
About Politicallypotent

Politically Potent is a media organisation committed to bringing the politics to the readers, putting quality news updates and information on your screens.



Our new website has arrived! New content coming soon. In the meantime, follow us on Twitter @PotentPolitics and check us out here: http://politicallypotent.com/


Our latest UK Politics article by Luke Shacklock:
How the Tories Surged in Holyrood
"The Holyrood election in May came with a number of surprises, though the overall result of an SNP dominated parliament had been predicted for a very long time. However, their inability to secure an outright majority, falling short by 2 seats, came as a surprise to all parties – even the SNP themselves believed they’d secure 70+ seats whether they’d admit it or not.
... "The impressive performance of the Lib Dems in a few targeted constituencies was largely unexpected and the scale of Labour’s collapse was unprecedented.
"But the real shock was the surge of the Scottish Conservatives who leapfrogged Labour to secure the position as the official opposition to the SNP, a breakthrough not even thinkable a year ago at the Westminster election in 2015. At that election where the SNP took nearly a clean sweep of Scottish constituencies, the Conservatives just managed to retain their one MP."
Available to read in full now: http://www.politicallypotent.com/…/how- the-tories-surged-in…
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Our latest article comes from our newest contributor, Luke!
Why the European Union is not a Democracy Luke Shacklock
... “The EU is an antidote to democratic governments” - President Barroso, 2012
"The term ‘Democratic Deficit’ has long been used to associate the EU with the nature of being unaccountable to the vast European public of 500 million people it presides over and legislates for. It was first coined by the Young European Federalists in 1977 who, paradoxically, are actually in favour of further European integration but through the strengthening of the democratic accountability of the EU and its institutions. Today it is broadly used by advocates of leaving the European Union in the run up to the UK’s referendum on June 23rd 2016.
"Proponents of the UK’s continued membership are often eager to avoid the subject, usually by giving the scripted line of a ‘reformed Europe’ or by seeking to justify what they call ‘pooled sovereignty’ with the successes of the EU.
"It is a puzzling position by many political parties (most notably the SNP and the Greens) to promote devolution to local government from Westminster, but seem desperate to allow the EU to absorb more control at the centre in Brussels.
"Occasionally a pro-remain campaigner is able to break the imperative silence over the democratic argument by pointing out that the UK has representatives in the European Parliament that we elect, as well as a seat on the European Commission; let’s take a closer look at these assertions…"
Read on here: http://politicallypotent.com/luke-sl http://politicallypotent.com/…/why-the- european-union-is-no…
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To The Undecideds: One Month to #Brexit (1) Tom Hill
Today marks one month until the #EU referendum, perhaps the most important decision the British public has taken in over 40 years. And yet, so many are undecided. Even if you have already decided on Remain, do not be afraid to change your mind. In February, I was ardently pro-EU. There’s nothing wrong with changing your mind. And there’s nothing wrong with disagreeing with your official party line. Look at Gove for the Tori...es. Look at Kate Hoey for Labour. Look at Jenny Jones for the Greens. Look at Jim Sillars for the SNP. It is okay to think your party are wrong.
So, straight into it: these three posts will be a tour of Brexit. First, Why Vote Leave, second, What About Remain and finally: What Will Happen.
Part One: Why Vote Leave: http://www.politicallypotent.com/tom-hill http://www.politicallypotent.com/…/to-t he-undecideds-one-mo…
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The #EU: Then and Now Tom Hill
The European Union today looks nothing like the #EEC the #UK voted for in 1975. If anything, it is impressive that the EU has changed so much without us having to vote on it again.
... Here, I explore some of the ways the EU in 2016 is completely different to the one we voted for in 1975 - through its huge budget, new institutions, failed democracy, new policy areas, massive expansion and the transformation of the European Single Market. And I give my own conclusion: in 2016, we must vote to leave the European Union. It no longer works for Britain. The EEC of 1975 is gone forever, and the EU is set to continue expanding and encroaching on our own elected government. The June 23rd #EUref is our one and only chance in over a generation to stop it.
http://www.politicallypotent.com/archive/ the-eu-then-and-now
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Why I'm Voting to #Leave the #EU Tom Hill
I have always been a supporter of the #UK staying in the EU. Just a month ago, I wrote an article in defence of staying in the EU. In truth, I am a progressive, so I have always just taken for granted (assumed, if you will) that I am pro-European. In those circumstances, there is little option other than to support it; wanting to leave is typically reserved for people we see as 'backward', for #UKIP and for 'posh toff tories'.
... But I'm none of those things. I am not a Kipper, I am not anti-#immigration, I have never expressed grievances with #Brussels or the Union itself. And yet, in the last few weeks I've realised that I see no reason at all why we should stay in the Union. Here, I'm going to explain why.
I hope others will come to question their views as well.
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#US #Election: Presidential or Senatorial? Tom Hill
On November 8th, Americans aren't just voting for a president. They're voting for 435 congressmen in the House of Representatives, and 34 senators. Any new president will need the support of #congress to make any progress whatsoever. They will only have it if America votes for congressmen and senators who are from the same party as the president. The senatorial elections are the most important out of all three races taking ...place on November 8th, and those same senatorial elections will decide the tone of US politics for the next two years, potentially longer. Here, I explore why that is:
http://politicallypotent.com/tom-hill http://politicallypotent.com/…/us-elect ion-presidential-or-…
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President #Obama's 2016 Agenda Zach Vodden
With the news cycle focusing on who the nominee will be for the #Democratic and #Republican party, Obama can use the remaining time he has in office to get a few more things done. Obama’s last year will likely see a push of legislative agenda as he noted in his State of the Union Address back in January. We explore what remains for Obama in 2016:
... http://politicallypotent.com/zach-vodden http://www.politicallypotent.com/…/pres ident-obama-s-2016-a…
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Did #Cameron forget #immigration in his #EU renegotiations? Tom Hill
New post: David Cameron has spent months travelling around #Europe gathering support for his long-touted EU renegotiation. But he has secured virtually nothing; and he is unlikely to get even that. All of his demands, which he was never likely to be given anyway, have completely ignored the single most important factor which most out-ers wanted on the table: an opt-out of EU immigration rules.
... Available now: http://www.politicallypotent.com/tom-hill http://politicallypotent.com/…/did-came ron-forget-immigrati…
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#Trumpism: Business as Usual Tom Jackson
Our new top post this week: Donald #Trump’s election campaign is conducted on the same principles as his business model: the voter is always right.
... Available now at: http://www.politicallypotent.com/tom-jack son/ http://politicallypotent.com/…/trumpism -its-business-as-usu…
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#Bernie Sanders - The Secret #Republican Joe Langley
So Bernie Sanders won #NewHampshire, rather convincingly too (winning by 20 percentage points) and credit where credit is due - his progressive left wing politics (for an American) have seemingly struck a chord with democratic voters. But the problem with this is that this is exactly the result all Republican candidates were praying for... Should Bernie Sanders win the #Democrat nomination, the cheers to ‘#feelthebern’ may ...well be drowned out by the popping of champagne corks in the Trump residence.
http://www.politicallypotent.com/joe-lang ley http://www.politicallypotent.com/…/bern ie-sanders-the-secre…
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#Iran's Hundred Billion Tom Hill
The last twelve months have been turbulent for the #MiddleEast. And then, to the surprise of many observers, we have #Obama negotiating an end to Iranian economic sanctions.
... As a result of lifting these sanctions, Iran just days ago received funds and assets previously frozen – to the tune, by some estimates, of some one hundred billion dollars. Yes, $100 billion.
Iran has been suffering from extreme economic decline in recent years. Nearly 20% of the population live on under $11 per day. Over 10% are unemployed. Any optimist would predict that Iran will contribute at least the greater portion of that $100bn to economic revival, to providing jobs to those approximate eight million unemployed.
I am, apparently, not an optimist.
http://politicallypotent.com/tom-hill http://politicallypotent.com/archive/iran -s-hundred-billion
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Was Invading #Iraq the right thing to do?
When it was revealed that #intelligence (the ‘dodgy dossier’) alluding to Iraq’s possession of Weapons of Mass Destruction was false, that Iraq firstly did not have the chemical weapons and secondly did not have the ties to Al-Qaeda that #Bush suspected, it couldn’t have seemed worse for #America. They had waged a severely damaging military conquest on the basis of bad intelligence. And it was a military conquest where evidence of war... crimes became apparent (the events at Abu Ghraib, for example), and a military conquest where, sadly, the civilian death toll was much higher by the end of 2003 than you would normally expect.
Who could possibly defend such a feat?
http://www.politicallypotent.com/tom-hill http://www.politicallypotent.com/…/was- invading-iraq-the-r…/
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Our new and improved website is finally live! We will be updating new content throughout the weeks ahead, please stay tuned for more information and feel free to check out the website (www.politicallypotent.com). Another new feature, The Archive, is being added in the next few days, so keep an eye out for that too! #GoodToBeBack
And don't forget, we're always looking for new journalists to host blogs on our site - for further information, check out our homepage!


Here at Politically Potent we are re-creating ourselves as a blog-hosting comany. We hope to be posting all your political information and news written by our dedicated journalists as soon as we can!
Are you interested in running a political blog? We can help - with the many benefits the PP name brings - a platform, a great team with real journalism experience, access to our in-house professional editor, and our entire audience! If you would like further details or to apply, ...please email me at any time. We will carefully consider all applicants from any country in the world.
Tom Hill, Managing Director tom.hill@politicallypotent.com
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New Article: Is a Free Kurdistan the Best Solution to the Islamic State?
The attacks in Paris on November 13th 2015 are a painful reminder of how serious the conflict in Iraq and Syria is. Many are calling for Western ground-intervention in the conflict. Leaders are resorting, instead, to airstrikes on particular IS-controlled targets. But could the establishment of a Free Kurdistan present the best solution to the Islamic State?
http://politicallypotent.com/…/is-free- kurdistan-the-best-s…


BREAKING NEWS: Paris Attacks could spark World War III
Attacks committed in Paris last night, which involved gunfire and at least seven suicide bombings, killed at least 127 civilians in the city. The Islamic State have released an official statement, claiming the attacks as theirs - a response to France's involvement in airstrikes in Syria against the militant group. The world waits with baited breath for President Francois Hollande to give France's response to the attacks.
...We #PrayforParis
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What is Putin up to in Syria? New Fresh Perspective, by Tom Jackson Full article: http://politicallypotent.com/columns
"As Europe is still struggling to deal with the enormous refugee and migrant catastrophe fueled by instability in the Middle East, the bloody civil war in Syrian enters a new phase. Russian war planes and cruise missiles have been conducting airstrikes in Syria against what they say are ‘militants and terrorists’ operating there, as explained by Russia’s Fore...ign Minister Sergei Lavrov at the start of the campaign.
This is the first Russian military intervention in the region for decades and raises some interesting new questions. Firstly, what has persuaded Putin to act in a region well outside the borders of the former Soviet Union? Secondly, is this an actual attempt to take a lead within the international community in joining the fight against ISIS, or merely to prop a regime with which it has vested interest?"
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