Pilates Faversham

About Pilates Faversham

Fully qualified Pilates Instructor
Available home visit 1-2-1 or 1-2-2
Classes running at Apotheca Clinic in Faversham town
Contact for more info

Pilates Faversham Description

Body control Pilates

Offering local 1-2-1 Pilates classes from the comfort of your own home giving you the benefit of a session that is based around your own wants and needs also setting some personal goals along the way.

I will also be running Beginners classes in Faversham mixture of morning and afternoon sessions.

If you are interested in starting something new or keeping your body moving please give me a call or drop me an email.

The Benefits of Pilates

Pilates can really make a difference in your health without taking a toll on your body.

Mind-body workout

Pilates exercises encourage proper breathing whilst using correct spinal and pelvic alignment. The movements are smooth and flowing enabling you to become in tune with your body.

The quality of movement is far more important than the quantity of repetitions

The aim of Pilates is to develop a strong "core, " or center of the body. The core consists of the deep abdominal muscles along with the muscles closest to the spine. Control of the core is achieved by integrating the trunk, pelvis and shoulder girdle.

Pilates elongates and strengthens, improving muscle elasticity and joint mobility. A body with balanced strength and flexibility is less likely to be injured.

A lot of conventional workouts tend to work the same muscles. This leads weak muscles to get weaker and strong muscles to get stronger. The result is muscular imbalance - a primary cause of injury and chronic back pain.

Pilates conditions the whole body, even the ankles and feet. No muscle group is over trained or under trained. Your entire musculature is evenly balanced and conditioned, helping you enjoy daily activities and sports with greater ease, better performance and less chance of injury. That’s why so many professional sports teams and elite athletes now use Pilates as a critical part of their training regimen.

Learn how to move efficiently

Pilates exercises train several muscle groups at once in smooth, continuous movements. By developing proper technique, you can actually re-train your body to move in safer, more efficient patterns of motion - invaluable for injury recovery, sports performance, good posture and optimal health.

It’s gentle…

Many of the exercises are performed in reclining or sitting positions, and most are low impact and partially weight bearing. Pilates is so safe, it is used in physical therapy facilities to rehabilitate injuries.

But it’s also challenging…

Pilates is also an extremely flexible exercise system. Modifications to the exercises allow for a range of difficulty ranging from beginning to advanced. Get the workout that best suits you now, and increase the intensity as your body conditioning improves.



Thank you very much everyone for lightening up my Fridays and always finishing the week on a high! I really hope you all have an amazing Christmas and Happy new year! All my love x


I did it!! Thank you for all your support😊 what an amazing experience


Hello ladies!
No pilates for the next two weeks 20th July (skydive day) and 27th July (many of you are away)
We will resume on the 3rd August.
... I will update you all on the 3rd August as to the new course and where we are etc
Many thanks
Ella xx
P.s enjoy the sunshine!!
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Unfortunately due to weather conditions my jump was cancelled but will update everyone as to the new jump date once confirmed. Thank you for all the support so far lets keep raising money until then!


https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/el larosekelly


Good afternoon ladies...
Having a look at the weather forecast for tomorrow, it does keep changing, but I think we are set for a bit more snow tomorrow afternoon...
Roads are icy and I think it may be safer if we miss this week and come back to it next Friday?
... How does that sound to everyone?
Many thanks
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Good evening ladies
Just a reminder we are starting back tomorrow
Just want to confirm who will be there?
... Many thanks
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Good afternoon Ladies
Happy new year!!
I hope everyone has had a lovely Christmas and good break!
... Starting the new course Friday 5th January, please could you let me know if you are signing up for the next 6weeks
Many thanks
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Dear lovely ladies
I would like to thank you very much for all your hard work and support this year. I have thoroughly enjoyed teaching each and every one of you.
Merry Christmas to you all and have a wonderful new year!
... See you in 2018!
Many thanks
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Hello ladies!!! Back to it this friday after a week break
I look forward to seeing you all friday😊
Let me know if you cant make it
... Many thanks
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Dont forget to pop into Apotheca clinic to pick up a leaflet about Pilates and read about how it can really benefit you!
14 West St, Faversham ME13 7JE


Coming up to the end of the course!
If you are interested in starting Pilates and would like to know a little more about it please visit- https://pilatesfaversham.wordpress.com/

More about Pilates Faversham
