Politics Staff And Student Community, University Of York

About Politics Staff And Student Community, University Of York

Community page for staff and students of Politics at the University of York

Politics Staff And Student Community, University Of York Description

We are a welcoming, diverse department with an international outlook: our staff apply their expertise to real-world problems, working with governments and organisations around the globe. Our teaching and research cover all the major sub-disciplines of Politics, including conflict and development, international and comparative politics, political philosophy, and public policy.

Our expertise encompasses British and European politics, and the politics of Latin America, South Africa, the Middle East and Central and South Asia. The Department is also host to three internationally recognised centres: The Post-War Reconstruction and Development Unit, The Morrell Centre for Toleration and The Centre for Applied Human Rights.



Forthcoming conference: "Equality and Democracy in Local & City Government: Theory and Practice" Monday 7 January 2019, from 9.30 to 18.00, in the Bowland Auditorium of the Berrick Saul Building, University of York
Everyone is welcome. Attendance is free, but registration is required. To register, please go to the conference Eventbrite page here:... http://bit.ly/YorkEqualityandDemocracy7Ja n
Conference details: In recent years, with the emergence of the Cleveland Model in the US and the Preston Model in the UK, there has been an enormous upsurge of interest in ways to make local economies more egalitarian and more democratic. Our one-day conference will bring together a range of academics, policy researchers and practitioners to discuss the theory and practice of building more equal and democratic economies at the local and city level, looking at issues including Community Wealth Building, remunicipalisation, and the role of local institutions in creating a more just society. Our keynote speaker is Professor Thad Williamson, who is both an academic political theorist at the University of Richmond, and was also from 2014-16 the founding director of the Office of Community Wealth Building in the City of Richmond, VA, the first institution of its kind in the United States.
The event is free and open to all, but please register via Eventbrite in order to attend: http://bit.ly/YorkEqualityandDemocracy7Ja n
Keynote speaker: Professor Thad Williamson (University of Richmond) - Founding director of the Office of Community Wealth Building in Richmond, Virginia
Other speakers include:
Cllr Matthew Brown (Leader of Preston City Council) Jonathan Davies (De Montfort University) Joe Guinan (The Democracy Collaborative) Dan Hind (the The Next System Project) Satoko Kishimoto (Transnational Institute, TNI) Mathew Lawrence (Common Wealth) Neil McInroy (CLES – the Centre for Local Economic Strategies) Sarah McKinley (the Democracy Collaborative) James Meadway (former chief economist at NEF) Keir Milburn (University of Leicester Frances Northrop (NEF – New Economics Foundation) Hettie O’Brien (Demos) Peter O’Brien (Yorkshire Universities) Martin O'Neill (University of York) Anthony Painter (RSA – Royal Society of Arts) Simon Parker (University of York) Luke Raikes (ippr) Carys Roberts (Shared Assets) Bertie Russell (University of Sheffield) Cllr Asima Shaikh (Islington Council) Hilary Wainwright (red pepper)
Organised by the Department of Philosophy at the University of York, in association with the Centre for Urban Research (CURB), and with the support of the Humanities Research Centre (HRC), the Research Centre for Social Sciences (RCSS), and the Independent Social Research Foundation (ISRF).
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Why Are We Striking?
I'm posting a copy of a letter that has been sent to undergraduate students in the Department of Politics, University of York. The letter is signed by 28 members of staff from the department, and explains the reasons for the continued industrial action.
The post is intended primarily for our students, but please feel free to share widely to other students at UoY and beyond. I aim to publish a further post here, touching on some of the detail of USS pensio...
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Additional FAQs:
The University of York has just launched a webpage of FAQs relating to the forthcoming strike. I thought that the additional FAQs may be useful. As with my previous post, this post is published in a personal capacity. Please feel free to share.
1) Lecturers’ pensions are managed through Universities Superannuation Scheme. Are current benefits under USS sustainable?...
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I've just posted some musings on the upcoming UCU industrial action, targetted to students but hopefully of interest to others (UCU and non-UCU colleagues alike). Please feel free to share.


Reflections on the UCU Higher Education Strike
This message is intended predominantly for current students at the Department of Politics, University of York, to provide information on the upcoming Universities and College Union (UCU) strike action. I have posted on the Department of Politics, University of York Facebook page, which is not formally affiliated with the Department of Politics, University of York. To be clear, I am writing in a personal capacity.
As you are proba...
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We are moving. Please find the latest news about events in the Department of Politics at The York Politics Society Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/theYorkPoliticsS ociety/, and our Department of Politics website: https://www.york.ac.uk/politics/.


Prof Nina Caspersen on the Minsk Agreement for Ukraine and its (many) pitfalls https://theconversation.com/ukraine-peace -plan-follows-a-fa…


hhttps://theconversation.com/argentinas-p resident-makes-the-ultimate-diplomatic-m istake-talking-about-the-falkland-island s-66465


Here's a trailer from UNICEF-Innocenti's Research Watch team ahead of the launch of a new video 'Children on the Move' featuring Dr Simon Parker - lead investigator for the ESRC/DfID funded project: Precarious Trajectories: Understanding the Human Cost of the Migrant Crisis in the Central Mediterranean. The full video is available from tomorrow (7 September 2016).


Associate Lecturer in Political Theory University of York - Department of Politics


Associate Lecturer in Politics and IR at the University of York


We are advertising a two year post on Quantitative Political Science.


This Monday 13/06 Dr Sofia Vasilopoulou will be talking about Brexit - campaigns and public opinion- in Brussels at the Centre for European Policy Studies. Join us if you are around!


Dr Nina Caspersen analyses the recent escalation in the Nagorno Karabakh conflict and its effects on the prospect for peace https://www.washingtonpost.com/…/nagorn o-karabakhs-frozen-…/

More about Politics Staff And Student Community, University Of York
