Positive Thinking Hypnotherapy

Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 18:00

About Positive Thinking Hypnotherapy

Louise Carter - fully qualified Hypnotherapist and Advanced NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) practitioner.

Positive Thinking Hypnotherapy Description

Trained with The Royal Berkshire College of Clinical Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy and received the award of ‘Most Outstanding Newcomer to the Hypnotherapy Profession’ by The APHP (The Association for Professional Hypnosis and Psychotherapy).

Currently running the practice from Emmer Green Surgery, Caversham and The Rosedale Clinic in Central Reading. Both clinics offer a private and confidential environment.

Free Initial Consultation.

Trained also in Depression, Self harm, Hypnobirth, Weight and Sstopping Smoking.

Passionate about helping people overcome the problems in their lives and helping people to be free from the problems that stop them from enjoying life to its fullest.

Member of the Association for Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy (APHP).



Are you waiting for motivation to kick in to help change your life? Many people believe that they have to 'feel' ready in order to change, and have to wait for the courage and the confidence to have the motivation to do this. Because of the way in which our minds are wired we are not designed to do things that are uncomfortable, scary or difficult (or new), our brains are designed to keep us alive and protected. In order to change you are going to have to do things that are d...ifficult, uncertain or scary, which sets up the problem - THAT YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO FEEL LIKE IT. We only feel motivated to do the things that are easy. You're life comes down to your decisions, so stop waiting for this so called 'motivation' to kick in - and decide to have a better body, career, life, relationship today. Step out of your comfort zone, don't keep waiting for change to happen to you and make the choice today (I would love to help you) www.positivethinkinghypnotherapy.com 0118 9471749 or 07903807510
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Would you like to make a difference in your life this year? Here are some of my clients feedback (with permission) from working with me in 2016 - 'Louise is the nicest and most approachable person I have ever met. She is knowledgeable, professional and kind'. 'My life has forever changed for the better after working with Louise' 'I wish I'd gone and seen Louise earlier, she really helped me overcome my anxiety and panic attacks'. 'Louise is non-judgmental, remains neutral and... is highly supportive and sensitive'. 'Louise helped me to stop smoking, I can't believe how easy it was!' 'I found my sessions with Louise really helpful, she had lots of tips and advice to help with my stress and confidence, I would highly recommend her' 'I am going to miss meeting with Louise as I have enjoyed all our sessions together and how much I have learnt and changed, but I am so happy to be free of my problems! Thank you'
I helped many people with a variety of issues in 2016 and I feel privileged to have worked with every one of them. Some issues I helped people with in 2016- Confidence, PTSD, Depression, Panic Attacks, Misophonia, Grief, Anxiety, Bulimia, Fear of : flying - motorways - dogs - exams -interviews - public speaking. Self Harm, Anger, Weight issues, Stopping Smoking. If you would like to meet and find out more then please book in for a free initial consultation - 0118 9471749 www.positivethinkinghypnotherapy.com
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Do you, or anyone you know suffer with stammering and want some help? I believe that hypnotherapy and the work that I do could be very effective in helping overcome this problem and I am offering one person FREE sessions to trial this.
Let's see what we can achieve together.
... www.positivethinkinghypnotherapy.com
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Seeing it has just been the school holidays I thought I would write about depression in teenagers and how to spot the signs. Depression is rapidly rising and in the fastest rate amongst teenagers compared to 20 years ago when it was almost unknown. Teenagers face a host of pressures, from the changes of puberty to questions about who they are and where they fit in. With all this turmoil and uncertainty, it isn’t always easy to differentiate between depression and normal teena...
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Did you know that you were only born with two fears? There is hardly a person who isn’t plagued by fears and phobias – of insects, high places, snakes, dogs, water, spiders, death, etc. We believe we are born with our fears, that they are deeply decoded in our DNA and that we can never get rid of them. But we are only actually born with two fears - the fear of falling and of loud noises. Any other fears you experience have been acquired throughout your life and are often cau...sed by certain events and situations that have marked your mind and emotions in a way that make you feel scared and that's when our body responds with the 'fight or flight' response. The single aim of our inborn fears is to keep us alive and motivated in order to avoid potential dangers. Obviously most fears and phobias, like a spider phobia, are not a real threat to our survival, even though we react as if they were. At this time of year I see many people who are struggling with their fear of spiders as we start to see more of the male house spiders coming into the home searching for a mate and a place to stay over winter. Hypnotherapy helps to overcome all types of phobias and for people to be more comfortable and free. If you are checking your cupboards, your sock drawer and inside your wardrobe for fear of those 8 legged creatures then come and talk to me on how hypnotherapy can help you - 0118 9471749 http://www.positivethinkinghypnotherapy.c om/…/fears-phobias/
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Are you meeting your 7 emotional needs? I help clients to look at the different areas of their lives and what may be missing that could be leading to feelings of depression. Depression can obscure rational, realistic thinking, making everything in life appear awful, all the time. Hypnotherapy can help you recognize any patterns of negative thinking that you may be caught up in. Read my blog to find out if you are meeting your emotional needs. http://www.positivethinkinghypnotherapy.c om/meeting-our-ne…/


I recently worked with a young man who had a severe reaction to the sound of sniffing. The condition, known as Misophonia, is a severe reaction to a particular sound bringing about high stress, anxiety and anger. This condition can be very debilitating for the sufferer and can have a profound affect on their lives. I have worked with clients with this condition only a handful of times but have always found hypnotherapy to have a very positive effect to release the sufferer from the problem. I have written about it in my latest blog with some added feedback of the successful change this client achieved. http://www.positivethinkinghypnotherapy.c om/misophonia/


I received this review recently which reminded me why I am so passionate about working with people to help them overcome their problems in life. It takes a lot of courage to first acknowledge that you have a problem and then to seek help, and I always have the deepest of respect for anyone that I work with.
This made my day.
It would not be an understatement to say Louise saved me from myself.... I nervously contacted Positive Thinking Hypnotherapy wanting to lose weight. What I quickly realised was that I was using food, cigarettes and alcohol to mask that I was feeling which was very frightened, angry and alone. I was also putting immense pressure to meet high expectations that I set myself - and which would ultimately fail. It was becoming very destructive to me and others around me. With a lot of hard emotional work guided by Louise, I have given myself a break. I now have realistic expectations of myself and others around me and am just kinder. She is non-judgmental, remains neutral and is highly supportive and sensitive as you bare your inner most thoughts. My life has forever changed for the better from meeting Louise. Thank you.
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Pokemon Go. If you haven't heard about it yet, you soon will! It is reported that it is helping people with mental health issues and I can see why. I work with many teens and young adults who are affected by social anxiety, depression and low self esteem and have retreated from the world to their rooms. Pokemon Go is a game that encourages people to leave their houses, get outside in the fresh air and connect with the world and other 'players'. Some fantastic feedback from some players are how the world isn't as scary as they thought and how much better they feel from exercising and being with other people. If you know of any young person who is struggling, maybe this app will help them too.
http://psychcentral.com/…/pokemon-go-re portedly-helping-pe…/


Does Hypnosis really work?
I can't tell you how many times I have had to answer the question 'Can you make me cluck like a chicken?' or 'Do you use a watch or click your fingers to make me go under?' (no to both of these by the way) I read this fantastic blog by Mark Tyrrell yesterday that I thought I would share about another therapist questioning the use of hypnosis.
... This part resonated the most with me - Hypnosis is not just a useful tool, but an essential tool for all people helpers – because changing thoughts doesn’t always change feelings. I explained that emotions developed to be stronger than thoughts, so it’s more powerful to change feelings in order to change thoughts than the other way around.
This is why against all the misconception about hypnosis and all the other modalities that I am trained in (CBT, NLP, Counselling, Mindfulness) I still think that Hypnotherapy is the most important 'tool' that I use to help my clients.
http://www.unk.com/blog/hypnosis-really-w ork/…
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Welcome to Positive Thinking Hypnotherapy, a therapy practice based in Reading, Berkshire. Using Hypnotherapy, Coaching, CBT, NLP, Counselling and Mindfulness to help you to overcome the problems you are facing. I hope this is the first step towards discovering an amazing therapy that is safe and effective for resolving a great deal of physical, emotional and performance related issues. Please enjoy the information provided in my posts and don't hesitate to call me or email me with any questions about the process and the results achieved by working together. www.positivethinkinghypnotherapy.com 0118 9471749

More about Positive Thinking Hypnotherapy

Positive Thinking Hypnotherapy is located at Emmer Green Surgery, RG4 8RA Reading, England
0118 947 1749
Monday: 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 18:00
Friday: 09:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 18:00