Ozmo Motorsport Remap Tuning Specialists

Monday: 10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 18:00
Friday: 10:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 11:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -

About Ozmo Motorsport Remap Tuning Specialists

Our custom remap tuning starts at just ВЈ199! The south west's hgv car van tractor vehicle remap tuning specialists , call for more info on 01305 457750



Have some spaces come available for tuning this morning due to cancellations .... 2 of them have paid non refundable deposits .... so IвҖҷm passing the saving on to you guys .... so discounted already for you
If your game message me - IвҖҷm down the premises in Dorchester from 10,30 so come on down and have a cuppa - if you bring bacon you will be loved рҹҳҚ


рҹ”Ҙрҹ’ЁрқҹҸрқҹҺ% рқҗҺрқҗ…рқҗ… рқҗҖрқҗӢрқҗӢ рқҗ“рқҗ”рқҗҚрқҗҲрқҗҚрқҗҶ рқҗ”рқҗҚрқҗ“рқҗҲрқҗӢ рқҗ“рқҗҮрқҗ„ рқҗ„рқҗҚрқҗғ рқҗҺрқҗ… рқҗүрқҗ”рқҗӢрқҗҳвқ—рҹ’Ёрҹ”Ҙ вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– рҹ’Ёрҹ’Ёрҹ’Ёрҹҡ— рқҷҺрқҷҖрқҷүрқҳҝ рқҷҗрқҷҺ рқҳј вңүпёҸ рқҷҠрқҷҚ рқҳҝрқҷҚрқҷҠрқҷӢ рқҷ”рқҷҠрқҷҗрқҷҚ рқҳҫрқҳјрқҷҚ рқҷҚрқҷҖрқҷӮ рқҳҪрқҷҖрқҷҮрқҷҠрқҷ’ рҹ”» рқҷҸрқҷҠ рқҷҸрқҳјрқҷҶрқҷҖ рқҳјрқҳҝрқҷ‘рқҳјрқҷүрқҷҸрқҳјрқҷӮрқҷҖ рқҷҠрқҷҒ...
рҹ’ў Increased powerвқ— рҹ’Ёрҹҡ—... рҹ’ў More torque вқ— рҹ’Ёрҹҡ— рҹ’ў Improved MPGвқ— рҹ’Ёрҹҡ—
рҹ’Ҙ Fully insured and full mobile across Dorset!
рҹ’ў 0% Finance available- Spread the cost over 4 months!
рҹ”Ҙ Come to our Performance Centre in Dorchester!в Җ в Җ рҹ‘Ҡ Multi-car booking savings available! в Җ в Җ вӯ• Established for over 8 years; using only the best tools in the industry!в Җ вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– Save рҹ’°рҹ’°рҹ’° in the long run from fuel savings and get the best from your engine!
Give us a call рҹ“һ on 01305 457750 or send us a message рҹ“Ё for your FREE quote and for more information!
You can also check our Ozmo Motorsport website to check your vehicle stats to see what gains are available! рҹҢҺ вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– рҹҡ— Ozmo Motorsport Remap Tuning Specialists: The Remap Tuning Specialists across the South West рҹҡ— вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– вҳҺпёҸ 01305 457750 (Craig) вҳҺпёҸ рҹ“ұ07790 919405рҹ“ұ
Ozmo Motorsport Ltd Unit 5 Casterbridge ind estate London Road Dorchester Dorset DT1 1PL вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–
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вӯҗпёҸвӯҗпёҸвӯҗпёҸ рқ”Ҫрқ• рқ•Јрқ•• рқ”Ҫрқ•ҡрқ•–рқ•Өрқ•Ҙрқ•’ рқ•Ҡрқ•Ҙ рқҹҷ.рқҹһ рқ•Ӣрқ•Ұрқ•Јрқ•“рқ• вӯҗпёҸвӯҗпёҸвӯҗпёҸ #TunedAndTransformed! вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ –вһ–вһ– рҹ’Ёрҹ’Ёрҹ’ЁJensen Griffiths-Bownes brought this stunning Ford Fiesta St 1.6 Turbo into us last week...
...we further tuned this beauty рҹҳҚ from our Original Stage 1 tuning to a Stage 2 and added our вҖңCrackle overrunвҖқ enhancement....рҹ’Ҙрҹ’Ҙрҹ’Ҙ
... ...the engine modifications include uprated stainless exhaust, decat and an upratedair filter- Check the video out! рҹ”Ҡрҹ”Ҡрҹ”Ҡ вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ –вһ–вһ– вҶ”пёҸ BEFORE AND AFTER PERFORMANCE GAINS вҶ”пёҸ вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ –вһ–вһ– 182 вһЎпёҸ 215 вһ• 33 BHP 240 вһЎпёҸ 320 вһ• 80 NM вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ –вһ–вһ–
As confirmed by Jensen.... this car is night and day difference from our tuning
Contact us today for more info
We can offer you .....
рҹ’ў Increased powerвқ— рҹ’ў More torque вқ— рҹ’ў Improved MPGвқ—
рҹ’Ҙ Fully insured and full mobile facilities available across Dorset!
рҹ’ў 0% Finance available- Spread the cost over 4 months!
рҹ”Ҙ Come to our Performance Centre in Dorchester!в Җ в Җ рҹ‘Ҡ Multi-car booking savings available! в Җ в Җ вӯ• Established for over 8 years; using only the best tools in the industry!в Җ вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– Give us a call рҹ“һ on 01305 457750 or send us a message рҹ“Ё for your FREE quote and for more information! вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– рҹҡ— Ozmo Motorsport Remap Tuning Specialists: The Remap Tuning Specialists across the South West рҹҡ— вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– вҳҺпёҸ 01305 457750 (Craig) вҳҺпёҸ рҹ“ұ07790 919405рҹ“ұ рҹ“§ info@ozmo-Motorsport.co.uk рҹҢҸ www.ozmo-motorsport.co.uk рҹҢҸ www.remapping-dorset.co.ukрҹҢҸ Ozmo Motorsport Ltd Unit 5 Casterbridge ind estate London Road Dorchester Dorset DT1 1PL вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–
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вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– рҹ’Ёрҹ’Ёрҹ’Ёрҹҡ— рқҗғрқҗ‘рқҗҺрқҗҸ рқҗҳрқҗҺрқҗ”рқҗ‘ рқҗӮрқҗҖрқҗ‘ рқҗ‘рқҗ„рқҗҶ рқҗҒрқҗ„рқҗӢрқҗҺрқҗ– рҹ”» рқҗ“рқҗҺ рқҗ…рқҗҲрқҗҚрқҗғ рқҗҺрқҗ”рқҗ“ рқҗ–рқҗҮрқҗҖрқҗ“ рқҗҶрқҗҖрқҗҲрқҗҚрқҗ’ рқҗҖрқҗ‘рқҗ„ рқҗҖрқҗ•рқҗҖрқҗҲрқҗӢрқҗҖрқҗҒрқҗӢрқҗ„вқ— рҹҡ—рҹ’Ёрҹ’Ёрҹ’Ё вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– рҹ’ў Increased powerвқ— рҹ’ў More torque вқ—... рҹ’ў Improved MPGвқ—
рҹ’Ҙ Fully insured and full mobile across Dorset!
рҹ’ў 0% Finance available- Spread the cost over 4 months!
рҹ”Ҙ Come to our Performance Centre in Dorchester!в Җ в Җ рҹ‘Ҡ Multi-car booking savings available! в Җ в Җ вӯ• Established for over 8 years; using only the best tools in the industry!в Җ вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– Save рҹ’°рҹ’°рҹ’° in the long run from fuel savings and get the best from your engine!
Give us a call рҹ“һ on 01305 457750 or send us a message рҹ“Ё for your FREE quote and for more information!
You can also check our Ozmo Motorsport website to check your vehicle stats to see what gains are available! рҹҢҺ вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– рҹҡ— Ozmo Motorsport Remap Tuning Specialists: The Remap Tuning Specialists across the South West рҹҡ— вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– вҳҺпёҸ 01305 457750 (Craig) вҳҺпёҸ рҹ“ұ07790 919405рҹ“ұ рҹ“§ info@ozmo-Motorsport.co.uk рҹҢҸ www.ozmo-motorsport.co.uk рҹҢҸ www.remapping-dorset.co.ukрҹҢҸ Ozmo Motorsport Ltd Unit 5 Casterbridge ind estate London Road Dorchester Dorset DT1 1PL вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–
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рҹ”Ҙрҹ”Ҙрҹ”Ҙ All set for another busy one..have a good week! #OzmoTuning рҹҳҺ


We should probably use this as our next advert lol, wishing you all a great, sunny weekend! рҹҢһ #FridayFunny
вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– рҹҡ— Ozmo Motorsport Remap Tuning Specialists: The Remap Tuning Specialists across the South West рҹҡ— вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–... вҳҺпёҸ 01305 457750 (Craig) вҳҺпёҸ рҹ“ұ07790 919405рҹ“ұ рҹ“§ info@ozmo-Motorsport.co.uk рҹҢҸ www.ozmo-motorsport.co.uk рҹҢҸ www.remapping-dorset.co.uk
Ozmo Motorsport Ltd Unit 5 Casterbridge ind estate London Road Dorchester Dorset DT1 1PL вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–
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#рқҗ“рқҗЎрқҗ«рқҗЁрқҗ°рқҗӣрқҗҡрқҗңрқҗӨрқҗ“ рқҗЎрқҗ®рқҗ«рқҗ¬рқҗқрқҗҡрқҗІ to a wide range of engines getting #рқҗҺрқҗірқҗҰрқҗЁрқҗ“рқҗ®рқҗ§рқҗһрқҗқ! рҹҡ—рҹ’Ёрҹ’Ёрҹ’Ё вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– рҹ‘ҠIf it's got an ECU we can tune it! рҹ‘Ҡ
вӯ• Audi..... вӯ• Mercedes.... вӯ• BMW....вӯ• Range Rover...вӯ• VW ....вӯ•Ford Transit....вӯ• And many more!...
... We give you...
рҹ’ў Increased powerвқ— рҹ’ў More torque вқ— рҹ’ў Improved MPGвқ—
We are...
рҹ’Ҙ Fully insured and full mobile across Dorset!
вӯ• Established for over 8 years; using only the best tools in the industry!в Җ
Save рҹ’°рҹ’°рҹ’° in the long run from fuel savings and get the best from your engine!
We offer...
рҹ’ў 0% Finance available- Spread the cost over 4 months!
рҹ”Ҙ Come to our Performance Centre in Dorchester!в Җ
Give us a call рҹ“һ on 01305 457750 or send us a message рҹ“Ё for your FREE quote and for more information!
You can also check our Ozmo Motorsport website to check your vehicle stats to see what gains are available! рҹҢҺ вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– рҹҡ— Ozmo Motorsport Remap Tuning Specialists: The Remap Tuning Specialists across the South West рҹҡ— вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– вҳҺпёҸ 01305 457750 (Craig) вҳҺпёҸ рҹ“ұ07790 919405рҹ“ұ рҹ“§ info@ozmo-Motorsport.co.uk рҹҢҸ www.ozmo-motorsport.co.uk рҹҢҸ www.remapping-dorset.co.uk
Ozmo Motorsport Ltd Unit 5 Casterbridge ind estate London Road Dorchester Dorset DT1 1PL вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–
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So continuing on from yesterdayвҖҷs post of a fast jap car coming in for tuning ...... this is a big clue .....


рҹҢҹрҹҢҹрҹҢҹрҹҢҹрҹҢҹ- Some amazing feedback from Jensen-Griffiths-Bownes; the pleasure was all ours and thanks for the great review! вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– рҹҡ— Ozmo Motorsport Remap Tuning Specialists: The Remap Tuning Specialists across the South West рҹҡ— вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– вҳҺпёҸ 01305 457750 (Craig) вҳҺпёҸ рҹ“ұ07790 919405рҹ“ұ рҹ“§ info@ozmo-Motorsport.co.uk... . www.ozmo-motorsport.co.uk . рҹҢҺ www.remapping-dorset.co.uk . Ozmo Motorsport Ltd Unit 5 Casterbridge ind estate London Road Dorchester Dorset DT1 1PL вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– #dorset #dorsetcars #weymouth #dorchester #ecu #remapping #ecuspecialists #chiptuning #dyno #remap #bournemouth #poole #dorsetcars #weymouthlife #devon #dorsetlife #poole #carlife #remapgods #dorsetcars #dorsetcar #weymouthlife #devon #dorchester #dorchesterlife #freshmeets #southwestuk #dorsetlife #freshmeets #dorsetisbeautiful #dorsetcoast #weymouthbeach #carsofpoole #carsofbournemouth
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Tomorrow we have a very fast Japanese car in for tuning tomorrow .....
Anybody want a guess what it is ? A tiny (big) clue ....
I tuned itвҖҷs little brother only a few months ago .....
... Go go go
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рҹҳҺ And here's the answers to yesterday's #GuessTheGains post!
We can save you thousands in fuel costs on a beast like this!
Get in touch on our details below or send us a message for more info!... вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– рҹҡ— Ozmo Motorsport Remap Tuning Specialists: The Remap Tuning Specialists across the South Westвқ— рҹҡ— вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– вҳҺпёҸ 01305 457750 (Craig) вҳҺпёҸ рҹ“ұ07790 919405рҹ“ұ рҹ“§ info@ozmo-Motorsport.co.uk рҹҢҸ www.ozmo-motorsport.co.uk рҹҢҸ рҹҢҺ www.remapping-dorset.co.ukрҹҢҸ рҹҢҺwww.remappingdorset.comрҹҢҺ рҹҢҺwww.mobileremap.co.ukрҹҢҺ
Ozmo Motorsport Ltd Unit 5 Casterbridge ind estate London Road Dorchester Dorset DT1 1PL --------' #dorset #dorsetcars #weymouth #dorchester #ecu #remapping #ecuspecialists #chiptuning #dyno #remap #bournemouth #poole #dorsetcars #weymouthlife #devon #dorsetlife #poole #carlife #remapgods #dorsetcars #hgvtuning #weymouthlife #devon #hgv #dorsetbusiness #devonbusiness #tractor #dorsetractors #dorsetlife #tractor #tractortuning #tractorlife #dorsetfarm
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рҹҳҺ We haven't done a #GuessTheGains for some time so...
..guess the gains we achieved on this absolute beast рҹ’Ә a couple of months ago.....no cheating! рҹҳӮ
вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ –вһ–вһ–... рҹҡ— Ozmo Motorsport Remap Tuning Specialists: The Remap Tuning Specialists across the South Westвқ— рҹҡ— вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ –вһ–вһ– вҳҺпёҸ 01305 457750 (Craig) вҳҺпёҸ
рҹ“ұ07790 919405рҹ“ұ
рҹ“§ info@ozmo-Motorsport.co.uk
рҹҢҸ www.ozmo-motorsport.co.uk рҹҢҸ
рҹҢҺ www.remapping-dorset.co.ukрҹҢҸ
Ozmo Motorsport Ltd Unit 5 Casterbridge ind estate London Road Dorchester Dorset DT1 1PL
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Another classic #FridayFunny рҹӨЈрҹӨЈрҹӨЈрҹҳҺ.. Have a great weekend! вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–в Җ рҹҡ— Ozmo Motorsport Remap Tuning Specialists в Җ вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–в Җ #dorset #dorsetcars #weymouth #dorchester #ecu #remapping #ecuspecialists #chiptuning #dyno #remap #bournemouth #poole #dorsetcars #weymouthlife #devon #dorsetlife #poole #carlife #remapgods #dorsetcars #hgvtuning #weymouthlife #devon #hgv #dorsetbusiness #devonbusiness #tractor #dorsetractors #dorsetlife #tractor #tractortuning #tractorlife #dorsetfarm


We haven't done a #FridayFunny for ages..so enjoy! :-)


рҹҸҚпёҸрҹҸҚпёҸрҹҸҚпёҸ #ThrowbackThursday to this naughty dyno video at our Ozmo headquarters! рҹҳҲ
Turn up the volume to hear this beast purrrr ad get in contact with us for all your motorcycle rolling road needs! рҹҸҚпёҸ
~.~.~.~.~.~.~~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.... Ozmo Motorsport Remap Tuning Specialists ~.~.~.~.~.~.~~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~. вҳҺпёҸ 01305 457750 (Craig) вҳҺпёҸ рҹ“ұ07790 919405рҹ“ұ
рҹҢҸ www.ozmo-motorsport.co.uk рҹҢҸ
Ozmo Motorsport Ltd Unit 5 Casterbridge ind estate London Road Dorchester Dorset DT1 1PL
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Thank you Aaron for leaving out latest рҹҢҹрҹҢҹрҹҢҹрҹҢҹрҹҢҹ review on Google; always a pleasure and thanks for the great feedback! рҹҳҺ вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ– рҹҡ— Ozmo Motorsport Remap Tuning Specialists: The Remap Tuning Specialists across the South West рҹҡ— вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–... вҳҺпёҸ 01305 457750 (Craig) вҳҺпёҸ рҹ“ұ07790 919405рҹ“ұ рҹ“§ info@ozmo-Motorsport.co.uk . www.ozmo-motorsport.co.uk . рҹҢҺ www.remapping-dorset.co.uk . Ozmo Motorsport Ltd Unit 5 Casterbridge ind estate London Road Dorchester Dorset DT1 1PL
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вӯҗпёҸ2014 Case Puma 160 Stage 1 Power Tuning And Adblue SolutionвӯҗпёҸв Җ в Җ рҹ’ҘStandard 160bhp 767Nm Torqueрҹ’Ҙ в Җ в Җ рҹ’ҘTuned 190bhp 900Nm Torque рҹ’Ҙв Җ... в Җ рҹ’ҘWe are SPECIALISTS IN ALL VEHICLE TUNING , TRACTOR AGRI , HGV TRUCK LORRY COMMERCIAL tuning specialists and can tune all vehicles , car , 4x4 , van , bike , lorry , hgv , truck , tractor , boat , marine and even jet skis !! рҹ’Ҙв Җ в Җ If it has a ecu we can tune it , we are the only company locally that has the equipment to tune ANYTHING ( not just cars like other tuners ) в Җ в Җ Any questions ? Contact us for further help в Җ в Җ Save thousands рҹ’°рҹ’°рҹ’° in the long run from fuel savings and get the best from your engine! в Җ в Җ Take advantage of our amazing special offer; we're fully insured with the best equipment and we're the ONLY tuner that specialises in HGV , lorry and tractors locally!в Җ в Җ Comment below or give us a call for more information! вҳҺпёҸв Җ вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–в Җ рҹҡ— Ozmo Motorsport Remap Tuning Specialists в Җ вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–вһ–в Җ

More about Ozmo Motorsport Remap Tuning Specialists

Ozmo Motorsport Remap Tuning Specialists is located at Unit 5 Casterbridge ind estate, London Road, DT1 1PL Dorchester, Dorset
Monday: 10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 18:00
Friday: 10:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 11:00 - 16:00
Sunday: -