Poems For You

About Poems For You

Any Poems you want wrote at very keen prices for any occasion



I loved you first: but afterwards your love Outsoaring mine, sang such a loftier song As drowned the friendly cooings of my dove. Which owes the other most? my love was long, And yours one moment seemed to wax more strong;... I loved and guessed at you, you construed me And loved me for what might or might not be – Nay, weights and measures do us both a wrong. For verily love knows not ‘mine’ or ‘thine;’ With separate ‘I’ and ‘thou’ free love has done, For one is both and both are one in love: Rich love knows nought of ‘thine that is not mine;’ Both have the strength and both the length thereof, Both of us, of the love which makes us one.
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This New Year has been foretold. Your future is at hand. God knows the fate and outcome of each and every man.
... God has chosen the narrow road. His wisdom is leading the way. His great strength can carry your load. His compassion you will feel every day.
With a new dawn over the horizon, and the Lord to lead the way, you can spread your wings like an eagle and soar through every day.
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Until I Met You
Before I met you, I thought I was happy, and I was,... but I had never known the rich contentment, deep satisfaction, and total fulfillment you brought to me when you came into my life. Before I met you, I felt a lot of things, good things, but I had never experienced the indescribably intense feelings I have for you. Before I met you, I thought I knew myself, and I did, but you looked deep inside me and found fresh new things for us to share. Before I met you, I thought I knew about love, but I didn’t, until I met you.
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Creatures of the Fire
We swan-dive into the volcano, burning; We’re creatures of the fire, Mingled male and female, yearning... For the heat, the sweet explosion of desire.
I splash into the pleasure, all consuming; I’m joyfully insane, My passion for you deep, and fully blooming; Long after, sweet warm flickers still remain.
You make my body sizzle with your kisses, And yet there’s so much more; My heart is kindled, too; It knows what bliss is, This closeness that I’ve never felt before.
My body and my heart belong to you; I’m peaceful and complete. I see more adventures coming for we two, We creatures of the tender fire and heat.
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Loving Pair
It takes two special people, To make a loving pair. There's a joy just being around you,... A feeling we love to share.
We send anniversary wishes to you, For years of joy and pleasure. May each year keep getting better, With memories to treasure.
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Would it be ok if I took some of your time? Would it be ok if I wrote you a rhyme? Would it be ok if I opened my heart? Would it be ok if I took on the part Of being your man and showed you a view,... One that only a real man could do? Would it be ok if I could make you smile? Would it be ok if I held you awhile? Would it be ok if I kissed your face? Would it be ok if I were to replace All the men in your past that just wouldn't do And vow to be faithful and always be true? Would it be alright to look in your eyes? Would it be alright to never tell lies? Would it be alright to find a way? Would it be alright to long for the day To pull you close and whisper in your ear And tell you our feelings are nothing to fear? Would it be ok if I took some of your time? Would it be ok if I wrote you a rhyme? To tell you there's nothing I'd rather do Than spend my whole life loving only you...
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When I see you in the morning, it brightens up my day. There are so many thoughts on my mind, so many words I want to say.
... I want to tell you how I feel, but the words I cannot find. They're all mixed up with my thoughts that are running through my mind.
I've been keeping it locked up because I know there's not a chance. You never look my way. You don't even take a glance.
You don't even know you're doing this, toying with my heart. I wish I could just tell you, but I don't know where to start.
Should I tell you how much you mean to me or how badly I want to be with you? If I were to say these things how would you react, what would you do?
Would you never talk to me again? Would you never look my way? That would just bring me back to where I am today.
Then I'd start all over and choose a different route to make you understand my feelings that want out.
I don't know what to do or even how to say. Maybe I should lock it up and keep myself away.
My heart would ache even more, but maybe for the good. I just really want to tell you only if I could.
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I guess you think you know this story. You don't. The real one's much more gory. The phoney one, the one you know, Was cooked up years and years ago, And made to sound all soft and sappy...
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I wish I could go back to the past, of Christmases long ago. I wish I could see my loved ones who have passed on long ago.
... I'd love to be that child again who sat on Santa's knee. Yes, all these memories that I have decorating the tree.
I wish I could wake Christmas morn to see Daddy baking ham. And to see my mamma making her yummy famous candy yams.
I wish I could go to Grandma's house; her cookies were the best. The pies and cakes that she would bake, she kept them in a chest.
Her house would smell like ginger, with a hint of Balsam Pine. She'd decorate the house with lights, and it would surely shine.
All these Christmas memories, it seems like yesteryear. I'd love to go back to the past. This is my Christmas prayer.
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Christmas is a happy time for friends and family, The children are excited as they unwrap presents around the tree.
Carols are sung and lights twinkle in the night. Jack Frost glistens on the windows, and the snow sparkles from the winter moonlight.
... Christmas is such a joyous time to appreciate the ones we love. This Christmas I want to send wishes to those we lost up above.
To some, Christmas is not the same because a loved one passed away, And the grief is overwhelming each and every day.
When the holidays approach, we miss them even more, Traditions never feel the same, and memories are all we have left to adore.
We will always remember their name and never forget their faces, And as long as we keep them in our hearts, they can never be erased.
So this Christmas, my wish is for everyone who is feeling a little blue To find some peace, joy, and comfort with everything you do.
Christmas isn't just a season; it's a feeling, and the magic never ends. One of its greatest gifts is to cherish family and friends.
Merry Christmas to all our special angels up above. Merry Christmas to you all. I send you all my love.
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When I scratched my knee, Or if I bumped my head. When I was afraid of the dark, Or that thing under my bed. When I cried in the night,... Or even in the day. You were there for me, To make it all okay.
You tickled my feet, And laughed at all my jokes. You taught me to believe, In having high hopes. You are my father You did what you had to do. But more than a father You are my friend too. You made everything good, That was once bad. I just want you to know I love you Dad.
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I love you and I miss you, Dad, and though you've passed away, you'll never be forgotten, for I think of you each day.
... If heaven celebrates this day how special it will be. A gathering of the many dads upon our family tree.
Your father and grandfather and great grandfather too. How wonderful it is, if they can spend this day with you.
May you know how much I love you, though I'm here and you are there. Happy Father's Day in heaven to the best dad anywhere!
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I am asking my readers what you think of my page, I am sorry that I have not been here for a long time, but sadly I have a very busy lifestyle, hopefully I have things sorted now, and I can devote more time to the page, and writing poetry that I love. I would ask all of you to comment on my page and maybe complete the poll below of what you think of my page. Thanking you Poems for you.


It's Christmas time, And I wish you well. May the Lord bless you With the best of health.
... I hope the stockings are hung And you're filled with wonder. There are so many surprises For you to ponder.
May your children be merry When Santa brings toys. Some for the girls And some for the boys.
I pray you have food And plenty to eat: Turkey and gravy And lots of sweets.
I hope your family's there, Friends and neighbors, too. So merry Christmas From all of us to all of you.
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My new email is infopoemsforyou@gmail.com


Life can be unfair to us, we want to run and hide It's times like these you need a friend, to be right by your side We all have hurt and loneliness, we sometimes look away We try to hide these aweful thoughts, each morning of each day
... We need to look within ourselves, and take the good inside As this will help us through these times, our dignity and pride Each day will help to heal the heart, we need to take things slow And just remember each of us, our kindness we must show
People tend to hurt us, with reasons so unclear We cry and sob and feel alone, we long for someone near We seem so lost and frightened, the ache inside is real We sometimes want to look above, and humble as we kneel
So take the good inside, and take things day by day Things will get better, as we move, along lifes weary way We all are special dont forget, we need this to believe That one day things will shine for us, just close your eyes and dream
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The veeeeery best you can always read

They express what's truly from the heart...

I .ran all you could ever want to talk about


Violent 2015 pain

Working in my shed the pain in my head has let me see things that I’ve never done or said.

I have never written before coz I found it a chore reading books became a bore.

I found myself fighting, this pain came back blinding, who if not me is writing.

I was bad at school, could not follow rule, the establishment seemed so cruel.

I’m dyslexic and thick, not very quick, others used to take the Mick.

Getting mixed up a lot, my writing amok, found I was just watching the clock.

I have become numb, fighting this conundrum; I’m either clever or dumb.

I write in rhyme with rhythm and time it help to clear this head of mine.

I don’t fight anymore, I don’t find it a chore, when it talks to me I write more.

More about Poems For You

Poems For You is located at Ireland, Ringwood