are ready to learn and be coachable ~Your done trading time for money or living a life you donŌĆÖt feel fulfilled with ~You want to have it all: more time, more money, more freedom, more impact, more travel, more of what you want which is our birthright
Please register before you show up as seats are limited. See you there!
­¤øæPS: Side effects areŌĆ” ~Real impact on health, the planet and sustainability ~You can work with who you want, when you want, where you want ~High Vibe community with world class trainings and on-going support ~You might be the most alive and fulfilled youŌĆÖve ever been ~You can create more freedom and abundance to do the things youŌĆÖve always wanted
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Who wants to play?­¤śĆ Share a pic of you when you were little to remind yourself how wildy free, playful, and fearful you were! . . .... "You have always been so determined" that's what my mum said when she sent me this picture of me.
WHAT IF you were putting this picture in a place you see everyday to remind yourself of this?­¤śĆ­¤Öī Especially when "Fear" crisps in.
The best way to overcome Fear and Free yourself is to do it anyway. It's basic but so true­¤śē
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And why it's so important to do that so that everything you do and create in your life is from that higher state­¤śÄ­¤öź


LAOS ­¤ć▒­¤ć” Coming soon! So excited!!! First time ever­¤Öī Any recommendations from my FB travelling friends?LAOS ­¤ć▒­¤ć” Coming soon! So excited!!! First time ever­¤Öī Any recommendations from my FB travelling friends?


TRADING TIME FOR MONEY­¤żĘŌĆŹŌÖĆ’ĖÅ Are you Free Saturday? . . .... I Love my 1:1 Coaching Business but let's Face It. You Still Trade Time For Money Even if you run Workshops which I love too You Can Not Earn Money While You Sleep
Oh But What About Online Courses? Yeah awesome but even a successful business has its limitations & financial pressures. Plus Relying on 1 Main Income Stream is a risky business!
Ō£ģSo I found a Way to Leverage Social Media and Tick ALL the Boxes ­¤īÄIncluding Impacting my HEALTH, THE PLANET, and OTHERS
Listen, it's simple...
Our tribe of online entrepreneurs is GROWING BY THE DAY because we found an amazing business platform and vehicle to teach people like you & me willing to learn how to leverage Internet/Social media in a smarter way using automation and create a legit long-term passive income as a result.
I can share with you how I run my holistic health online biz from my laptop & phone and see if that's something you'd like to do too, or not!!
What Do You Have to Lose?
Comment here or message me if your really keen to learn more OR Registrer for my Free Event in Bangkok Saturday where I will for the first time share the low down. Link in the comments
See you on the other side­¤ÖÅ x
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DO IT ANYWAY­¤śŹ . . . Ō£ī’ĖÅYep.Just. Do. It.Ō£ī’ĖÅ

More about Oxy Therapy
