Pint Of Wine Theatre Company

About Pint Of Wine Theatre Company

Pint of Wine is a theatre company with a plan.

We look to challenge. We look to disrupt. We look to engage. We look to surprise. And we look to grow.

Pint Of Wine Theatre Company Description

Pint of Wine Theatre Company

Pint of Wine is a theatre company with a plan.

We look to challenge. We look to disrupt. We look to engage. We look to surprise. And we look to grow.

Pint of Wine is an innovative theatre company that provides opportunities for artists, technicians and practitioners to push the limits on how theatre should be done.

We seek to challenge the conventions on how theatre should be presented and look to be disruptive in what is understood of and expected from the London fringe theatre scene.

We look to be creative in our choice of source material and to question how and where works are to be presented, always examining how to best engage with a modern audience. We will seek to innovate and not to repeat, and, by this, bring fresh approaches, new stories and surprising productions to audiences.

Amateur with a professional approach…

While many of the people involved in Pint of Wine are at the forefront of thinking in their craft, whether it be on stage, production, design or tech, we begin our journey, unapologetically, as an amateur theatre company. Amateur means for the love (and not the money); however, non-professional need not mean unprofessional. We produce shows to a professional standard. We believe that it is incorrect to make an artificial division between amateur and professional theatre in London when it comes to quality. We seek simply to produce the best quality production irrespective of whether people are doing it simply for the love of it.

In this regard we believe production values matter. While different productions will require different resources, we seek to produce shows with high production values in keeping with each production to ensure an incredible audience experience.


We seek to provide adequate time and resources for our creative teams to develop their work and to provide for their appropriate realisation – to allow them to think innovatively and maximise their potential. We seek to work with emerging artists and providing a collaborative process where they can work with other leading creatives ensuring adequate support and resources to implement their vision and deliver what is expected from them as part of the process.

At the forefront of the operation is a collaborative approach to productions. We believe that each person in the creative process is an important member of the team and our success comes from our collective energies. We seek to ensure every member of the cast and creative team are stakeholders in each production we undertake.

Learning and growing…

We seek to maximise the opportunities for success by providing a schedule for development that allows for workshopping and collaboration with the broader team and community, in order to generate constructive feedback.

We look to reflect robustly on our successes and any failures as part of the bigger story for Pint of Wine. If we seek to innovate we must accept that sometimes we will fall and sometimes we will fail. If not, we are likely playing things too safe. Honest assessments of all productions will be documented and policies and procedures refined in order to create solid foundations and supporting walls within which we will build future work.

Working with others

We are an independent theatre company, however, we seek to collaborate with other organisations where possible. Producing theatre in London is an incredibly difficult and resource-intensive process and where possible we share resources to ensure we are as efficient as possible. We intentionally do not seek to be resident in any specific venue as we believe different productions benefit from different venues. We will seek to continue to build partnerships where consistent with our development programme.


As a producing theatre company, our membership is production team focussed. Membership is by invitation only, however, we encourage expressions of interest from creatives that are interested in working with us. Certain actors are invited into the core membership of the company, however, for the most part actors become affiliate members for each production they are involved. We seek to provide development opportunities for members and non-members through our programming.

More about Pint Of Wine Theatre Company