
About Prayerline

Prayers line is a instant access to god or to say a modern day confession booth.

Prayerline Description

In many parts of the world youngsters are dying needlessly of cardiac issues such as Pulmonary Oedema (Cardiac Arrest) which is the main cause of the sudden Arrhythmic death Syndrome which kills more young children and adults in a year than a regular heart disease /attack does.

In developing countries I am hoping to have an united front of people acting with their faith to build an foothold alliance to make paramount and vital changes within the laws of our combined beliefs of fairness for all and to give every person a fighting chance of survival in all countries to receive the right medical care for all patients.

Some of the hospitals and surgery's fail to meet the needs of the countries people and the children are dying at a rate of 100 per minute because of the lack of facilities within the area they reside. And are struggling to attend hospitals and makeshift surgeries in time to help to their children alive.

To help us to prevent further and unnecessary heartbreak we need many people to help to give more funds in order to get emergency equipment such as Defibrillators, medicines and vaccines to help the community to be more aware and have more understanding about the symptoms and causes of heart health.

We would love the chance to give the people within the communities the chance to be educated enough to have immediate access in using lifesaving equipment such as the defibrillators within their communities - for all equipment to accessible to families in need.

Would you help us to make Paramount Important changes to a child's Life? If you believe in helping children to more of their bodies and when they need to know and recognise all changes within their bodies and to help parents to have vital first aid training this is the chance to get you, your family, friends and colleagues on board to be one very loud voice and to take vital action in to saving a young person's life.

More about Prayerline

Prayerline is located at Nottingham, United Kingdom