Peachy Speech

About Peachy Speech

Lisa Welch. Pediatric Speech & Language Therapist in Hertfordshire with 10 yrs experience. Posting hints & tips to support children's communication skills.

Peachy Speech Description

Lisa Welch. Pediatric Speech & Language Therapist in Hertfordshire with 8 yrs experience. Posting hints & tips to support children's communication skills.



💦Water play💦 . Quick water play set up after-school today. 💦 I shared this in my stories 💦 . Lots of chat about pouring, measuring, spilling, splashing and filling.... . Jack turned it into some pretend play being a builder, water painting the wall and mixing up cement and bricks 👷‍♀️ . It is open ended so the boys could play together but in different ways which helped keep the play going for longer! . Quick set up but a good play session and also quick to tidy away! 🙌💦💛 . #quickactivityideas #quickplay #easyactivityideas #waterplay #keepingcool #siblingplay #welwyngardencity @ Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire
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🌳🗣️PARK COMMUNICATION . I'm quite often asked by parents if they should buy flash cards or specific toys to help their children with talking. But honestly this isn't usually what helps! . We went to the park yesterday and on each bit of play equipment we sang a nursery rhyme.... 🚣‍♀️Row the boat on the swings, as he went back and forth. 🐵Monkeys on the bed, as he jumped up and down. 🚂Down at the station, as he was sat acros the round a bout. 🐻Round and round the garden, on the spinny swing. . This was fab for communication for lots of reasons... ✨We were often face to face for the activities. ✨We were using repetitive language, saying the same things over and over as we sung. ✨We added pauses and anticipation to the song so Max had to really listen and wait to what I said ✨We were out and about and it was physical play not table top (which is what Max loves!) ✨He was having fun!!!! . I've not met many children that like to name a flash card more than they like to go on a swing or slide! There's research to show that laughing and enjoyment helps children store new information so this should be a really crucial part of "teaching" them talking! So rather than spending money on flashcards or extra toys try this out ✨💛 Just add a song to each bit if play equipment you use at the park and you will have done wonders for your little ones communciation! ✨💛 . This is a great activity for the summer holidays and completely free! Check out @andbreathe_challenges July #julyideasandinspo for other free or cheap activity ideas!! 👍💛✨
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❗ITS FRUSTRATING!❗ . It's very frustrating when you can quite manage what you'd like to! Some of us cope better with than others! I'm dreadful at it! I set high targets and I'm very annoyed when I don't manage them 🙈 for others I have endless patience and I'm very forgiving but for myself - nope! I've tried hard not to model this to the boys but Jack has certainly inherited this almost obsesive determination! . When he struggles I say to him out loud the narrative he needs to... learn to self sooth himself and to cope. This over time will allow him to do it for himself. . This morning he was adiment about doing this little party bag game but just couldn't get the knack to it. I said something like this: . "It's very frustrating because it's very tricky! You can choose. You can choose to leave it for now OR you can choose to keep trying. Both are fine." (He wanted to keep trying).... "Being cross will make your body feel very busy and shaky... Being calm and steady will help your body to control the toy and you brain to do good thinking"... . On this occasion moments later he managed it which was fab because he could link being calm and steady to success and we could celebrate! . When you're little one has BIG feelings try narrating to then how to cope with it - initially they might not get it! A new strategy like this takes 5-7 tries before it works so stick with it a few times and see if it helps 👍💛 . This strategy is really useful for all toddlers and young children to cope with their #feelings and #emotions but particulay helpful for children with #autism and #socialcommunication difficulties to help them to #selfregulate and #understandemotions . #slt #slp #speechtherapy #speechandlanguagetherapy #toddlers #mentalhealth #childrensmentalhealth # @ Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire
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⚗️🧫Colour Potions🧪🌡️ . We played this on Monday and it was a great after-school activity as quick to set up, outside for fresh air and involved water so nice and cool! . It was just old plastic bottles with a dash of painty water in! Then I added some Calpol syringes for measuri g and movi g the coloured water. I gave the boys a tray of water and some empty pots too for mixing and pouring!... . Lots of lovely sensory language used here - describing colour and texture. We talked about mixing colours, being scientist, inventors and all our actions of mixing, pouring, splashing and dripping 🌡️🧪🧫⚗️ . #speechandlanguage #gardenplay #waterplay #sensoryplay #quickactivity #quickactivityideas #easyactivityideas #earlyyears #speechtherapy #playingislearning @ Welwyn Garden City, Hertfordshire
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🎨Colour match lolly sticks 🎨 . Use a cardboard box and some pre coloured lolly sticks 🎨 I used some wrapping paper with colours on and added holes with a knife so the boys can post the lolly sticks through a matching colour 🎨 you could also use stickers or pen dots for colour matching too! . I used this in therapy to encourage turn taking, copying a sequence, and early language skills - colours, more, gone, in, out, finished.... . #colourmatching #easyideas #easyactivityideas #speechtherapyplay #speechandlanguagetherapy #learningthroughplaying #playistheway #slt #slp
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🎲🦔Hide the hedghog🦔🎲 . Simple number activity with Max today - he prefers more physical play so running after a dice and jumping about is a great way to keep.him interested! . #numbers #learningthroughplaying #physicalplay #dicegames #entertainingtoddlers #easyactivityideas #quickactivityideas #quickactivities


💐Falling Flowers💐 . Little play demo for you today #speechplaymonday . Great for LOADS of communication skills!... . ✨Attention and listening. ✨Anticipation. ✨Watching faces. ✨Making eye contact. ✨Learning key words (I don't talk too much! Just the very important words!) ✨ Early signs and gestures. ✨A sequence of three linking to story telling - begining middle and end. ✨The play sequence runs left to right like in reading - teaching children to track across like they will need to for early literacy. ✨After a demo then give these resources to your little one and see if they can copy. 👍 . Have a go! Tag a friend who will enjoy playing this with their little one! Feel free to tag me and #speechplaymonday so I can see what you've been up to! 💛✨ . #playathome #speechtherapyplay #speechandlanguage #learningthroughplaying #learningisfun #quickactivities #quickactivityideas
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🎁 homemade wrapping paper🎁 . We made some wrapping paper for father day using wallpaper, crayons and stickers 👍 . Super quick and easy but effective and personal 🎁🖍️👍... . #fathersdaygifts #fathersday #homemade #quickactivities #quickactivityideas
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🚗🖍️Chalk car park🖍️🚗 . Quick and easy outside fun 👍 . Draw some lines and some squares to make your own road and car park 🚗🖍️ Drive cars, park them up, send the off on adventures.... . You can add extra language or phonics to this by setting words or letters on your road for children to read as they drive past. Or play colour matching with the car park spaces. . Today we had it as a play date game and my boys played for ages after school with it! So it was just a chance to extend some independent play for a little while and give us mummies chance to chat! . #easyideas #easyactivityideas #playingislearning #playingcars #markmaking #toddlerplay #mumlife #mumsofinstagram #play #keepingtoddlersbusy #independentplay
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😆Pompom puppet 😆 . The best way to encourage communication is through curiosity and anticipation! This is a really simple game but it works on LOADS of early communication skills. . 🗣️Looking and watching at me and the puppet... 🗣️Anticipating what might happen next 🗣️Watching my over the top facial expressions and leaning what they mean. 🗣️Waiting and responding 🗣️Hearing the same word said over and over. 🗣️The first time there is a suprise and the second time the silliness can be anticipated and looked for! 🗣️I do three scoops because this links to story telling - a begining, a middle and end. 🗣️I'd let the child feed the puppet too so they were more involved. 🗣️The puppet and me are at eye level so if the child looks at the puppet they also accidently see my face too! 🗣️I'd also mix it up so sometiens the puppet sneezes or laughs or coughs to make all the pompoms fly around! Just to keep it changing and not too rigid! . Have a go!! If you don't mind a mess you can use real cornflakes instead of pompoms and if you don't have a puppet use a sock and draw eyes on! 👍✨💛 . Let me know how you get on! Tag me and tag a friend who might like this for their little one! . #earlycommunication #earlyplay #easyplayideas #playingislearning #learningthroughplaying
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User . You may have seen this gorgeous video already on youtube - here's the link! . My speech therapy heart bursts!! It's such a gorgeous example of how we talk with more than just the words we know! This little guy has no words but communicates so brilliantly!!... . If your little one hasn't got words yet some of the things in this video are a good place to start to get them ready for talking! These skills are called "the foundation for talking" and children need these to build their words on to! . Things like.... ✨Smiling ✨Looking. ✨Making eye contact. ✨Copying gestures. ✨Pointing. ✨Wanting to show you something. ✨Making noises. ✨Waiting for a response. ✨Looking at the same thing together. . None of these involve actual words! 🗣️ . So if your little one hasn't started talking yet you can really nurture these foundations skills and it will help to GET THEM READY for talking later 💛💕 . #slt #slp #talking #communication #getreadyfortalking #earlycommunication
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📚Narrative on the go📚 . If you've got a few books that are favourites and you read over and over, try and encourage little ones to notice when life and play share the story line! . On the walk home from school on Friday we saw LOADS of snails and Jack found this purple petal too - it reminded us of this bit of superworm! We couldn't remember all the words but it got us chatting about the story and trying to recall bits!... . A great way to story tell on the go! . Story telling helps children build sentences, increase their vocabulary, helps them to sequence, learn about time concepts, helps them with planning and later it will hell their literacy! . Give it a go 👍📚 no preparation or props needed, just be in the look out for things that remind you of stuff in their books 📚👍 . #welwyngardencity #slt #slp #readingtogether #narrativeinplay #narrative #learningtotalk #learningtoread #easyelfideas #easyactivityideas
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📮🏀Posting 🏀📮 . I've been using this activity for a few weeks with some of my families I work with to support all sorts of communication skills! . Really simple to set up - cut different sized holes in a shoes box, gather different size balls and some scarfs 👍 job done!... . But what's clever about this is it can be used for so many aspects of communication! . 🏀 Attention and listening skills - encourage little one to watch you lost some balls first, encourage them to post and support their concentration to find the hole that is big enough. . 🏀Social and Play - take turns to post the balls and scarfs. If the adult lays down opposite the box it's a wonderful way to make eye contact and react to facial expressions as the ball disappears! . 🏀 Understanding - ask little on to "find me a red one" "fund me a spikey one". As well as understanding the problem solving aspect of big and small holes for the different balls. . 🏀 Talking - use repetitive langauge as you play "pop, in it goes" "gone now" "no more" "pull them out! "Oh no! Too big!" The more you repeat, the more likely little one will copy you 💛 . Give it a try! Please tag me or let me know how you get on!! It will keep little hands busy for ages! . #slt #slp #learningthroughplaying #attentionandlisteningskills #understanding #socialcommunication #play #talking #learnigtotalk #speechtherapyplay #quickactivities #quickactivityideas
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💕TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS💕 . Every year on Maxtons birthday I am left with this mindful, thoughtfulness as I’m taken back to this photo.... These fleeting moments for a little kiss, before he was taken away by the crash team to intensive care... . I’d not felt right since the night before, he wasn’t moving and that was different for him! I was supposed to be going to a friends house but somehow found myself doing a full loop on the roundabout to exit at the hospital instead... Ma...ny checks, panicked phone calls and a couple of hours later we were in theatre and he was born by emergency c-section with the cord around his neck an impressive FIVE times! Whisked away with talk of transfering only him to another hospital for special cooling therapy... To be honest it's all a bit if blur... . We were fortunately all fine and able to stay together as he responded really quickly to intervention and we were out of hospital after a week which is incredible. . I have always valued parents views, instincts and worries...always. If a parents has a niggle, a worry, a little concerns there might be something more going on for their little one, it takes full priority in my therapy because it's nearly always right! This is true right from the start, and having Maxton how we did reminds me to ALWAYS trust a parental instincts. . From bump and beyond, If it doesn’t feel right, if you’re worried, follow it up. Ask for help, advice or support. . Trust your instincts 💛☺️ . #trustyourinstincts #parents #listentoyourbump #speechtherapy #midwives #csection #kickscount #makekickscount #slt #slp
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🔡Word POP!🔡 . I had some of these packaging bubbles and wrote some of the words or letters Jack's finding tricky with reading. . I called out a word and he ran and jumped on it to pop the bubble! I did numbers 1-10 for Max too.... . This isn't my area of expertise, but being on Instagram means I get to see so many wonderful accounts to get ideas and inspiration for more literacy and teaching based games! I just love it! . I love to follow: @fiveminutemum @letsplaymama @play.hooray @myteachermummyandme @beckys_treasure_baskets . . #literacy #quickactivityideas #quickactivities #playingislearning
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🥚🦕 Dinosaur Eggs🦖🥚 . If you've got some playdoh to use up this is a great way to recycle it! This blue salt doh is starting to go hard so I've used it to wrap up some dinosaur toys! I've left these out in the sun so the playdoh will harden a bit and the the boys can crack them open! . This is great for attention and listening skills as chdren are engaged and curious! You can name the colours and animals they are finding. You can describe their key features and how they are or different to other dinosaur too. . #slt #playingislearning #playdough #slp #learningtotalk #quickactivities #quickactivityideas #easyactivityideas
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✂️🍃Cutting the grass🍃✂️ . So simple! Scissors and some longer grass! Mark had done the lawn but the longer grass round the slide had been missed so perfect chance to practice scissor skills! . Also fab for verbs and adjectives! - cutting, slicing, snipping, long, short, tall, little 🍃✂️... . #slt #slp #gardengames #quickactivityideas #quickactivities #playoutside #garden #helpers #mumlife #earlyyearsideas #earlyyearsplay
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👷‍♀️Lego towers 👷‍♀️ . Super easy matching game to set up. I played this in therapy as an attention builder activity. The little one watched me match the blocks to the dots, then build the tower, then add the man on top. . Then I gave them their own blocks to complete the same sequence - a short sequence of three things to copy - this will help with attention and listening skills, vocab, understanding and following instructions.... . Most little ones will want to dive straight in and make their own tower quickly! If you can, encourage them to wait a moment and watch your sequence first 👍👷‍♀️💛 . #attentionbuilders #attentionandlisteningskills #jointattention #slt #slp #colourmatching #learningthroughplaying #mumlife #speechandlanguagetherapy #speechtherapyplay
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