
About Patagoniaessences

Essences, training and therapy with natural essences from the most remote and pristine landscapes of South America.



🌸What are Flower Essences? Flower essences are liquid natural preparations; they are normally taken orally 💧but can also be used externally when prescribed. Each bottle of essence contains the energy of a specific species. The energy is obtained by putting the flowers in the water or by placing the water bowl around the flowers under the sun. It doesn’t have any chemical active components, just the vibration, which makes it a very safe therapy for use at any age and as a comp...lement for any other therapy that you can be using. The water copies the energy of the species and then it is kept with alcohol or vegetal glycerine. Because our body has around 70% of water, this ‘energised’ water will start resonating with our own water. Because it is not based in any chemicals of the flower, there are also essences from animals, crystals and other elements. These kinds of essences are called “Vibrational” essences and they work the same way as flower essences. 💧Have you tried flower essences before? We want to know about your experience! #floweressences #vibrationalessences #sheffield #wellbeing #naturalwellness #patagoniaessences #patagonia #thepowerofnature
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Sometimes on our flights to Patagonia we get lucky enough to see the southern ice field completely clear. This massive area it’s still covered with ice from the last glaciation and as the glaciers recede they uncover unseen mountains, ancient fosiles and create new lakes. 🌎The journey to Patagonia is always a journey to our most savage and untouched emotional landscapes too. And invitation to look at ourselves without the masks that we tend to use everyday. ❄️ You’re invited to feel it too!! #patagoniaessences #patagonia #floweressences #vibrationalessences #glacier #southernicefield #sheffield #wellbeing #natural #wild


My main feeling this beginning year is gratitude 🥰 💞For all the amazing people I’ve met along the UK... 🙌🏼For being able to share the immense healing power of nature as a reminder of who we truly are... 🦉Gratitude for having experienced myself the transformative journey that Patagonia Essences initiate... 💚And special gratitude for all those who have started to take the essences ad use them as therapists here in the UK and Europe, it’s an honour to be ambassador for such a me...aningful message. 🥳Welcome 2019! What are you grateful for today? #gratitude #patagoniaessences #wellbeing #patagonia #sheffield #sheffieldvegan #kingpenguin #floweressences #essence #naturalremedies #thankyou
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Un abrazo del equipo Patagonia 🌸 -


As we approach the last new moon of the year 🌑 three purple flowers decided to show up to help us settle our intentions 🌱 Take a moment to connect with your heart and share with us which of these are you drawn to in this moment of your life. I’ll be sharing with you the use of each essence so that it can help in your reflection. 🙌🏼 #floweressences #vibrationaltherapy #oracle #oraclecardreading #purple #patagonia #wildflowers #card #patagoniaessences


Did you know that we prepare our essences directly in the place where they live? And we always choose the most remote and pristine landscapes to do it! This way we can find the purest vibration and make sure that nothing is interfering in the healing properties of each species. We do this with respect and a deep love for nature. Would you like to try this feeling? #floresdebach #bachflowers #essences2018 #bfvea #esenciaspatagonia #therapy #terapiafloral #floweressences #vibrationaltherapy #vibrationalessences #esenciasflorales


Today I'd like to introduce you to 'Soldadito' (little soldier🌷), this tiny and colourful flower grows holding onto other trees and its essence is one of my favourites to take on this time of the year where energy levels might feel a bit low. Soldadito brings a boost of optimism to our lives! 🌟 Making us feel committed and motivated to follow a routine and bringing lots of energy, especially to start the day. 💪
In a Flower Essence session, we can mix it with other relevant essences for you in a customised blend. You can book your session or just pop a message with your questions by messenger. XX


My favourite way to start the day 🙏🏼💙


Wise words about grief. I love to see that this is exactly how essences work in situations of deep pain....they guide you into it with a feeling of support and confidence. They don't aim to cover any symptoms but invite you to safely explore what they want to show to you so that you can heal with your own tools and at your own rhythm <3


After a short break I’m back in Sheffield and ready to keep preparing all your magic Patagonian potions 💧🙌🏼✨ Just text an inbox 😉 See you soon! #floweressences #patagonia #patagoniaessences #vibrationaltherapy #practitioner #sheffield #sheffieldvegan #wellbeing


As days get shorter, so you notice any changes in your mood? We’d love to hear your experience! On the next days we’ll be sharing some of the powerful Patagonia Essences that can help you to cope with mood swings and seasonal affective disorder in a natural and respectful way ✨🍂💧 We hope you enjoy this amazing sunset we saw in #torresdelpainenationalpark #floweressences #patagoniaessences #vibrationalhealing #flowertherapy #patagonia #sunset #naturephotography


Next year we will be joining the BFVEA annual gathering and we're pleased to share a talk about Chile, Patagonia and these unique essences 🌟 More information on the BFVEA site ;)


Amazing night view from Atacama desert last can see Venus to the left, the moon 🌙 and Jupiter on top.


This is where our essences come from and what makes them so special! Would you like to feel this energy arising within you?


Many times our sessions lead to address ancient or unconscious traumas that are somehow still disturbing our happiness. Experiences lived in the womb, birth and first days of life are often the keys to understand those emotions that may seem illogical. Essences work at these deep levels helping us to release those experiences that are not nurturing us anymore to reconnect with the learnings that they offer and face life in a completely new way. This often happens through spo...ntaneous insights, dreams, emotional expression or even memories that arise, bringing feelings of clarity and fulfilment. Take a look at this talk to learn more about what science has discovered around this beautiful issue <3 And feel free to book your free clarity call to ask any doubts you might have!…/annie_murphy_paul _what_we_learn_befor…
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I can’t express how much I looove this blend! I normally have a very restorative sleep but every once in a while (normally close to 🌕) there’s one night when I can’t sleep deeply. With flower Essences there’s no one recipe for all because a similar symptom can have different emotional origins. So based on a conversation we prepare a special blend for you. With this one I’ve been sleeping like a baby ☺️☁️🌈 Really deep and restorative, apart from remembering my dreams and a lot of clarity to understand them. Also because they are natural, they balance your sleeping cycle so you wake up feeling really energetic and there’s no problem in taking them close to dawn (of you wake up at 5 am for example 🙄). They can be taken at any age and also during pregnancy. If you want to learn more, you can book a free call to get some clarity 😉 #flowertherapy #floweressences #vibrationalhealing #naturalwellbeing #sheffield #sheffieldvegan #bachflowers #patagoniaessences
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And meanwhile in the Southern Hemisphere...... 🍁🌎🌸 Welcome spring!! We celebrate this equinox by sharing some photos of our expedition last year to the Flowery Desert. These unique flowers have adapted to conditions of extreme dryness. To bloom on time, many of them have seeds protected by a thick layer of glaze that only comes out when there is enough water. This protects them from blooming in dry years, being able to survive many years underground. Isn’t nature just incredible? #equinoccio #primavera #equinox #floralessences #vibrationalessences #vibrationalessences #flowers #bachflowers #floralenceschile #desiertoflorido #cactusenflor #dloradechile #floranativa #nativeflowers #chile @Atacama, Chile


Equinox blessing for you all!! We welcome the autumn 🍂 Time for letting go of what it not longer nurturing you and make room for the new gifts that the Universe has prepared for you. 🍁🌦🌈


Day 7 of the International Essence Awareness Week. 'Communing with nature'. Have you ever feel like you just want to become one with the landscape? Tell us when it was the last time you had this feeling that communing with nature, we want to know your experience! 🙌🏼🌳🦋🍃✨
#ieaw2018 #essences2018 #essences #vibrationalessences #floralessences #floweressences #vibrationalessences #patagonia #arbol #nature #conexion


I've asked Natalia help for my lil one (3yo)she was suffering with constipation and troubled night. Within the first 2weeks she was already much better and me too... � Thanks Natalia


I truly recommend Natalia and Patagonia Essences. She is so kind and sensitive, that you feel you can open up your heart freely. I wish everybody could connect and give a try to receive an introspective help, plus Gaia´s touch, kept in Patagonia Essences.


I just love the profound and kind work this essences provides. I have been taking them for years and it’s been amazing how they work, providing support and love at any level. I surely recommend them and Nata is a great therapist. Thank you!


I've asked Natalia help for my lil one (3yo)she was suffering with constipation and troubled night. Within the first 2weeks she was already much better and me too... � Thanks Natalia


I truly recommend Natalia and Patagonia Essences. She is so kind and sensitive, that you feel you can open up your heart freely. I wish everybody could connect and give a try to receive an introspective help, plus Gaia´s touch, kept in Patagonia Essences.


I just love the profound and kind work this essences provides. I have been taking them for years and it’s been amazing how they work, providing support and love at any level. I surely recommend them and Nata is a great therapist. Thank you!

More about Patagoniaessences
