Pens And Positivity Art

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 14:00 - 17:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Pens And Positivity Art


Pens And Positivity Art Description

Hello! My name is Cherelle.

I am an artist and woodland wanderer working from the beautiful countryside of the Suffolk /Essex border.

I live with my thatcher /musician partner and my 5 year old son (who accompanies me on most of my adventures)

Almost all my art and illustrations at Pens and Positivity are inspired by nature.



Moon phase vinyl stickers will be flying into my shop later today.
Keep your eyes peeled as I have a special offer planned for Friday where you can grab some bargains for just £5


Those days when you wake up and your heart is so full ❤
All placed orders are up to date and if you need me today there might be a slight delay as I'll be in the forest ≡ƒל▓≡ƒל│
This print, and several others will be flying into my Etsy shop this evening.


Something a bit twinkly is in the works!
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This was a custom piece but prints will go up for sale in my Etsy shop some time over the weekend ≡ƒע¢≡ƒע£≡ƒºíΓ¥ñ≡ƒעת


There has been some serious level gorgeousness going on in my day. 7 rainbow botanical pendants all painted up and ready for their resin layers, a super beautiful sunrise and one pretty bike ride along the river to my day job.
Lush ≡ƒעש≡ƒעתΓ¥ñ≡ƒºí≡ƒע£≡ƒע¢


This weekend has been the one ≡ƒסם≡ƒן╝≡ƒרם
Saturday morning me and the kiddo set off for the market, I indulged in a load of new plants for our home and did the post office drop.
I had the night off whilst my kiddo was at his Dads and I got to spend my evening chilling out with a human who has made me remember my worth and made me remember what it feels like to be completely and utterly happy.
... My kiddo was returned to me this afternoon and we took a bike ride over to see my parents, friend and siblings (who have just returned from visitng my older brother and his family in New Zealand).
My little bro brought me and my kiddo back matching Koru necklaces (that symbolise new beginnings, growth and harmony) and for the direction my path has taken I couldn't have picked better ❤
Definitely might have had a few tears escape from my eyes!
I feel so lucky to have an army of awesome people around me. Just like the phases of the moon, my life has been going through a crazy transition but definitely one that I am so grateful to be living ≡ƒשל
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I always feel immensely humbled when someone trusts me enough to draw something up that they will have inked on their body forever more. Evi was no exception. I jumped at the's always fun working closely with people to nail something special for them but Evi is also a very talented shoemaker and so naturally I offered to trade services for some gorgeous custom shoes! Winner winner!
... You can seek out aforementioned gorgeous shoes over at Kinder Feet ≡ƒרם≡ƒרם≡ƒרם
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I realise I have been quiet of late and haven't been producing much to share of late. Truth be told I have just been happily immersed in spending time with my friends and family and staying away from social media.
But...last night the moment took me and this piece kind of just appeared on the paper. A manifestation of me feeling that everything probably, might, certainly, happen for a reason.
I am not sure if we all have a path set for us when we enter this world but I am pretty sure I am at complete peace with my current journey.


Life. It's a pretty uncertain and fragile show. Never take advantage of the fact that you are living ❤


Happy international women's day! ≡ƒע¬≡ƒמי
I write this from my bed. Today marks the end of a chaotic week. Solo parenting, working 3 jobs, running my business and holding shit down at home. All on my own. I picked my boy up from another long day at nursery (i dropped him off super early to breakfast club so I could get to work on time). I did my food shopping online in my lunch break. Did a post office drop on the way home. I have biked 8 miles today.... My body is broken. Mentally and physically. But it is also stronger, fitter and faster than it has been for a long, long time.
I got home, kicked my shoes off and cracked open a pink gin. I raised that can to honour every single woman who is pulling shit off. Solo or not.
In the words of Mary Kom..."Do not say you are weak, because you are a woman"
If you need me tonight I will be in the tub! ≡ƒם╖≡ƒ¢ב≡ƒרי
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The last 24 hours has been epic. Every emotion has been felt. Every piece of my energy has been used up. The grin on my face is pretty flipping huge. The fire in my belly is raging. ... My strength feels infinite (even if my tired wobbly legs tell me otherwise).
This week feels like it is going to be the one ≡ƒעד≡ƒמי≡ƒסם≡ƒן╝
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Hello! A quick check in to say I am still about...but I have been working on a few custom pieces recently and so I have been completely focused on getting them done.
I am working on one more piece at present and then I will be back with some new work to share.
Bear with me!


9 days ago my son had an op to correct his sleep apnoea. He has been in so much pain. I can't remember feeling so sleep deprived or at times feeling so hopelessly alone in regards to caring for my child. It's been rough for both of us.
Because I haven't had anything positive to say and because I haven't had time to paint I haven't been on here much. ... I guess it's the illusion we like to portray on social media...never wanting to share the bad/sad parts of life. But they are all relevant in some way...if anything to give us clarity to see the good.
I haven't been able to see people I care about much (if at all) but they have always been a message/phone call away. I have never felt truly lonely.
I have had messages daily from friends and family checking in on how my son is doing. I know how cared for my little boy is.
There has been lots of tears in our home but there has also been laughter, dancing and a billion and one hugs. There has been love.
We haven't been out and about in nature much and that has been the hardest thing because its our go to remedy when we need a pick me up. But we have basked in the sunshine in the garden and done some more decorating at home.
Last night was my first night of solid sleep. I woke up to the sound of deer barking and birds singing in the field opposite our home. I had a hot coffee and got some painting done whilst my kiddo peacefully slept.
And just like that, for now at least, all is good with my soul.
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A throwback to my air bee today because I saw my first bee of the year today!
I have been tidying up the a dress, barefoot, soaking up the sun.
Ordered all our salad and veg seeds for spring and chopped up a load of wood in anticipation of the many nights i will be spending by the fire pit with a drink or two over the coming months.
... My favourite part of the year for sure! ≡ƒל╗≡ƒנ¥≡ƒם╖
You can find prints here:Γאª/bumblebee-art-pr int-alchemy-air-painΓאª
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Today I got the post office run done so I am all up to date. It was the first hour I have had to myself in weeks. The sun was shining and it was warm enough to go out in a dress. I enjoyed every single second of solitude cycling along the estuary.
My kiddo also plagued me to go walking across the green fields and to the pond this afternoon. He has never been one for being cooped up and he's getting cabin fever after his op.
So we headed out into the sunshine. We laughed, and ...played and collected a few flowers. Spring is almost here. I couldn't stop smiling because the change in season is something I have always celebrated but this time it feels so incredibly symbolic.
Last year in winter our life changed. It was a massive change. Bleak. It could have broken me. But it didn't......not even nearly.
Spring is a time for growth and change. I feel like I have a head start....My happiness....authentic, core deep, completely built on being happy with who I am. Not reliant on anyone else for my own happiness.
My home. My job. My business. All forged by my grit and my focus. No need to settle for convenience or compromise.
My son. He will never be anything less than my first priority. His best interests are key.
And as I bloom into Spring I will hold my head high that I have smashed my way through winter and that I have come out the other side fiercer and more independent than I ever knew I could be.
And I will enjoy every single second of what Spring has to offer us ≡ƒל┐Γרר≡ƒל▒
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I thought I should pop in. I'm struggling to get time to paint right now. My little boy had an operation on Tuesday and he's having a hard time recovering.
Naturally being a fierce lioness mama, my cub comes before new art.
... Orders are all in hand so fear not.
New stock (like these postcard sets) is slowly going to trickle into my shop in the next few days.
Don't hesitate to get in touch though if need be as I am still replying to messages etc.
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I finally got myself a supplier for sheets that I can create magnets from.
Woop woop! Another job on the never ending to do list done Γ£פΓ£ו
These magnets are very limited stock for now and will go live for sale in my Etsy shop (link in bio) on Wednesday evening 8pm.


I meant to post this yesterday but I got caught up in a busy day & by the time things were quieter in the evening I had drank a few too many glasses of Cabernet Sauvignon to confidently articulate my musings.
We have been biking around the countryside, visiting friends & family, climbing trees, playing in parks, collecting flowers this week.
I was at the station on the phone to my sister on Wednesday & I was telling her about a situation that irritated me that morning. One o...f us joked & I laughed. One of those loud, belly laughs that reverberated around the station & made people smile back at me when they looked over. Laughter is infectious. So is happiness.
We need to take accountability for our own happiness but I truly understand now that our own happiness can be extinguished depending on who we keep in our circle.
I have been setting goals for my year. Saying them out loud to people close to me makes me feel more accountable but itΓאשs also anxiety evoking. Not negative anxiety thoughΓאª.the kind that makes you feel like butterflies are having a rave in your belly (butterflies & also bigger flying critters like bats or stag beetles). The kind that comes before doing something exciting.
Anyway. I have made one immediate change. When you purchase work from me now the work will be signed in my maiden name ΓארCherelle GeorgeΓאש. I legally changed my name back on Valentine's day as a gift of respect to myself.
I have also decided to be imminently braver to allow myself all the feels.
This was sparked by a sweet incident that occurred yesterday after I picked my boy up from nursery. We walked home with friends and he played all the way home with one little boy who he has made a mutually close bond with. When we told them it was time to say goodbye they hugged each other and cried. My son whispered that he was going to miss him.
It made me realise how guarded of showing emotion we become as adults.
So when those feelings of raving bats & beetles creep into my stomach I am going to mentally reflect back to the carefree, 'fire in her belly' me from yesteryear & throw caution to the wind like it's 1998. Or 2008. Or something.
But for today we are off out for lunch at out beautiful friends ❤
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Received my beautiful bee today. So pleased with him. The affirmation cards are so stunning in reality, photos really don't do them justice. I now need another set to send to other people as I can't part with mine.


Our beautiful stickers arrived so quickly and they are perfect! Amazing service and wonderful products! ���


My print i ordered arrived really quickly and it is even more beautiful irl! I love it! Thank you so much lovely! Xx


IΓאשve been eyeing up some of the original art work for a while so when I had some Christmas money to spend I had to place my order. I was so happy when my envelope arrived. I am over the moon with my order and will be keeping a look out on future listings as would love to buy more, thank you x


I requested a custom piece and Cherelle was brilliant, suggesting additions and giving me ideas! The finished piece is beautiful, even better than I'd imagined. Would definitely recommend!


I received a really beautiful piece of artwork from Cherelle and I will treasure it. It's so beautiful. She is a lovely lady to deal with and I'd highly recommend her business to anyone. ≡ƒע£ xx


I ordered 3 prints from Pens & positivity and I love them! Great communication & customer service!

I will be back !


I had a custom family portrait from Pens and Positivity art. It's absolutely gorgeous and we're all in love with it! The details in it are amazing, she even drew a unicorn on my daughter's top �

I can't recommend Cherelle enough, she provided a 5 stars service from the start!

Thank you so much!


I had a beautiful Mermaid print from Cherelle, she is just stunning. Beautifully illustrated and gorgeous vivid colours! Print is excellent quality! CanΓאשt wait to order more prints!


I bought some exceptionally wonderful stickers: quality, personal communication and posting service etc were all amazing. I'm blown away by your art and can't wait to purchase more! Γשí Thank you so very much Γשí


I absolutely love p&p I have 2 beauties hanging in my hallway and will hopefully get many more �

More about Pens And Positivity Art

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: -
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 14:00 - 17:00
Friday: -
Saturday: -
Sunday: -