Pennywood Logs

About Pennywood Logs

Family-run forestry company based in North Derbyshire. We supply high quality firewood to the Peak District and surrounding towns /cities.

Pennywood Logs Description

Hi! Thank you for visiting our page.

Who are we?

We are a family business specialising in highest quality firewood.

Why should you buy from us?

We're really good value! Because we harvest the wood ourselves from British woodlands (mainly in the East Midlands) and select only the best quality hardwood species, we can ensure you get a fantastic product at a really competitive price. Guaranteed no tree surgery waste.

What else?

Pennywood Forestry operates Forest to hearth. We source wood from "thinning operations" in managed woodlands. This means that rather than clear all the trees from an area, select ones are felled leaving those behind, room to mature. This way, our work provides a great product but also ensures beautiful woodlands for us all to enjoy for many decades to come.

More about Pennywood Logs