People Against Sugar Tax

About People Against Sugar Tax

Campaigning to get the sugar tax repealed. Support us at: https://www. /webscr?cmd=_s-xclick& hosted_button_id=YXHU5ZZD9YNTE

People Against Sugar Tax Description

One of the leading campaign groups in the UK opposed to the sugar tax. Ensuring that people are free to make their own food and soft drink choices.



Wot the fok did ye just say 2 me m8? i dropped out of newcastle primary skool im the sickest bloke ull ever meet & ive nicked 300 candy bars from tha corner store. im trained in street fitin’ & im the strongest foker in tha entire newcastle gym. yer nothin to me but a cheeky lil dickhead w/ a hot mum & fake bling. ill waste u and smash a fokin bottle oer yer head bruv, i swer 2 christ. ya think u can fokin run ya gabber at me whilst sittin on yer arse behind a lil screen? think again wanka. im callin me homeboys rite now preparin for a proper rumble. tha rumble thatll make ur nan sore jus hearin about it. yer a waste bruv. my homeboys be all over tha place & ill beat ya to a proper fokin pulp with me fists wanka. if i aint satisfied w/ that ill borrow me m8s cricket paddle & see if that gets u the fok out o’ newcastle ya daft kunt. if ye had seen this bloody fokin mess commin ye might a’ kept ya gabber from runnin. but it seems yer a stewpid lil twat, innit? ima shite fury & ull drown in it m8. ur in proper mess ya knobhead


The sugar tax discriminates against Type One diabetics who need Lucozade etc to treat emergency episodes of hypoglycemia. Why should people who have no choice about their illness (Type One Diabetes is an UNAVOIDABLE auto immune disease) have to pay extra to keep themselves alive in an emergency? It's taxing the equivalent of medicine for us.


Thanks. We need to stand up and say no to artificial sweeteners. I bought some drinks yesterday or the day before and they taste so bad. I won't be buying them again. Luckily I have one bottle of pure sugar Ribena left. I looked at the label and they had put Aspartame in it and I couldnt buy it. Have they lost their minds? We will pay for our sugar why can't we have choice?


Thanks for being the voice of people who don't need to be told what they need by governments. I have lost many of the products I used for 25 years to treat my low blood sugars as a type 1 diabetic. I now have to pay tax on my medication because other people can't stop themselves binging (on lots of bad things, not just sugar) which is something I have never and will never be able to do, people cause obesity, not sugar. We should improve our education system not tax ingredients.


It should be a person's choice if they want to consume sugar. Taxing sugar is just another want of the government making money off the people.


I strongly support this group, because the government has absolutely no right to try and control our choices, and the sugar tax will NOT make obesity and health problems magically disappear, as the tax is just another excuse to make more money from us, and it will create: job-loses, business-closures and effect our economy.


I don’t get how they have taxed the sugar so that people cannot have the occasional sugar hit (because most drinks have had sugar replaced with sweetener that is a chemical and I’m not buying it) but there is nothing to stop people eating as much junk food as they like. Obesity my backside. It’s all nonsense, it’s just another way for the government to tax the most purchased items!!! It’s also another CHOICE removed from us!! 😭😭😭😭😭


Excellent group. I am against the sugar tax. Making something economically harder to obtain is not the way to encourage people to make an informed decision regarding their diet.


"Sugar causes obesity" is like saying water causes drowning! Freedom to choose! There are sugar free alternatives available, whats the problem....blatant exploitation of the poorest and treating the public like idiots. forcing everyone to consume cancer causing non-nutritive sweeteners!

100% support this site! Why are manufacturers not offering a sweetener and sugar free option for people to add their own sugar?


I virtually exist on sugar. 3 spoons in tea and coffee plus loads on strawberries and raspberries. All cereals get a good dusting. I am 82 lost 2 front teeth and my weight is just under what it was when I was 19 at 9 stone..


This page stands on a good issue, but I don't think it should be supported. There are other vehicles that respect experts and research and don't proliferate hateful media.

If you're for freedom and liberty, but respect expert opinion and research (and disagree with The Sun!) then I don't recommend this group or page.


Those people saying that sugar shouldn't be taxed are ignoring the facts in the same way that the tobacco companies tried to in the sixties and seventies.


This minority interest pressure group ought to be campaigning for the authorities to legally require the reduction/ elimination of refined sugar additives. If any wilfully dumb, de facto child wants it in their food and/ or drinks, they can buy it and fill their boots. But each bag of refined sugar will be priced to reflect the cost of the UK's obesity, diabetes, and other sugar related illnesses and killer diseases. Oh, and the quantities of sugar in some food and drink is bugger all to do with, 'personal choice', as was claimed by your head on a stick in today's news media- he's a disgrace for even uttering words which suggest there's so much of the crap in products because we choose it. Absolute rubbish,. Please do not reply to this message- just digest it and stop being such wilfully stupid diabetics in waiting.. :-)


The incompetent cretins at whichever awful PR company dreamed up this idiotic campaign on behalf of the sugar industry are not "people". They are the hollowed-out husks of what were once people.


Sugar has been proven to cause obesity and many health problems. It's not necessary for life and this page was obviously set up by the auger company's.


Paid To Whine Against Sugar Tax should be the name of this group. Paid by the sugar industry to whine and claim 'freedom of choice' so that they get richer while the actual people get more obese and get more diabetes costing the NHS even more money which we have to pay for through taxes.


It is ignorant to consider that sugar is not to some effect, leading us to the obesity crisis we see develop before our eyes.


I was hoping for a group of people who were actually against the sugar tax for genuine reasons, not a party political mouthpiece for right wing brexitards and tories.


I think this page is highly irresponsible. Refined sugar is the great health demon of our age, visiting upon us obesity, infantile tooth decay and type-2 diabetes. I have been addicted to sugar in my lifetime: it wasn't until I was forced to go onto a low-sugar diet that I realised how horrifically over-sweetened so many food products are. If a sugar tax can bring down people's consumption of refined sugar and can force food manufacturers to alter their recipes, so much the better!

More about People Against Sugar Tax

People Against Sugar Tax is located at 29A Brook Street, Fl 2nd, W1K 4HE London, United Kingdom