Preet Kalsi

About Preet Kalsi

I'm here to support you to design a life you love with passion, confidence and purpose. www.

Preet Kalsi Description

Living your truth may involve focusing on some key areas in your life such as career; confidence & self-belief; building stronger relationships; focus on health, stress & well-being; establishing a work - life balance; managing finances efficiently; focus on personal development; and living with a true sense of purpose by connecting with yourself through spirituality.

I believe that whatever path we take, if we are focused on our goal, we will get there. Life throws events at us that occasionally send us down an alternative route, but it’s always possible to get back on track. I truly understand that we can choose how we behave in our daily life, how we love in our relationships, how we react in different situations. This choice frees us to take responsibility for ourselves.



Some great information here for parents on how to raise responsible kids!
Please read! 💚


This one is for all the women who’ve been a part of my tribe here. ✖️ Every woman is strong, even if she doesn't believe it. ✖️ Every woman is loveable, even if she doesn't feel it. ... ✖️ Every woman is a fighter, even if she doesn't show it. ✖️ Every woman is empowered, even if she doesn't exercise it. ✖️ Keep moving forward, pick up the pieces that may have stopped you from believing, feeling, showing and exercising your worth. Put them together. ✖️ Your past isn't your prison and your future is not a glasshouse. Your success is linked to your efforts. . . #preetkalsi #preettv #knowdobe #lifecoaching #life #manifestation #authenticity#motivation #wisdom #wisewords #goals#reflect #success #quotes #instaquote #dailyquote#quoteoftheday #womenempowerment #women#follow #followme #empower #inspire #inspiration#womenforone #ThinkAboutIt#thewomenslounge #confidencecoachingforwomen #success #mindset#parenting
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Try This Thirty Second Quiz👇🏻
Don't bother getting a pen and paper... just read... if you can't answer them, just keep going.
1. Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
... 2. Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
3. Name the last five winners of the Miss America contest.
4. Name ten people who have won the Nobel or Pulitzer prize.
5. Name the last five Academy Award winners for Best Actor and Actress.
How did you do?
The point is, none of us remembers the headliners of yesterday. These are no second-rate achievers. They're the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.
Now here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:
1. Name three teachers who aided your journey through school.
2. Name three friends who helped you through a difficult time.
3. Name five people who have taught you something worth while.
4. Think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.
5. Think of five people you enjoy spending time with.
Was that easier?
The lesson?
The people who make a difference in your life aren't the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They're the ones who care.
Say thanks to all those who care for you and about you. Aspire to be a name on someone's list when they take this thirty second quiz! 😊
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Ever grateful for being able to support those who want the BEST for THEMSELVES. Thank you for allowing me to walk a small part of your journey with you.
“Life coaching with Preet has given me a sense of direction and focus that’s helped me to gain clarity on how to work towards my goals. Through the various activities and homework I have learnt different ways of looking at difficult situations, which helped me to solve the problems. I have also learnt ways in which I can lea...rn about myself and therefore gain self-confidence!
Thank you Preet for all the support and top tips. It’s been a pleasure! I will deffo recommend you and contact you soon regarding some more sessions to meet my new goals head on!”
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Your life is a continuous form of movement. Your actions become your trademark. | | | |... | | | #PreetKalsi #KnowDoBe #LifeCoaching #InnerWork #LiveAuthentic #Motivation #SelfLove #Goals #Success #Growth #Empower #CreateTheLove #BeTheChange #OpenYourMind #MindsetShift #MindfulParenting #GoodVibes #WomenEmpoweringWomen #WomenForOne #Instaquote
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Give yourself permission to be happy, strong and at peace. You are braver than you think.


I have always refused to gossip, bitch or pass negative comments about anyone behind their back. It goes against what I believe in. It is contrary to what my scriptures ask me to practice. It’s not who I am. . . We all tend to have disagreements or experience bitterness, be it with family, friends or colleagues. It’s human nature. .... . I believe in taking responsibility for my part in such situations when they come about. And in the same way I expect others to be accountable for their actions. These situations need the right attention, without confrontation. . . When I feel others are not ready to play fair, I back off. Completely. Because at this point it would lead to defensive and confrontational behaviours. I believe in fixing, mending, reconnecting - with authenticity, humility, respect and love. . . Timing. It’s key. Don’t rush into something out of fear or pressure. And in the same way, don’t delay until it’s too late. Find the right moment. Create it. . . I rather wait until all are ready, willing and able to bring their strength to the table, for all to share and grow from. Togetherness. . . It is not just about what is communicated, it’s also about HOW it is communicated.
. . . . . . #PreetKalsi #KnowDoBe #LifeCoaching #InnerWork #LiveAuthentic #Motivation #SelfLove #Goals #Success #Growth #Empower #CreateTheLove #BeTheChange #OpenYourMind #MindsetShift #MindfulParenting #GoodVibes #WomenEmpoweringWomen #WomenForOne #Instaquote
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Transformation. It’s a complex process. Yet natural and necessary. Imagine the beauty of our own transformation.


There is no dishonour in losing the game. There is only dishonour in not racing because you are afraid to lose. - Garth Stein -
This is me, around my 40th birthday standing amidst the clouds in Oahu Island in Hawaii. It was always my dream to touch the clouds and here I was right in them.
... #PreetKalsi #KnowDoBe #LifeCoaching #InnerWork #LiveAuthentic #Motivation #SelfLove #Goals #Success #Growth #Empower #CreateTheLove #BeTheChange #OpenYourMind #MindsetShift #MindfulParenting #GoodVibes #WomenEmpoweringWomen #WomenForOne #Instaquote
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Take a few moments out for yourself. Nature has a beautiful way to help us Reconnect with ourselves. Breathe. Restart.
Watch the video with sound on.


💚 When my heart walks right in front of me, my eyes swell with tears of joy. Blessed to have my two beautiful girls. 💚 #sistersforever #love #gratitude #dreamsdocometrue #mindfulparenting #reunited


Pay attention to your relationship with yourself.
One of the most painful things in life is losing yourself in the process of loving others too much, and forgetting that you are special too.
When was the last time someone told you that they loved you just the way you are, and that what you think and how you feel matters?
... When was the last time someone told you that you did a good job, or took you someplace, simply because they know you feel happy when you are there?
When was the last time that ‘someone’ was YOU?
Be in love with you.
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Walk your own path.


Web Home: PreetTV: FREE Exploratory Session: Meditation Downloads: ads/... KNOW | DO | BE Notebook: book/
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As a life coach my intention is to support you to design a life you love with passion, confidence and purpose. By making simple shifts in your thinking, and feeling aligned with your authentic self; you will be empowered to connect with what is truly important to you, and this will lead you to take bold action towards your future success.
Join me on this crazy ride called life and let's make it exactly how you want it!




Whatever your past, you can write a new ending to your story. And guess what, there can be so many beautiful endings.


Loved this quote as it connects with what I’m saying in the latest episode of PreetTV.
"In your place, if there is pain, nurse it, and if there is a flame, don't snuff it out, don't be brutal with it. Withdrawal can be a terrible thing when it keeps us awake at night, and watching others forget us sooner than we'd want to be forgotten is no better. We rip out so much of ourselves to be cured of things faster than we should that we go bankrupt by the age of thirty and have less to offer each time we start with someone new. But to feel nothing so as not to feel anything—what a waste!” - Mr. Perlman, Call Me By Your Name.

More about Preet Kalsi

Preet Kalsi is located at London, United Kingdom