Physio Clinic

About Physio Clinic

I am highly qualified Physiotherapist with over 15 years of work experience and currently also working as clinical specialist in chronic pain management



There's strong evidence that an individual who loses 5 to 10 percent of their bodyweight, accompanied with a strength-based program, can have a 30 to 50 percent reduction in their pain, as well as improvements in Quality of Life and their function.


It’s never too late to exercise:


Don’t be worried about your MRI/X-Ray results. Some changes are inevitable, just age related. It does not always produce pain.


Choose the exercise you enjoy! Exercise smart !


Exercise is must for all ages:
Boys under six years old need about 70 minutes a day of at least moderate exercise, increasing to 85 minutes for those aged six to nine, according to new guidelines on reducing children’s risk of cardiovascular disease. Girls need the 60 minutes recommended by earlier guidelines.Both sexes should include 20 minutes of vigorous exercise


Get those bunion treated 😀


Your pelvis cannot move out of alignment. Sacroiliac joint is strong and stable joint. You can have pain due to inflammation or nervous sensitivity and it is manageable through appropriate strategies. So get right advice and right treatment.


Exercise is the key to every problem:


Let the body heal itself