People Media Uk

About People Media Uk

We are a start up company offering branding and marketing solutions to small and bigger businesses. Our mision is to help businesses grow as we grow!

People Media Uk Description

We are a start-up bussines that has it's home in Sheffield UK so far. We specialise in creating variety of Media content such as Graphic Design, Film Production, Video montage, Marketing and advertising tools and Photography.

We have set ourselves much bigger goals than providing the services listed.

We have a vision that we believe in and everyday making one step to achieving it.

Everone has their own unique knowledge, skills and approach to different thing. We understand how much one person can do and achieve, we want to see what all of us can achieve working together, teaching eachother rather than competeing in all aspects of life and bussiness.

We want to provide young and ambitious people with resources, new ideas and realising their own with support from us and others withing our network on how to make first steps in building something out of nothing like we are doing.

We believe we can make a real change! We want to motivate like minded people to make their own first steps in doing what they want in life or deciding what is that they want to do.

We are not looking for workers or people who will work for our success, we are looking people that want to work for their own success while working WITH US to achieve success.

We want to motivate people to start doing what they want and getting involved in what they want, we want to create resources and guides from the every day experience that we will be gaining from everyone that we encounter!

Our vision is to prove that everyone can build something out of nothing with only good will and investment in their own time.


Create open projects that everyone can get involved and participate in building the tools that will provide;

- new experience
- self-development
- new skills and knowledge aquired from others
- new contacts and potetntial partners in their bussiness or project.
- developing ideas into reality
- GENERATING INCOME based on their work and input.

We are going to build our network based on truthfulness and fairness.

We cannot say yet that we can promise you MONEY, GLORY and SUCCESS. What we can promise is that we believe that we can help you to do it yourself by creating all the tools and connecting with the right people.

, we are developing them with the help of vollunteers that have decided to get involved as it DOESN'T REQUIRE FINANCIAL INVESTMENT from them. All they are INVESTING IS THEIR TIME AND INPUT. Everyone's time and input is upons everyone's will, we are not going to force into anything.

Independent Media Platform
Video and Text publishing

- building an alternative media source for the people.
- everyone can create content and publish.
- what get's published on our front pages and channels will be decided by the users who will vote for or against.
- possibility to become a writer, author or journalist
- possibility to become a Video producer.
- possiblity to promote yourself, your story, your idea or bussiness.
- Getting your voice heard.
- Making a change

We live in a world that is changing rapidly, various platforms has provided us with tools to create our own content and define our own standards.

We believe we can build a real source of independent information which will be more interesting, appealing and REAL that what the mass media is providing us with.

We are already building links and expanding to different countries through our independence and vision.

Website will launch in January 2015 in English and Polish, then working on translating it into German and Dutch as we aquired an interest to participate in the project from people from these countries.

We are always looking for new people to get involved, create content, promote themselves, share their stories, ideas and a recipe for success. The bigger mixture of people we aquire will make the content more interesting and rich as we learn new opinions and views from people just like us and expand to more countries.

next. . .


Get people to start going out with their own innitiative and make their first steps into success.
Getting their idea out there for opinion and support from the others that will do the same.
We would like to provide everyone with resources and ideas for such meetings and just MAKING PEOPLE REALISE WHAT THEY CAN DO!

- Project is still under development and will need time and our input to be completed


- Platform that will make it easier for freelancers to connect and find themselves assigments which may lead them to getting their own bussiness started.


We want to be able to provide all the possible resources to train and develop people from experiences and skills of the others!


As we said, we do not wan't to compete but help eachother, the service would provide bussinesses and enterpreneur's to connect, redirect clients and promote eachother within one network.

These ideas are still getting developed, need people with new ideas and mostly People that want to get INVOLVED!

We have a lot more in our minds to realise yet we do not wan't to share everything out without realising the projects we are working on.

If you are interested in getting involved in our vision and be an active part of feel more than welcome to contact us.

Feel free to ask any questions, doubt our vision, express your opinion on it as it will tell us on what we should be concentraing on more.

contact: getinvolved@people-media. co. uk
Tel: 07814651493
website: www. people-media. co. uk (still under construction)

Find updates on our facebook: People Media UK

Best regards, we're all hoping to get in contact with you and start doing!

Let's make a change or else who will?

More about People Media Uk

People Media Uk is located at 5 Morland Bank, s14 1tn Sheffield