Parallel Collective

About Parallel Collective

We are architects. We are thinkers. We are engineers & designers.



Different mediums reveal different qualities of each project. Here, a hand-drawn illustrative section by @anoushae for our winning proposal for a school in Palermo, Italy. #parallelcollective #sketch


FUNGO | Competition entry for a school in Bologna, Italy.
Our proposal is approached as an iconic gesture within a sensitive natural landscape. A two-storey building, consisting of a bold concrete base and an elaborate wooden top, hosts formal and informal spaces of education. The accessible rooftop is increasing the playing area while also providing unobstructed views to the surroundings.


Merry Christmas | Happy New Year


Our new retail project, Chiosco London, is hosted at the ground floor of the Commonwealth House, an emblematic Art Deco building originally designed by architect and planner Henry Philip Cart De Lafontaine in 1939.
The brief called for a space that reflects the client’s identity and at the same time settles well in the context. The basement and ground floor levels are dedicated to bar & dining, while the mezzanine hosts the NHVR fashion boutique.
Our proposal aims to create a...n explosive experience where elements from the building’s nostalgic character are interweaved with vibrant industrial concepts in order to unfold a contrasting narrative and to celebrate the programmatic fusion of the project.
For more info, pleaase visit our website: ndon
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Material research for an upcoming project in central London.
01 green marble | perforated metal 02 dark concrete | white cement render 03 american walnut | terracota textile


It has been an honour to discuss about our work with students, professors and members of the municipality of the city of Palermo. Thank you #education #lecture #parallelcollective


2nd prize | Competition for the 'Scuole Innovative' in Monreale, Italy
Our proposal for an educational facility in Monreale is based on a sensitive approach towards the context. The building volume is articulated in two main axis that respond to the topography and create an open courtyard that frames the gulf of Palermo.


You can find our winning-project 'Sipario Urbano' on DIVISARE website!
Click below for more info:


We are featured in Architectural Association’s website for our competition-winning project ‘Sipario Urbano’, a school & community center in Palermo, Italy!
For more information click the link below: ICES/schoolNews.php


Our business cards are printed in 100% recycled paper, made from cotton T-shirts.


Chiosco Mediterranean Bar by Parallel Collective • The interior design is based on the juxtaposition of contrasting materials, which define the elements of space with abstraction and elegance.
#interiordesign #materiality


‘Sipario Urbano’ by Parallel Collective was awarded the 1st prize at the international architectural competition for a school in Palermo,Italy! The school presents itself as an 'urban curtain', concealing and revealing activities through its curated openings. The facade materiality picks hues from the context and demonstrates ideas of modularity and efficiency.
#facade #materiality #schoolarchitecture

More about Parallel Collective