Paradigm Fitness Uk

About Paradigm Fitness Uk

Amity Fitness - Coventry's Unique Body and Wellness Transformation Centre. Helping Men and Women in Coventry to feel and look their very best.

Paradigm Fitness Uk Description

Paradigm Fitness UK is warwickshires Premier Personal Training Service. We offer Group Based Training for both Men and Women that want to Lose Weight, Start Enjoying Exercise, Look Great, and generally start Feeling Fantastic. We are that confident, we offer a 100% Guarantee that we will achieve all of the above for you!

So what are you waiting for! We have helped 100s of people, just like you, increase their confidence, improve their quality of life, and just generally feel better about themselves in a very short space of time. We want to help you too and so we offer a FREE 2 week Membership to all those who want to start feeling great and looking fantastic. All you need to do is go to the following link, click the "claim" button, fill in ALL of your details, and make sure you then click "confirm" on the confirmation email we then send you. We shall then receive your details and get in contact with you as soon as we can to give you all the details you need to get started.

We really look forward to seeing you at Coventry and Warwickshire's most upcoming and exciting group based exercise programme to date!



Do I NEED to count calories in order to achieve my weight loss goals?
If you have been following our posts, it will be no secret to you that the weight loss equation is simple.
If you eat fewer calories than you expend consistently on a weekly basis, your waist line will reduce.
... However, though the equation is simple, actually putting that into action isn't, especially if you are just starting your journey and don't have a good understanding around nutrition!
The complex method would be to track EVERYTHING you eat, drink, and do on a daily basis, using various activity trackers, Food trackers, food scales..... It can all suddenly seem extremely daunting and overwhelming!
So is counting calories completely necessary in order to lose weight?
No, it's not.
It is ABSOLUTELY necessary to be in a calorie deficit at the end of each week, but how you achieve that can be made as simple as the weight loss equation itself.
Instead of complex applications, measuring everything you put on a plate, and having to use MATHS every day just to lose weight..
You just need to understand portion sizes more effectively!
And you can do this with 1 or 2 things you have with you, quite literally, every second of the day!
Your Hands! (Unless of course, for some unfortunate reason, you have lost one)
We can use the size of our hand, along with our thumb (with both usually relative to our body size) to measure our portion sizes for various different foods!
This is so helpful because you'll always have them with you!
And it takes away the complex process that can be calorie counting.
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Do you want to BEGIN your Body and Lifestyle Transformation journey but don't know where to start?
You are not alone!
So many people we speak to are in the same position due to the HUGE amount of information out there.
... There are just too many strategies around, and picking just one is always going to be a daunting task.
So my advice to you right now, is to STOP!
Stop looking for shiny tactics and strategies..
These will NOT help you.
What they WILL do is completely overwhelm you, and you're never going to get where you want to be, ESPECIALLY if you want to achieve your goal and STAY there!
Instead, you need to take things one step at a time.
If I was working with your personally, I would want to know more about your current diet, and identify just a couple of things that could be tweaked in order to start getting your body functioning optimally.
These are some simple questions I would want to answer:
On a DAILY basis:
- How much water are you drinking?
- How much protein are you eating?
- What variety of Fruits and Veggies are you eating?
- Are you getting enough HEALTHY FATS in your intakes?
Improving all of these areas will get your body working BETTER, and that is where you want to start.
Once we have identified one or two areas that could be IMPROVED, you have exactly where you need to start.
Remember, this is a long term process.
Building long term habits will come from taking things one step at a time.
And it is important to stick to an INCLUSIVE mentality...
... Rather than an EXCLUSIVE one!
You ready to start???
Go For IT!
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Have something you want to achieve?
Something SO important to you that you just HAVE to achieve it?
Awesome! But you better be ready to INVEST in yourself!
... If you want anything in this world, you are gonna have to work for it - you're gonna have to INVEST!
It's gonna take time.
It's gonna take effort.
And it's gonna take some £££ too!
Here's my issue with so many people these days though...
They expect to be able to invest just ONE of these things to achieve success...
Think you can invest time alone, without the effort or money?
It ain't gonna happen
Think you can invest just the effort, without spending the time or money?
Think again...
And think you can throw money at your goal and leave time and effort at the door?
That will be money down the drain...
Look... If you have something you want to achieve that is SO important to you:
Maybe it's your health on the line; or your happiness; or even something to do with your professional life
You better be ready to invest a combination of ALL 3 things above, because it's gonna take time, it's gonna take effort, and it's gonna take money.
And it's absolutely WORTH IT!!!
You don't wanna put one of those on the table??
Then this goal isn't a priority for you at the moment...
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QUESTION: Can I switch from a FIXED to a GROWTH mindset?
If you read our post the other day about the differences between a fixed and growth mindset, you may have discovered you currently have a more fixed approach to things.
If you want to start to switch this, it's time to get off your butt and start learning and trying new things!
... Getting out of your comfort zone is going to be the first step to switching this around, and where at first you WON'T be comfortable doing this, if you keep on doing it you'll start to learn how to be comfortable with feeling uncomfortable!
Get what I mean?
Think of something you might have wanted to try or a process you wanted to start that maybe you didn't do for whatever reason...
Now is as good of a time as any to give it a go!
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QUESTION: Must I Eat CLEAN to be Healthy?
In order for me to answer this question effectively, we would need a definition as to what "eating clean" actually is, and currently there isn't a very clear verdict.
The Nutrition self perceived "Guru's" are still arguing with each other, so let's remove the word clean for a second and look at it a different way using words we can define.
... WHOLE FOODS are the fresh foods we can buy at the supermarket.
They are rarely, if ever in packaging, and tend to be the most nutritious for us!
PROCESSED FOODS are foods that have been processed and tend to be low in nutrients, often found in packaging on the shelves.
If your diet is based solely on whole foods, it would be highly likely that you have a very nutritious diet, which would certainly help you be "healthy" (although you do need to consider the many other variables associated with health)...
This isn't to say that having a few processed foods in your diet will make you unhealthy either!
For me personally, I stick to the 80 / 20 rule.
80% of my food intake will generally come from whole foods, with the remaining 20% being spent on those indulgencies, like M&S doughnuts for example :P
To summarise, stick to whole foods as much as you can, and you'll be getting plenty of nutrients into your diet!
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People that have a FIXED mindset believe their attributes and abilities are fixed and unchanging.
They often seek external validation and rely a lot on external motivators, always comparing themselves to others, and using others as a benchmark for their own success.
... People that have a GROWTH mindset believe their talents and abilities can be improved and developed.
They see failure as an opportunity to improve and learn and use other people as motivators, whilst recognising that they’re unique and can find their own way of doing things.
Do you have a FIXED or GROWTH Mindset?
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We said last week how we can't manage time, BUT we can manage ourselves and what we do with the time that we have.
Everyone has the exact same amount, it's just some use it a LOT better than others.
In the video, I talk about how to analyse how we are currently spending our time, and what we can do in order to manage our time more effectively!


I remember a time when I worked two 6am shifts for Pure Gym in Coventry..
God it was awful, especially in the winter...
... Getting up at 5am on a freezing cold, pitch black Monday morning was NOT how I wanted to start my weeks!
And getting up this early made it extremely difficult for me to get in a good breakfast - There was no way I could stomach my beloved scrambled eggs on toast that early in the morning... I was barely awake half the time!
Instead, I needed something I could put together in a matter of seconds, but still give me all the nutritional requirements a GOOD breakfast has: A GOOD source of PROTEIN!
So I invested in a Nutri-bullet and started throwing a load of mixed berries in with a splash of water, and half a scoop of vanilla protein powder.
Not only does it taste amazing, I also got all the goodness of the berries
AND between 23 - 27g of protein
All for a total prep time of less than a minute, and could take it in the car on my way to work, so i could drink it slowly as I gradually woke up..
There are plenty of protein supplements around, but if you're not sure, aim to get one with 20 - 25g of protein, and less than 4g of carbs and fat to keep the calories and sugar down!
I use pure whey from bulk powders if you're wondering!
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It's like a home from home..
Or as I call it... "The Office" 😂
Can tell the Uni Freshers are back in town though... It's heaving!
... Looking forward to their student loans running out so I get some peace and quiet to get some work done 😋
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What a beautiful afternoon
Time for some practise!


QUESTION: Can I Improve my Resilience towards Life's Obstacles?
Resilience is the 7th habit or Steven Covey's 7 habits of highly effective people.
He explains that in order to be resilient, we must always consider 4 areas of our life:
... - Our Physical Life - Our Mental Life - Our Spiritual Life - Our Social / Emotional Life
Therefore, if we want to improve our resilience towards certain situations, we must look to improve these areas.
Take your Physical being for example...
Do you look after your body effectively?
Are you exercising regularly?
Do you work on your physical strength, as well as your cardiovascular fitness or mobility / flexibility?
What's your diet like?
Do you eat plenty of natural unprocessed food?
If we can improve our physical being by simply working on all of these things, we will be more resilient to certain obstacles that get in our way.
Then we have our spiritual side - Are we aligning ourselves to our personal core values, or have we lost our way?
Our mental side - Do we look to expand our minds through reading and learning? Or do we spend too much time in front of the TV?
And finally our emotional / social side - As Covey puts "It comes from inside-out congruence, from living a life of integrity in which our daily habits reflect our deepest values"
Considering all of these areas of our life will help us to be more resilient when required!
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😮 How I've managed to UNKNOWLINGLY lose over 10LBS of weight over just a couple of months...


QUESTION: Will doing Abdominal Exercises, target my Belly Flab???
In Short - No.
I hate to break it to you, but there is NO research anywhere that suggests we can TARGET specific fat stores around the body!
... Unfortunately, the ONLY way we can target that belly flab, is to get on a calorie deficit and be PATIENT!
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How RESILIENT are you???
Resilience is the ability to RECOVER from perceived obstacles, and instead of allowing them to halt our progress, we turn them around into POSITIVE OPPORTUNITIES!
Life throws us curve balls all of the time, and there's no getting around this...
... But the more resilience we have will lead to a more positive reaction when these situations occur!
It's the art of getting knocked down 7 times but getting back up 8.
It's the realisation that FAILURE is just a learning process, which (to be successful) is a process we all must make to climb that ladder of success in our personal or professional life.
Have a think about the last time you felt anxious, or nervous about a situation, or you even felt like you had failed.
What did you do?
Did you allow those feelings to completely consume you?
Did you let these obstacles get in your way?
Did you allow failure to... well, Win?!
Or did you power through, and understand that problems are just problems until we find the solution?
The transformation journey is not a simple path, and you will be faced with countless obstacles along the way.
And next time something "comes up" take a minute to decide what you want to do about it.
Let it get in the way?
Or sit down and work out a solution?
The good news is my friends, is it's completely YOUR CHOICE :)
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Prawn and Pancetta Linguine with a garlic, chilli, and chive sauce.


QUESTION: How much Protein should I have daily if I want to lose weight?
If you have seen my previous posts about protein, you'll understand how beneficial it is when we want to lose weight!
I don't want to go into the details here and instead get straight to the point.
... (If you haven't seen WHY it's so important, then have a read of this first: )
So, how MUCH protein should you have daily?
Well it all depends on the individual: Your body stats, preferences, and goals.
The minimum recommendation is that you have 1 gram of protein for every 1kg of body weight
So if you weigh 60kg, you should have a MINIMUM, 60 grams of protein a day.
For typical weight loss goals, I recommend my clients aim for slightly above that, and depending on their preferences they have anything from 1.2g per kg bodyweight, all the way up to 2g per kg bodyweight!
If you are just starting off, first of all make sure you are getting the minimum, and then gradually increase from there if you wish!
If you increase your protein WITHOUT monitoring your calorie intake, this COULD increase your overall calorie consumption which will inhibit your weight loss.
As long as you understand your calorie consumption though, you shouldn't have an issue :)
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Assume you live till your 75 years old... (not the nicest thought lol, but bare with me...)
That is a total of 657,000 hours.
Take any given day (lets use Monday).
... You have an average of just 3,900 Mondays in your life.
At 37 years old, you have just 1,950 Mondays left.
If you are unhappy, if you are NOT living the life you want, if you don't feel like YOU any more...
...Don't Wait any longer!
You are in full control of your life and destiny, and it's time to put YOU first!
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My standard Friday Golf day got ruined with rain and a group of 4 guys in their 90s in front slowing it all down...
So sacked it off and got a very needed trim at the barbers instead.
#barbershop #golfgoals #fitness #fitlife #pt #coachlife #fitfam


This is really worthwhile


Really enjoying my personal training with Sam... feeling good!


Reaching my goals thanks to Sam's classes and one-to-one sessions.


Ooooooh you sexy boy!


I’ve been training with Paradigm fitness for many years, dropped over 2 stone and down 2 dress sizes, it’s not just that that keeps me going, I’m stronger & fitter than ever before, love using weights & enjoy the social side of the classes, it’s now just become a way of life for me which I can’t see stopping � � �


Have gone from strength to strength, a natural high. :-D

More about Paradigm Fitness Uk

Paradigm Fitness Uk is located at St Nicholas Street, CV1 4BT Coventry, United Kingdom