Pernice Press

About Pernice Press

Independent publisher of prose and poetry especially relating to nature, animals and the countryside.



This looks like an interesting read.


Unmissable exhibit at Chatsworth - well worth the journey!


St. Patrick’s Day
There’s an Isle, a green Isle, set in the sea, Here’s to the Saint that blessed it! And here’s to the billows wild and free... That for centuries have caressed it!
Here’s to the day when the men that roam Send longing eyes o’er the water! Here’s to the land that still spells home To each loyal son and daughter!
Here’s to old Ireland—fair, I ween, With the blue skies stretched above her! Here’s to her shamrock warm and green, And here’s to the hearts that love her!
by Jean Blewett (photo G Cox)
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11 dog types most at risk of serious health problems, according to the RSPCA.


Interesting scientific look at inherent problems with 'vulnerable' breeds.


This episode was aired yesterday but you can watch it on catch up tv…/james-martins-gre at-briti…/2a5543a0015


The Primrose
Though storms may break the primrose on its stalk, Though frosts may blight the freshness of its bloom, Yet Spring's awakening breath will woo the earth,... To feed with kindliest dews its favourite flower, That blooms in mossy banks and darksome glens, Lighting the Greenwood with its sunny smile.
From Queen Mab, Canto IX Percy Bysshe Shelley (photo G Cox)
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Another native breed has been added to the KC's vulnerable list.


Snowdrops are not innocent: They fight for what they win. Beauty's what comes out: Blind energy goes in.
... J.B. Pick (photo G Cox)
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A message from Marilyn Cox:
It is now a year since the last donation was made online to Graham's Walking Up for MND fund, and so it seems appropriate to close the page on the 31st of January 2019.
Huge thanks to all those friends, family and supporters who have given so generously since the fund was set up in 2017.
... It will continue to be possible to donate by sending a cheque in Graham's name made out to Oxford University and sent to The Department of Neurosciences.
With very best wishes Marilyn Cox
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