
About Positive.Health

Provides research based nutritional & lifestyle strategies to help optimise the brain, for MSers and ALL who want better brain health.



Does MS fatigue or brain fog impact your life? You might be interested in this FREE course https://positive.health/fighting-ms-fatig ue/


The article MS-UK #NewPathwasy article has landed!


DON'T READ if funny about bodily functions. What's the easiest way ti check your microbiome health? Use the Bristol Stool Chart to check what's in the toilet. As Terry Wahls MD says "aim for a soft snake"... Number 4 on the Bristol Chart https://www.bladderandbowel.org/…/BBC00 2_Bristol-Stool-Char…
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What's a great way to feed your microbiome? EAT FIBRE! Vegetables are an excellent source with LOTS of added nutrients (vitamins, minerals & polyphenols) NHS recommends 10 portions a day. Unsure what a portion is? ... 80g or about the size of a medium apple. https://www.nhs.uk/…/five-a-day-of-frui t-and-veg-is-good-b…/
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Did you watch last episode of Channel 4 program 'Live Well for Longer'? It's well worth catching up. They said good bacteria produce short-chain fatty acids that are great for your overall health and brain! (that's what we've been talking about) If you're wondering what to watch tonight, check it out: https://www.channel4.com/programmes/live- well-for-longer


Sunday morning reading: You've hear this week that a high fibre (vegetables) diet nourishes your microbiome so creates anti-inflammatory SCFA (short chain fatty acids)... Maybe that's why MSers with high vegetable intake have lower disability, due to lower inflammation? Here are some anti-inflammatory foods that include anti-inflammatory fats and VEGETABLES! https://positive.health/9-anti-inflammato ry-foods-for-ms/
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This German Review suggested inflammatory or anti-inflammatory affect of saturated fats MIGHT be due to their length via influence on gut microbiome Long chain fatty acids (LCFA), inflammatory Short chain fatty acid (SCFA), anti-inflammatory
A microbiome nourished with fibre rich foods (i.e. vegetables) is your main source of SCFA
... https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29307 296
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The MS Fat Debate video from Nutrition & Lifestyle for MS 3 common MS Diets: OMS, Wahls Protocol, Mediterranrean Diet The Overlap Difference Q&A... Summary
Read more http://positive.health/ms-fat-debate/
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There's been a few questions about coconut fats over in Nutrition & Lifestyle for MS OMS says NO Wahls Protocol says Yes Maybe like the Belgian review said it's all about BALANCE
... Ask your questions at the BIG FAT debate 12 tomorrow @ Nutrition & Lifestyle for MS
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A recent Belgian review looking at impact of Western Lifestyle on MS Fat research confirmed what you already know and maybe new info: - trans-fats promote inflammation - omega-3s are anti-Inflammatory - saturated/unsaturated fat balance is important ... - saturated short chain fats also anti-inflammatory
Read more: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles /PMC5947729/
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http://Positive.Health website is undergoing maintenance today. You're welcome to visit, just be warned it could change as you look!


Sunday morning reading: The MS Fat Debate Maybe balance is the answer? And more vegetables, obviously 😉🥦 http://positive.health/ms-fat-debate/


An article written for MS-UK New Pathways magazine was published Wednesday! Read the full article here http://positive.health/9-anti-inflammator y-foods-for-ms/


This is a great explanation of trans-fats (aka processed or hydrolysed fat) Excluded from Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis, Terry Wahls MD Protocol and isn't even considered in Mediterranean Diet! https://youtu.be/QhUrc4BnPgg


You've seen the graphic Check it out the full MS Fat Debate article http://positive.health/ms-fat-debate/


The Mediterranean Diet is high in Olive Oil. A monounsturated fat included in Overcoming Multiple Sclerosis and Terry Wahls MD Protocol.
MedDiet has been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties.... It's now being investigated for MS https://multiplesclerosisnewstoday.com/†¦/pilot-multiple-sc…/
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