Pete & Janelle O'Keeffe

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Pete & Janelle O'Keeffe

Helping Business Owners get free from their Business



Have you ever had a time in Business when you had an agreement with a client to ring you or e-mail you, or for you to ring the client back at a certain time, and they haven't adhered to the timeframe?
How did it make you feel?
...Continue Reading


Day 6 with Andy Harrington and we're all feeling a little tired. Great sessions and great learning. Big push tonight to get our final presentations together for tomorrow


Still waiting for it.....


Day 4 yesterday with Andy Harrington and we were learning about UBS and then delivering it...... Lots still to learn!!!!


Day two of our programme with Andy Harrington. Story time today - not once but twice!!


Humility: A guy entered a contest to see who was the most humble. When he won, he was given a badge of merit. But then he wore it, and was disqualified!!!!! #askforhelp #openmind #transformations


Just a quick question................
How much time do you spend each day in your business in "thinking time?"


Are you growing into maturity?
Before you answer, read these words:
... 'Maturity is the ability to control your anger and settle your differences without violence or resentment.
Maturity is patience; it's the willingness to pass up short-term pleasure for long-term gain. It's the ability to "sweat it out" in spite of heavy opposition or discouraging setbacks. It's the capacity to face unpleasantness and frustration without complaining or collapsing.
Maturity is humility. It's being big enough to say, "I was wrong," and when you are right, never needing to say, "I told you so."
Maturity is the ability to make a decision and follow through with it instead of exploring endless possibilities and doing nothing about any of them.
Maturity means dependability, keeping your word, and coming through in a crisis.
The immature are masters of alibi; they're the confused and the disorganised. Their lives are a maze of broken promises, former friends, unfinished business, and good intentions.
Maturity is the art of being at peace with what you can't change, having the courage to change what you can, and the wisdom to know the difference.'
Try to become mature and start thinking about more than just the basic things you were taught.
It's time to become mature.
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Goals and the Judge!
One day Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes lost his train ticket.
As he searched for it, obviously irritated, the train conductor said, 'It's okay, your Honour; just mail it in. We all know you and trust you.'
... Holmes replied, 'I'm not concerned about finding my ticket - I just want to know where I'm going!'
Having goals lets you know where you're going in life.
50% of the people around you have no idea where they're going.
Another 40 % will go in any direction they're led.
The remaining 10 per cent know where they'd like to go - but fewer than half of them are prepared to pay the price to get there.
Store owner J.C. Penney said, 'Give me a stock clerk with a goal, and I'll give you someone who'll make history. On the other hand, give me someone without a goal, and I'll give you a stock clerk.'
The truth is, while you are working on your goals, your goals are working on you. And the reward you get for reaching them isn't nearly as important as what you become in pursuit of them.
So, do you have goals?
Are they clear enough to write down, short enough to fit into a paragraph, strong enough to help you persevere, and valuable enough to make you pay the price?
If so, you'll live to see them fulfilled.
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TIME - something we can't get more of...
I have to admit I have been procrastinating for the last two days. I have a project to finish that has been weighing heavily on my mind.
Instead of doing something about it, I have fudged and hedged and done everything and anything except finish that darn project.
... Have you ever found yourself procrastinating like I was doing?
I know that getting started is 95% psychological and only 5% is the doing part. So following my own advice, and advice I give to my clients I ate my Frog. That is, doing the thing I least wanted to do.
So I got up at 4.30am this morning. This is something I hate doing as I do enjoy my bed! But I had to start, and I had to stop putting it off. My procrastination had led to the situation where I couldn't have a sleep in - I had to complete this project.
Stupidly I tried to get out of bed, put on my clothes in the dark, and get out of the bedroom without waking my wife.
I failed miserably.
I walked into the end of the bed, kicking it with my toe. That hurt and I let out an expletive. This woke my wife. Not a good start to trying to finish the project I thought.
Finally downstairs in the kitchen, I put the kettle on for a cup of coffee. Yes, more procrastination.
I then settled down to write. I sat there for a full ten minutes and there was nothing flowing. So I got up, looked out the window. It was then that I realised I was putting pressure on myself. I decided to take the pressure off.
I sat down again. I let my mind wander. I let my sub conscious take over and bring to the surface all the hidden gems I have stored away in my brain. All of a sudden my mind opened up. It seemed free as there was no pressure. Pictures came into my head. The words started to come. The graphics to go with the project also resonated in my mind. Soon I was in the flow. By 7.25am, I was finished. I sat back and looked at the piece of work I'd completed. It looked amazing.
Why on earth didn't I do that 2 days ago? Why had I stupidly procrastinated?
I know we only have 24 hours in the day, 60 minutes in the hour and 60 seconds in the minute. Yet here I was wasting that precious time. What an idiot!!!
If you have been in a similar position to me, what did you do to resolve it? What did you do to get the job done? I'd love to know.
PS My toe is still pretty sore!!!
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Having fun at BNI Canterbury with eggs. Pete shows the chapter how business can sometimes be like juggling eggs when you are trying to manage everything on your own. When you are employed you only have one job to do. When you are self employed that one job increases to five jobs such as being the HR Manager, Sales Manager, Admin Manager, Operations Manager and Finance Manager.


Day 3 of The Business & Marketing School with #Jessen JamesChinnapan and #JamesNicholson Real energy with amazing learnings, and two mentors who really know how to impart knowledge and help people learn and understand what to do #knowledge #learning


Wow - Listening to James Nicholson, one of the worlds leading digital marketing experts giving great content and ideas for SOCIAL MEDIA #JAMESNICHOLSON #socialmedia


Day 2 of Success Mastery with Jessen James and James Nicholson. Wow 39 people in the room, learning, engaging and putting Actions in to their business #business #openmind #JessenJamesChinnapan


Here I talk about Time Management v Self Management and the important of not getting distracted, or deluding yourself that everything is OK


Here I talk about Time Management v Self Management and the important of not getting distracted, or deluding yourself that everything is OK


Your goal as a parent should not be to raise perfect children, but to impart to them the wisdom needed for successful living.
This raises two challenges: parental neglect and parental obsession. The second one is prevalent among parents who become obsessed with their children, leaving them no time for recreation, romance or rest. These people probably wouldn't even consider Mother Teresa to be qualified as their babysitter!
... The motives of obsessive parents may be good, but their preoccupation can lead to three serious problems:
(1) Making children the centrepiece of life, which is not in their best interests. If you make children the centre of the universe, they are in for a rude awakening when they get out into the real world.
(2) Emotional and physical fatigue produces what is known as 'parental burnout'. Just as a battery cannot continually be drained, you need time to recharge physically, emotionally and spiritually. When you don't get it, you run on your nerves and everybody around you feels the negative effects.
(3) 'Super parenting' can be destructive to a marriage, especially when the mother is the one so inclined. A father may come to resent the children for taking his wife away from him, or she may think her husband is selfish because he doesn't match her commitment to the kids. Either way, a wedge is driven between them that could eventually destroy the family.
School teaches us about numbers and science, but very rarely does school teach us how to raise children. And this is one of the most important jobs we have in this world.
Invariably we 'do' what our parents did, because that's where we learnt about parenting - from them. Many times parents aren't the correct role model we should be following. Quite often our parents have learnt from their parents and the self-perpetuating model of inadequate parenting revolves.
Take time to learn look for a good role model and learn the art of parenting from them.
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You'll always have to deal with fear in one form or another.
And your fears will be different at different seasons of life.
... Once you accept that, you can make progress.
For example, Julius Caesar conquered the world but he was terrified of thunder.
Peter the Great of Russia cried like a child when he had to cross bridges.
The celebrated British writer Dr Samuel Johnson wouldn't enter a room left foot first. If he accidentally did, he backed up and re-entered with his right one (Talk about putting your best foot forward!).
If you let it control you, fear will keep you from living to the fullest.
Fear breeds inaction, inaction breeds lack of experience, lack of experience breeds ignorance, and ignorance breeds fear. Fear is a cycle, and remember it stands for:
False Expectations Appearing Real.
Overcome your FEARs and take control of the issues that are holding you back.
#business #businesssuccess #openmind
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More about Pete & Janelle O'Keeffe

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -