Pet Potential

About Pet Potential

Welcome to Pet Potential, led by Alison Winters, an experienced and qualified pet behaviour counsellor. Offering training and behaviour solutions for puppies, adult and rescue dogs across Lincolnshire.

Pet Potential Description

Welcome to Pet Potential – owned by Alison Winters (MSc) a qualified pet behaviour counsellor and dog trainer (APDT, UK and ABTC member), offering group classes and private individual training across Lincolnshire. Using only reward-based, force-free training techniques (including clicker training), we specialise in fun Puppy Training, offering owners professional and caring support. A variety of Pet Dog Training Courses are available for puppies, adolescents and adult dogs at South Hykeham village hall, as well as at a private outdoor venue near Witham St Hughs.



Are you sunbathing right now, or watching Me and My Dog on BBC2?
Why don't you watch it on iplayer!
I usually hate watching dog programmes because of the outdated rubbish they spout on about!!
... But this programme is fun and packed FULL of up-to- date CORRECT information ❤ which explains so well why we train the way we do at Pet Potential.
Well done BBC for getting Emily Blackwell and the wonderful Sian involved with this programme - her knowledge and skills are always amazing. If you want to work with Sian she runs classes in Ely and even has dog friendly holiday cottages there
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Are you a cat owner or can forward this post to cat owners?


Great morning at agility and then recall. Here's Sally with Sox having some agility fun 💕


Congratulations to Poppy, Molly, Milo, Odin and Chance who graduated from puppy classes last week. We really will miss you all - you've been such a fabulous group ♥️
Thank you also to Maxine and Carrie for looking after everyone in my absence - you all looked like you had lots of fun in the sun on your last lesson!


As many will know, I'm a member of the APBC (Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors). Today was their annual conference which I attended. Myself and other professional colleagues will always attend such events to add to our knowledge, so that we can sharpen our skills and help pet owners even more.
Today focused on behaviour change in people, rather than animals. We all know don't we how difficult it is to change an established habit or belief!
When you seek out help from... an animal trainer or behaviourist, PLEASE make sure they are suitably qualified, experienced, and keep up to date with their knowledge.
Too many puppy owners are unknowingly attending courses run by people who do not know what they are doing, to the detriment of the puppy. It saddens me, and upsets me that the owners themselves also get the rough end of the deal.
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I'm very excited as today I join Dogs Trust as a full-time Clinical Animal Behaviourist. I'll be providing behaviour advice to adopters of Dogs Trust dogs, as well as delivering training in behaviour and welfare to centre staff.
Despite this exciting new role, I will be continuing to run Pet Potential, albeit in a reduced capacity. Puppy classes at South Hykeham village hall, and fun agility and recall classes on weekends will continue as normal (all of which can be booked d...irectly online at
All behaviour and private 1 to 1 training enquiries will be passed onto trusted colleagues in the area, who are equally qualified, experienced, and who also use reward based training methods.
Alison Winters 😁
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A lovely video by Pet Sense demonstrating crate training - reward the behaviours you want to see more of.


I love talking about dogs and canine body language .... love it even more when people ASK me to talk about it .... love it EVEN more when they provide biscuits and homemade brownies!!! 😜 Thank you Knights Pet Care in Witham St Hughs for requesting a bespoke training course. Great fun ❤


Tonight we also discovered lots of interactive food toys. Great for mental stimulation when the weather's too hot for walking. Here's Molly, Chance and Milo using their noses!


This evening we practiced recall in puppy class. Not the most flattering photo of me 🙈 but an excellent recall by Northern Inuit, Odin 🐶


"The effects of chocolate poisoning in dogs usually appear within 12 hours and can last up to three days. First signs can include excessive thirst, vomiting, diarrhoea and restlessness. These symptoms can then develop into hyperactivity, tremors, abnormal heart rate, hyperthermia and rapid breathing. In severe cases, dogs can experience fits and heartbeat irregularities and some cases can result in coma or death."


Congratulations to Pippa and Freddie for completing out Beginners Fun Agility course 🥳 It's been fabulous seeing your confidence grow and your focus on your owners develop ❤ Thank you so much to Feelwell's for your healthy and tasty treats too!

More about Pet Potential