Patricia Moraes Ltd - Experienced Midwife And Nutritional Therapist

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -

About Patricia Moraes Ltd - Experienced Midwife And Nutritional Therapist

PM - Maternal Nutrition and Wellbeing
Empowering you to transform your life and maximize your health.
Personalised Nutritional Plan Nutrigenomics

Patricia Moraes Ltd - Experienced Midwife And Nutritional Therapist Description

When I first came to hear about the concept of “personalised nutrition”, my approach towards dietary advice changed and has never been the same since. The reason I first became involved in health and nutrition was after having gallstones. After dedicated research and science-based training, understanding how personalised nutritional advice works gave me the opportunity to safely help others with their health and wellness goals. The science behind personalised nutritional advice is incredibly extensive and is focused on the individual. There is a great deal to communicate to you about it than what I will have a chance to get down in this document, but please take the time to understand the basics. If you embark on a personalised plan with me, there will be a lot more information that I will be sharing with you – primarily about you. In the meantime, please accept my assurances that reading this will be worth it. There is a secret that those of us who keep up to date with the latest science know: When it comes to nutrition, what works for one person, has little to no effect on a second person, and can actually make a third person worse. Practitioners of nutrition encounter this scenario at some point: They read something in the news and how it was successful in helping people. They put it forward to a client and it works wonderfully, but then when recommending the same protocol to another client, they discover that it fails. The problem is: many people follow “hear-say” or recommend what worked for them (which may not work for someone else), leaving out the person’s unique situation and nutrient needs. Most of us can relate to this. It is exactly the same experience of the person trying to lose weight by trying a friend’s successful weight-loss system, only to find that it causes weight-gain instead. It is the experience of the athlete who encounters decreased lean body mass and decreased performance on the revolutionary low-carb diet his competitor is enjoying rich success with. If only we could find the same magic solution for everyone! It is a tremendous irony that we find ourselves amongst an extraordinary information overload with the internet. However, instead of bringing greater clarity, we find the confusion only deepening. More books and websites than ever before are available on diet and nutrition. Yet, everywhere we look, we find contradictions. One nutritional expert says one thing; another expert says just the opposite. Information is at our fingertips, but what does it mean in terms of practical application in an individual case? Where is the framework or the reference point from which sense can be made of the virtually endless stream of seemingly unrelated and contradictory pieces of information? It is not possible to offer one single nutritional protocol for everyone. Why? Because everyone’s biochemistry is different. Even between people within the same family and with similar genetics! There is no “universal” diet plan that is right for absolutely everyone. And that’s actually good news. It means that we need to look at the individual and evaluate what works for that individual specifically. For that reason, scientific research is moving towards an more individualised approach, and the primary application of personalised nutrition has been formulated into specific evaluation systems and proprietary methodologies developed through the Clinic Toolkit™. To achieve your personal health goals, you must give your body the specific foods and nutrients that are inherently necessary to you and your current state of health. As a Nutritional Therapist, I utilise science-based tools available to my clients through the Clinic Toolkit™ to identify nutrient deficiencies and provide personalised nutritional advice. If you would like to join me for this program, please complete Your Personal Strategy Questionnaire and return it to me at your earliest convenience. I would be delighted to help you with your personal health goals!
Patricia Moraes -Certified Advisor
Mobile: 07988882569
Skype: patriciaclayton

Copyright © The Health Sciences Academy™ © ClinicToolkit™. All Rights Reserved. Terms apply.

More about Patricia Moraes Ltd - Experienced Midwife And Nutritional Therapist

Patricia Moraes Ltd - Experienced Midwife And Nutritional Therapist is located at 1 Flitwick Road, MK45 6HH Flitwick
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: -
Friday: -
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: -