Parkour Earth

About Parkour Earth

Parkour Earth is the International Federation for Parkour /Freerunning /Art du Déplacement.

Parkour Earth will comprise of and lead the international community from a platform of good governance, sound democratic process, and ethical conduct.

Parkour Earth Description

Parkour Earth is the International Federation for Parkour /Freerunning /Art du Déplacement.

Parkour Earth will comprise of and lead the international community from a platform of good governance, sound democratic process, and ethical conduct.



'GAISF announces sports programme for inaugural World Urban Games’ via Inside The Games
International Gymnastics Federation - FIG's continued, wilful attempt to unilaterally encroach, misappropriate and usurp #Parkour continues to be actively facilitated by ⁦the Global Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF)
#WeAreNOTGymnastics ✊


Parkour Earth are pleased to welcome the Swiss Parkour Association - SPKA as Affiliate members, following completion of our membership process and their application being approved by the Board.
Following the formal launch of the application process to join Parkour Earth, Parkour Earth continues to work with various National Federations (both those recognised by government and those that aren’t) and organisations/communities trying to form a National Federation in a territory ...where there is no national federation or organisation recognised by and/or in membership with Parkour Earth, to continue to provide support and encourage applications join Parkour Earth.
We ask the International Community to hear this call to action and embrace, engage, support, shape and own Parkour Earth as your International Federation and to help lay the foundations for a deeper level of integrity, transparency and good governance throughout our sport and community.
For further information on Membership Application and Membership Agreement forms, these can be found on our website. Follow the instructions within each form and once complete, return both to Parkour Earth with the necessary supporting documents. If you have questions or need help in completing the forms please contact us for support. mes-swiss-parkour-…
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Notice of General Meeting 2019
As per our Memorandum & Articles of Association, 31.1 An AGM/General Meeting is to be called by at least 30 clear days’ written notice.
A General Meeting will be held on Friday 22nd March 2019 at 08.00 (UK Time) at Squire Patton Boggs (UK) LLP, 7 Devonshire Square, London EC2M 4YH or via Skype for Business.
... Therefore, this provides 30 clear days notice of the General Meeting of Parkour Earth. In preparation for the General Meeting, the following documents will be made available;
> Parkour Earth – General Meeting Agenda – (Issued not less than 15 days before the date of the meeting to members) > Elected Director Nomination Form – (must be received no later than 10 days prior to the meeting) > Memorandum & Articles of Association – Proposed amendments (issued with the agenda) > Voting / Proxy Voting Forms (Issued not less than 7 days prior to the meeting to members)
As part of the General Meeting, Parkour Earth is inviting nominations for up to 4 Elected Directors to Join the Board of Parkour Earth
All current Parkour Earth Members are invited to attend - Parkour UK, Fédération de Parkour, New Zealand Parkour Association, Australian Parkour Association, Parkour South Africa, Polska Federacja Parkour i Freerun & Suomen Parkour ry
For any queries relating to the AGM please contact our Chief Executive – Eugene Minogue on or +44 (0)20 3544 5834
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Parkour Earth are pleased to welcome Finnish Parkour Association - Suomen Parkour ry as Full members, following completion of our membership process and their application being approved by the Board.
Following the formal launch of the application process to join Parkour Earth, Parkour Earth continues to work with various National Federations (both those recognised by government and those that aren’t) and organisations/communities trying to form a National Federation in a terr...itory where there is no national federation or organisation recognised by and/or in membership with Parkour Earth, to continue to provide support and encourage applications join Parkour Earth.
We ask the International Community to hear this call to action and embrace, engage, support, shape and own Parkour Earth as your International Federation and to help lay the foundations for a deeper level of integrity, transparency and good governance throughout our sport and community.
For further information on Membership Application and Membership Agreement forms, these can be found on our website. Follow the instructions within each form and once complete, return both to Parkour Earth with the necessary supporting documents. If you have questions or need help in completing the forms please contact us for support. mes-finnish-parkou…
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Elected Directors of Parkour Earth
As Eliot Duffy no longer remains an active office holder at the Australian Parkour Association as of 29 Sept 2018 & Gordon Tsang no longer remains an active office holder at the Parkour UK as of 8 Dec 2018, therefore they cease to be a Director of Parkour Earth
As set out in our Memorandum & Articles of Association 17.1.7 – [for Elected Directors] that person no longer remains an active office holder (on the Board or Committee) within their... Member National Federation throughout the duration of their term(s) of office and/or residency of that nation/territory
At the meeting of the Board on the 14 December 2018, the Board resolved that the positions of Elected Directors will be open for nominations as part of an EGM which could be held circa Q1 of 2019 and/or the 2019 AGM, which is due to be held in circa July 2019
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‘Eyeing 2024, gymnastics makes moves on free-spirited Parkour’
Further coverage by AP Sports on International Gymnastics Federation - FIG's continued attempt to unilaterally encroach, misappropriate and usurp Parkour
#WeAreNOTGymnastics ✊


‘Parkour Earth criticise International Olympic​ Committee for failing to intervene in dispute with International Gymnastics Federation - FIG’ via Inside The Games
“If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor” - Desmond Tutu​
#WeAreNOTGymnastics ✊


‘International Gymnastics Federation - FIG guilty of stealing ownership of parkour to appease the IOC’
Further coverage by Inside The Games‬⁩ on the continued wilful attempt by FIG to usurp Parkour
#WeAreNOTGymnastics ✊


Our Elected Director and CEO of our members New Zealand Parkour Association, Damien Puddle spoke to RadioNZ about the ‘hostile takeover of parkour’ by International Gymnastics Federation - FIG
#WeAreNOTGymnastics ✊


‘Gymnastics chiefs accused of stealing parkour’
Thanks to BBC Sport for speaking with our CEO and shedding much need light on this illegitimate, unilateral attempt by International Gymnastics Federation - FIG to usurp Parkour
#WeAreNOTGymnastics ✊


If you really want to know WHY International Gymnastics Federation - FIG are attempting to usurp Parkour read this!
‘#WeAreNOTGymnastics’: Parkour fights to retain its soul via The Guardian
Thanks to Andy Bull for interviewing our CEO and for shedding much needed light on this!


Parkour Earth issues an Open Letter to the member National Gymnastics Federations of the International Gymnastics Federation - FIG
Today (1st Dec 2018), Parkour Earth has issued an open letter to the Presidents/Chairs & Secretary Generals/CEOs of member the National Gymnastics Federations of the Fédération Internationale de Gymnastique (FIG) regarding the illegitimate and unilateral encroachment, misappropriation and attempt to usurp Parkour.
Our position, as well as that of... our member National Parkour Federations (as demonstrated through various letters from the Parkour UK, New Zealand Parkour Association, South Australian Parkour Association, Polska Federacja Parkour i Freerun etc.) and by legitimate extension the wider international Parkour/Freerunning/Art du Déplacement community (as demonstrated through various letters from Denmark, Switzerland, United States Parkour Association etc.), in relation to those fundamental, legitimate and substantiated concerns, has not changed.
Parkour Earth respectfully, reasonably and legitimately requests for and on behalf of our member National Parkour Federations and the wider international Parkour/Freerunning/Art Du Déplacement community that National Gymnastics Federation votes NO or ABSTAINS on the resolution to ratify the proposed statutes (2018 edition) at the FIG Congress in Baku on the 2-3 Dec 2018.
Not to do so would be a direct conflict of interest and would raise significant additional ethical, governance and integrity questions - in addition to (with prejudice) possible questions in relation to European competition law.
However, if a two-thirds majority of FIG’s member National Gymnastics Federations vote to ratify the replacement of the FIG’s current statues (2017 edition), with the proposed statues (2018 edition) then Parkour Earth will have no choice but to launch a European competition complaint with the European Commission.
We continue to welcome open and mutually respectful dialogue with the FIG and by extension it’s member National Gymnastics Federations and we will continue to demonstrate our goodwill and intention to bring this matter to an amicable and reasonable resolution, but must record our continued objection to the illegitimate and unilateral encroachment, misappropriation and attempt to usurp Parkour and upon the sovereignty of the sport that Parkour Earth legitimately represents. s-an-open-letter-…/
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‪‘Parkour freerunning organizations resist FIG's efforts to 'usurp' the sport’ via DW News‬
‪Many thanks to Keith Walker for shedding much needed light on the continued wilful attempt by International Gymnastics Federation - FIG to usurp Parkour!‬
‪#WeAreNOTGymnastics ✊
... Parkour UK, Fédération de Parkour, New Zealand Parkour Association, Australian Parkour Association, Parkour South Africa, Polska Federacja Parkour i Freerun
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#WeAreNOTGymnastics ✊


#WeAreNOTGymnastics ✊


#WeAreNOTGymnastics ✊


#WeAreNOTGymnastics ✊


#WeAreNOTGymnastics ✊


Following informal contact with the Korea Parkour Association on the 30th October, to check on the status of our member National Federation, the President of the Korea Parkour Association – Jiho Kim, confirmed that the that Korea Parkour Association had been dispersed by its members.
In a formal letter received from the Korea Parkour Association on the 7th November 2018, it confirmed that in accordance with their articles of association section 4-18, they held general meeting... on 30th September 2018 and the majority of their members agreed to disperse Korea Parkour Association. The formal proceedings required to disperse completed on the 10th October 2018.
Therefore, as set out in our Memorandum & Articles of Association, the Korea Parkour Association no longer hold membership with Parkour Earth.
Parkour Earth will continue to provide information, advice and guidance to the community in Korea and will continue to offer any necessary support required in re-establishing a National Federation to represent its community at a National level.
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la mejor iniciativa que cada uno de nosotros como practicantes o lideres de grupos podemos apoyar para que el parkour siga siendo una disciplina libre


Very excited to see how this unfolds! I'm very pleased with the structure of governance so far.


Really hope they can live up to the huge expectations we have for them :) looking forward to all the good they can do.


Great idea, hope to see discussion move things forward to a common goal!


la mejor iniciativa que cada uno de nosotros como practicantes o lideres de grupos podemos apoyar para que el parkour siga siendo una disciplina libre


Very excited to see how this unfolds! I'm very pleased with the structure of governance so far.


Really hope they can live up to the huge expectations we have for them :) looking forward to all the good they can do.


Great idea, hope to see discussion move things forward to a common goal!

More about Parkour Earth

Parkour Earth is located at 10 Queen St Place, EC4R 1AG London, United Kingdom