
About P3Ten

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P3Ten Description

P3Ten Foundation is rooted in Philippians 3: 10, 11 “10 that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death, 11 if, by any means, I may attain to the resurrection from the dead”

We exist to promote a radical lifestyle of wholehearted devotion to Jesus Christ and His kingdom in every aspect of life and society. We are committed to fulfilling this mandate through hosting various teaching and training initiatives; addressing relevant social issues; and in seeing the advancement of God’s kingdom through evangelistic and missions oriented programs.

P3Ten Foundation is a company limited by guarantee. It is the operating ministry of Joseph Boadu and associates and is accountable to the senior eldership of CLF International

We will be hosting the following:

1. Goal Setting Seminar

2. Faith Seminar

3. Singles Seminar

4. Men’s Conference

5. Marriage Seminar

6. Radical Life Conference

7. Various teaching seminars and conferences

More about P3Ten

P3Ten is located at 87 Trafalgar Road, SE10 9TS London, United Kingdom