Pink Spaghetti Pa Services Maidstone & Sittingbourne

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Pink Spaghetti Pa Services Maidstone & Sittingbourne

Follow me on twitter @PinkSpag_Emily or Instagram @emily_oneill_pa
Email me emily. oneill@pink-spaghetti. co. uk
Phone me 07914 933 480 or 0333 355 0955

Pink Spaghetti Pa Services Maidstone & Sittingbourne Description

I offer a fast, efficient and cost-effective virtual assistant /personal assistant service - think of me as your personal PA - as well as a time management solution for both your business, and domestic, challenges.



I need to confess - I have a serious problem.
A stationery problem 😂
I LOVE my notebooks and pens. I’m like a notebook magpie - as soon as I see a new shiny one in a shop, I’m there, buying it before you can you ‘but you’ve already got 20 new ones at home’!
... And they are useful; I couldn’t be without mine, even in my business where working digitally is a massive part of it (and which I embrace too). But I do still love a pen and paper and good list and place to scribble my notes.
What’s your one thing you just can’t stop buying?! 🙈
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Introducing the next instalment of ‘Emily O’Neill: the day-to-day edition’ 🤣
An issue many of my clients come to me with? Being able to implement their digital marketing effectively. They have amazing ideas, loads of amazing content - but how do they get it out there for everyone to see?
Not only do I assist with their social media management, I also set-up their mailing systems and design their newsletter templates using Mailchimp or ConverKit to ensure that they can reach o...ut to everyone on their mailing lists on a regular basis.
Automation is a big part of this behind-the-scenes and I set up email sequences outlining clients’ training courses, workshops or special offers, for example.
And this pic? It’s on my office wall and is a little shrine to some of the gigs I’ve been to over the years. Seeing Prince live is something I’m so grateful for - he was AMAZING 🙌🏻
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Drumroll please: here’s Day 2 of my ‘Day in the Life of Emily Sarah O’Neill, Virtual Assistant’.
Something I do a lot of during my day is managing my client’s social media accounts. For anyone who may know me, you know how much I like to tell a story 😏 And it’s very similar when I’m creating content for my clients. I know I relate to brands who draw me in, who teach me things, who tell me a story I find interesting.
And some of my clients have LOADS of content already! They j...ust struggle - due to lack of time - in getting it out there for their customers to see, and that’s where I can help, by using scheduling software and also by managing their engagement and interaction too.
I have grown to *love* social media because it’s been a very kind place to me since I started my business and I’ve met lots of lovely people. And I ❤️ that I can help my clients do the same through their social too.
And this pic? It’s of a little bookcase I have in my office which holds lots of important (to me) things 🥰
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Welcome to Day 1 of ‘A Day in the Life of Emily O’Neill, age 34 and 50 weeks’ 🤣
This week I’m going to take you on a little tour of exactly what it is I do, and I’m going to show you the environment I do it in as we go.
So what sort of things do I help my clients with? Well, I create images that they can use on their social media, websites and pin to their Pinterest boards! AND I LOVE IT!
... I love using Canva to design Pins, memes, testimonial images, adverts all keeping with my client’s branding specifications, alongside also using Photoshop Elements for some trickier design work too.
It’s the best way for me to flex my creative muscles AND it saves my clients so much time. They often *love* Canva too, but if I create their images they can free up valuable space to work on other parts of their businesses.
Oh and this is a picture that Luciana drew of me right at the start of when I launched my business 🥰 I have it on my office door at home. I can kinda see the likeness, can’t you?! 🤣
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This is the latest in the ‘I really can’t believe this is happening to me?!’ series this year...
Pink Spaghetti put an advert in The Times newspaper this weekend and they very kindly asked if they could use one of my pics. A chance to be in The Times? OF COURSE I SAID YES 🤣
Very proud indeed to represent them!
... And whilst I sit here this evening with a face the size of the Moon due to a particularly delightful bout of viral tonsillitis (it’s the work of the devil, isn’t it?), I shall marvel at the normal size of my face in the picture 🤣
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This is from yesterday. The O’Neill family aren’t natural navigators and when we tried to find a little steam train station not more than 1.5 miles from our house we very nearly got lost, Luciana got stuck down a rabbit hole and Mr Emily threatened to turn back round about 10 times 🤣
Anyway, I digress.
We did eventually get to said station, we had a lovely day there and we got the steam train back.
... And then I saw this picture that Mr Emily had taken, of me smiling at Luciana because she was being some comedian or other (don’t know where she gets it from). And I realised: there really aren’t many people in this world who make me smile like that.
I’m taking flexible working to the extreme tomorrow and the little pocket-rocket-tornado-hurricane is coming with me to a client catch-up in the morning. She’s looking forward to ‘going to talk about Mummy’s work with all the people’: 🥰
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Eeeek! Spread the word.... Pink Spaghetti PA Services Maidstone and Sittingbourne are recruiting!
I’m looking for a Creative Administrative Assistant to join my team!
If you're confident in Canva, a whizz with Wordpress and also enjoy email management and general administrative tasks, then this is the job for you.
... You’ll need to have brilliant organisational skills and proven experience with creative tasks.
Exact working hours are flexible but will need to be completed within business hours, and can of course fit in with school run hours if needed. The role is home-based and will be for 4 hours per week.
If this sounds like a role you’d be interested in, please email me at for a full job description and application form.
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For most of April and the first half of May this year, my ‘zing’ deserted me. I don’t know *where* it went, but it definitely went on holiday from me for a while.
I got it back last week. I finally felt like things clicked again and I felt more confident too.
Whilst it had it’s break, I was kind to myself. I took a step back from a few work meetings. I was also lucky enough to take on work that I *truly* love doing.
... It’s a continual process, being a grown-up 🤣 And there’ll be challenging days, hard hours, difficult minutes in being a business owner.
But my god, am I pleased to have my ‘zing’ back - I had missed it!
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Oh look. It’s another photo of me that just keeps on giving 🤣
I had this taken at a mirror-selfie-booth-thing at a business expo a couple of weeks ago, and it reminded me of two things when I found it a couple of days later in my bag:
💕 1. Quite literally, always be yourself. Especially when it comes to your business, honesty is always the best policy. And if your true self is most happiest in yellow Elton John specs and an orange bowler hat, so be it!
... 💕 And 2. HAVE FUN. Because if you can’t have fun when you’re in business, what’s the point?!
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Now you may know how much I LOVE a Flat Lay - you know, those fancy-looking, well-lit, colour-themed, everything is in the right place photos taken from above where everything looks just beautiful!
Except this desk Flat Lay of mine is a little different. I call this my ‘Honest Flat Lay’. Because this is what my desk looks like at the moment.
And it hit me earlier that this *state* is doing me NO favours at all!
... I can’t find what I need, I’m worried I’m losing my receipts in amongst other bits of paper and I have that funny little feeling of dread every time I see it (it’s been in this state for a while!)
So why am I posting it? Because I’m a Virtual PA and I’m not supposed to be messy, right?! Surely I’m supposed to be almost militant in my tidiness? Err, nope 🤣
I’m posting it for two reasons:
1) it helps me be accountable for tidying the bl***y mess up.
And 2) it helps to challenge perhaps a little myth that social media can draw us into: that everyone is perfect, tidy, neat, organised, feeling in control at all times.
They’re really not, trust me 💕
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Nothing to see here! Nope! Just a girl from Sittingbourne in actual awe of how she’s got lucky enough to be able to go to a fantastic event run by one of her clients at Twitter HQ London. TWITTER HQ LONDON. I was *giddy* all night, as I’m sure you can imagine 🤣
My amazing client Funny Women run an event called HERlarious which is aimed at helping women in the creative, communications and advertising industries to develop their confidence in expressing their ideas whilst using... some tricks of the comedy trade.
It was my second HERlarious event that I was able to be a part of and it’s just brilliant!
DISCLAIMER: I do *actually* do some actual work every now and again, I promise 🤣
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🐒 Yesterday I went along to the Venues and Events Exhibition at Detling and one of the workshops that I did was a team building one. There were six of us, none of us knew each other and we had to make a puzzle for the monkeys at Port Lympne to get their food out of.
🐒 The monkeys are obviously very clever and so the previous feeders weren’t challenging enough for them!
🐒 So we made our maze; I used a SAW and an ELECTRIC DRILL. Unheard of, trust me 🤣
... 🐒 And then our puzzle was driven down to Port Lympne where the monkeys saw it for the first time, and it was broadcast live at the exhibition.
🐒 I’m not ashamed to say I felt really proud to know that we’d made this for them and that they went to it straight away. It was lovely to see ☺️
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I spoke at a networking event last week and it was a different talk to what I’ve done before. Normally I’m going on about time management or something equally as exciting 😏
This time I told my story, how I got to running my own business - starting with my childhood right through to the current day; I spoke a lot about my lovely family and lovely friends.
I brought along lots of photos too: I’m LOVE tangible, physical photos because they tell their own stories in the texture o...f the print and in the type of picture taken.
It was great to share my story with these ladies. It can be easier to focus on the now, the present and on the future, but I think it’s just as important to reflect on what’s happened already too.
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💙 It’s a boy!
💙 What are your guesses for the new royal baby’s name?! Will the royal couple go traditional or more modern?
💙 My guesses? Either Oscar or Thomas!


If Ted has got anything to do with being ‘H’ then I’m boycotting the next series. It can’t be Ted, can it? Can it?! 😫


🎉 It’s the Bank Holiday weekend!
😃 And it’s been a while since I’ve done one, but here’s a #FunFriday for you!
👇 Comment below.
... 💕 And have the most wonderful weekend, whatever you’re up to.
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I’ve seen a few people recently asking for recommendations for Virtual Assistants in forums, which is great! I’m excited to be part of an industry that is growing organically and which is getting the attention it so rightly deserves.
But something that can be tricky for anyone taking on recommendations in that way is that many Virtual Assistants are specialists in certain areas; one style doesn’t suit all.
Part of the issue is that it can be hard to feel you’re able to ‘niche...’ as a Virtual Assistant - after all, a PA does a little bit of everything, right? But the role of a Virtual Assistant is somewhat different to that of a traditional PA (having been one myself for many years, I can vouch for that!) and so specialising in certain tasks is something that many VAs do.
I assist my clients with their organisation, their admin, their processes.
But alongside all that, what’s my ‘niche’?
Well, the creative stuff! Managing social media, creating content and writing stories that customers can relate to, designing Pins and images that are used across social platforms, updating websites, designing webinars and training packages: I ❤️ it!
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This is known as my ‘Social Day’ face 🤣
These pictures are from last year’s Social Day Social Media Marketing event: you can actually *see* the cogs turning in my head!
Excited to be going along to Social Day 19 this week in London - it is going to be BRILLIANT!
... It’s such a great event and the line-up of speakers and workshops is just second-to-none; it exceeds expectations every year - quite an amazing thing.
Looking forward to sharing some of the things I’ll be learning whilst I’m there, both new things I can implement in my business for my own social media and also for my clients social media platforms too.
And of course I’ll be sharing more pictures of my thinking face 🤣
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More about Pink Spaghetti Pa Services Maidstone & Sittingbourne

Pink Spaghetti Pa Services Maidstone & Sittingbourne is located at ME10 2 Sittingbourne
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -