
About Paws2Freedom

Paws2Freedom is a UK based dog rescue /rehoming /therapy dog charity made up of a family of dedicated and supportive dog lovers worldwide.

Paws2Freedom Description

Paws2Freedom is a Dog Rescue Initiative set up by a small group of dedicated dog lovers who work to change the lives of some of the most unwanted and neglected souls in this world.

We are a registered Small Charity and our trustees are: Susan Sheldon, Mark Bridgeman and Gillian Warneford.

We rely on kind donations and our own limited private funds to help dogs in need.

Paws2Freedom's volunteers work alongside animal rescue organisations, private rescuers and animal welfare campaigners. It is our belief that as a global team we can achieve so much more.

We offer advice for adopters who would like to rescue a dog from abroad. There is no charge for this; our payment is the happiness of knowing that another life has been saved.

All the dogs under our rescue's wings are only re-homed after a home check. We also offer rescue back up for life, to ensure that adopters can always turn to us for help - no matter what - and that none of our dogs will end up in rescue kennels or be advertised /sold through Gumtree or other media.

At present our rescue has only one kennel with an outside run which we use for behaviour rehabilitation cases.

We also offer home foster within our small group of wonderful foster families. Here each dog will undergo a temperament and health assessment before he /she moves on to to their very own forever home.

A great number of our rescued dogs have endured hunger, severe neglect and often unspeakable cruelty. By supporting and helping dogs from situations where all they knew was pain and suffering, we get to be part of seeing them become the beautiful dogs they were always meant to be.

Some of our work is focused on helping dogs in Romania which has now become known as 'the land of death for dogs'. It's estimated that a staggering 80% of all dogs in Romania suffer starvation, neglect and abuse.

We also work to help dogs here in the UK find homes and we offer support and advice.

It is our mission to grow so that we can help more and more dogs to a happy and safe life.

Please join us in that mission, and help us to help them.

We can't change the world, but we can change the whole world for the dogs we are able to save. Every single life counts more than words could say.

More about Paws2Freedom
