Parish Of Mossley: Growing, Nurturing, Serving

About Parish Of Mossley: Growing, Nurturing, Serving

Welcome to the Parish of Mossley, served by the churches of St George's Mossley and St John the Baptist, Carrhill Road. ALL are welcome here!

Parish Of Mossley: Growing, Nurturing, Serving Description

Regular services:

9am Church open for fellowship @ St John's
9. 30am Communion @ St John’s
11am Parish Eucharist @ St George's
Tuesdays: 7pm Eucharist @ St George's
Thursdays: 10. 30am Eucharist @ St George's



This week: Sunday 9am Church open (SJ)... 9.30am Parish Communion (SJ) 11am Parish Eucharist (SG) 12.30pm Holy Baptism (SG)
Monday Bank holiday
Tuesday 9am Morning prayer (SJ) 7pm Eucharist (SG)
Thursday, Ascension Day 10.30am Eucharist (SG) 7pm Parish Communion (SJ) followed by drinks at the Vicarage
Next Sunday, Seventh Sunday of Easter 9am Church open (SJ) 9.30am All Age service (SJ) 11am Parish Eucharist (SG)
Whit Friday is 14th June. Please sign the list to assist!
Save the date: St John the Baptist Eucharist and lunch, 11am 23rd June at SJ, crowning of Rose Queen, 2.30pm on 23rd June at SG, United Eucharist at 11am at SG followed by Rose Queen lunch 30th June.
In July, we want to provide all our Yr6 leavers with a Bible this year (as we were able to last year). That means we need to buy 89 Bibles - please pass your donation on to Fr David or Fr Ian.
Following on from our Lent group, a monthly study group will be held at SJ, 19th June and 17th July, at 7.30pm, looking at Mark’s Gospel - join us!
We pray for: our schools on half term holiday.
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‘I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help comest even from the Lord’
We remember those who died in Manchester 2 years ago and pray for peace, and all whose lives are scarred by the horrors of violence and terror. Good to welcome visitors who came to share the view and remember together.


Very grateful to the traditional Whit Friday committee for their gifts towards our Whit Friday expenses!


Wherever you are, please keep a minute of silence as we remember, today at 2.30pm.
The floodlights of St John's will be turned on for 1 minute for each person who died, beginning at 10.09pm, and going out at 10.31pm, the time the bomb exploded.


Great to join Yr5 from St George’s School for ‘Experience Pentecost’ at the Methodist Church - so grateful for their ministry in this powerful and creative way!
The Vicar took a photo of the station that made him think most (because he’s hopelessly impatient!)


We’re waiting for the Churches Together total, but great to know our churches raised £420+ for Christian Aid. Thank you!!!We’re waiting for the Churches Together total, but great to know our churches raised £420+ for Christian Aid. Thank you!!!


Following on from our Lent group, a monthly study group will be held at St John's, Wednesday 19th June and 17th July, at 7.30pm, looking at Mark’s Gospel - join us!


Nearly ready for the Brownie Queen crowning at 7pm tonight!
Update: a good time was had by all and we wish new Brownie Queen Tamsin all the very best for her year!
We also thank retiring Brownie Queen Imogen for all her hard work for the Brownies and her generous donation of £100 for church funds!
... Thank you to all who came along tonight to what was a fantastic evening.
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Fab session of Messy church today as we thought about Pentecost and the gifts of the Spirit!


Statement issued by Greater Manchester Faith Community Leaders
We will vote on May 23rd. We urge all people in our communities to vote.
We did not expect these European elections. But, no matter how briefly those elected will sit in the European Parliament, we should all take part. Our communities' health depends upon it. Everyone has the chance to express their view. If we abstain, can we complain? If we stay at home, we may be saying “Yes” to a political vision that will de...stroy our society.
That is why we urge all people to vote – and why we ask all candidates to promote positive relationships between all of our communities. We ask each of them to reject and condemn any form of racism, xenophobia, discrimination, violence or harassment. All of these have no place in a civilised society.
We also seek candidates’ support for actions that address serious major changes in climate, environment and bio-diversity, whose impact will be felt by many.
We respect the unusual circumstances in which these elections have come about. We call on everyone to uphold the democratic values that underpin legitimate debate between people who, with sincerity and integrity, have major differences of view.
The right to vote has been hard won. Let’s cherish, protect and use it.
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A huge thank you to Junior Church for the beautiful and thoughtful cloud - it is greatly appreciated Fr Ian
And from me! FrD


This week: Sunday 9am Church open (SJ) 9.30am Parish Communion (SJ) 11am Parish Eucharist (SG)... 12.30pm Holy Baptism (SG)
Monday 3.30pm Messy Church (MAS) 7pm Brownie Queen crowning (SG)
Tuesday 9am Morning prayer (SJ) 7pm Eucharist (SG) 7.45pm SG PCC (SG)
Wednesday 9.15am MAS Assembly 1.30pm Funeral: Alan Reilly (SG) 2.30pm SGS Assembly
Thursday 9.05am MSJ Assembly 10.30am Eucharist (SG)
Saturday 1pm Wedding (SG)
Next Sunday, Sixth Sunday of Easter 9am Church open (SJ) 9.30am Parish Communion (SJ) 11am Parish Eucharist (SG) 12.30pm Holy Baptism (SG)
Christian Aid : please return envelopes to the red bucket today.
We celebrate Ascension Day on 30th May - BCP Eucharist 10.30am (SG) and Parish Eucharist 7pm (SJ) followed by drinks at the Vicarage.
Whit Friday is 14th June. Please sign the lists to assist!
SG 200 club April draw: 1st 30, 2nd 58, 3rd 143.
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On Wednesday we will mark the 2nd anniversary of the Manchester Arena bombing.
As we continue to pray for peace and for all affected by this tragedy, St John’s tower will be lit for 22 minutes, 1 minute for each person who died. The lights will go out at 10.31pm, the moment the bomb exploded.

More about Parish Of Mossley: Growing, Nurturing, Serving

Parish Of Mossley: Growing, Nurturing, Serving is located at Foxplatt Road & Carrhill Road, OL5 0LP & OL5 0SA Manchester, United Kingdom