Pregnancy Sickness Support (Hyperemesis) Uk

About Pregnancy Sickness Support (Hyperemesis) Uk

Awareness and support for Hyperemesis Gravidarum and Pregnancy Nausea and Vomiting. This is the public page for the UK charity Pregnancy Sickness Support.

Pregnancy Sickness Support (Hyperemesis) Uk Description

Hyperemesis Gravidarum is an extreme form of Nausea and Vomiting in pregnacy. The Pregnancy Sickness Support Charity is the only Charity in the UK actively working to help women with the condition. The Charity aims to help those experiencing Nausea & Vomiting in Pregnancy (NVP) by: -

- The development of a help line to give information and support.

- The production of leaflets to explain the condition with helpful information for sufferers and carers.

- Offering information about treatments available.

- Providing resources & information to inform and educate doctors and health care professionals about the condition.

- Raising awareness of the condition amongst the general public through articles and information.

- Encouraging further research into Hyperemesis Gravidarum and NVP.



HG survivors - did you have #minigoals to work towards that helped you split up and manage your day?
When those days are feeling long, break the day into smaller chunks and set yourself #minigoals. Thinking far ahead about getting to a certain gestation week or the baby being born can be daunting and disheartening. Midday, sunset, when a certain programme on TV starts - anything that will help give you that 'I've done it' feeling. You can win, and you will win!
#PSS #NVP #HG #pregnancysickness #HGsurvivors #HGwarriors


#armistice100 #lestweforget #firstworldwar #100years


At PSS we know that surviving HG takes a whole lot of courage. Hopefully our Survivor Series is proof of that. We’d like to extend it to those who have helped you along the way, the dads, the family, the friends, the children! Feel free to give those who survived HG with you a ‘shout out’ every Saturday! Please send the names of those you’d like to nominate for a ‘shout out’ in the comments, tell us a bit about them and why they deserve it! #pss #ihadhg #survivorsaturday #sharingiscaring #shoutout


Sick 50x a day huh? Have you tried ginger? #pss #justforfun #stoptellingustotakeginger


#PSS #HG #NVP #pregnancysickness #pregnancyproblems #peersupport


#Repost @spewingmummy with @get_repost ・・・ Please vote for Pregnancy Sickness Support!
@pregnancysicknesssupport animation has been shortlisted for a Charity Film Award and we need as many votes as possible to win the category.
... I have popped the link below to the voting page where you can watch the full animation if you haven’t already seen it. Please vote and share the link to ask everyone you know to vote for us as well.…/hyp eremesis-gravidarum-… 🗳 🗳 🗳 #charityfilmawards #charityfilm #awards #voteforus #pregnancysicknesssupport #animation #hyperemesisgravidarum
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It's November... time to get the Christmas cards sorted! Buy yours here and support @pregnancysicknesssupport uk/…/christmas-ca…/ #fundraise #charity #Christmascard #pss #pregnancysickness


Calling all HG Survivors! How would you like to star in this years PSS Hyperemesis Gravidarum Survivor Annual and help raise funds for PSS? It’s a fantastic way to show your support and to celebrate making it out the other side! 💪🏻
Each family will have one single page and you can submit as many photos as you’d like along with a caption.
The book will be sent to you in exchange for a minimum donation of £15 to PSS (which includes postage and packaging).
... If you would like to participate in the 2018 HG Annual please email by Monday 19th November by 9pm at the latest! #pss #ihadhg #survivorstory #survivorannual #2018 #beapartofit
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We are in the running to win the Charity Film Awards! 🎉
A fantastic opportunity to raise more awareness of Hyperemesis Gravidarum and what we do as a charity. 💪🏼
Please vote for us using the following link -> category/band-c


@CardiffUni are looking for volunteers to participate in their #HG research study and we at #PSS would love to have as many people as possible support their work.
To take part, please follow the link …/SV_1NykLCBQ0Ijn6…


Having a good support network is essential to surviving an HG pregnancy. Even if you can cover the physical side, and enlist family and friends to cook/clean/entertain older children/drive you around, looking after your emotional side is equally important, but often harder to do. It can take someone who has experienced HG to truly appreciate how you feel, which is where our unique Support Network comes in.
Our Online Support Forum is a great place to access general support a...nd chat with other sufferers and PSS Volunteers about symptoms, treatments, and coping strategies and is available 24/7. We ask you to sign up so that we can keep it a safe space for you, and ensure that you are supported.
You may have already called our Helpline and spoken to our Support Co-ordinator, or may be thinking about it. Our Helpline is great for accessing more detailed information on treatments, getting recommendations for HG friendly doctors in your area, or it may all be getting too much and you need someone to talk to. Our helpline number is 024 7638 2020.
We also offer the one-to-one support of a volunteer Peer Supporter. A Peer Supporter is someone has suffered HG and has chosen to use their experiences to help others. They can access all the information PSS has on treatments and medications, coping strategies, tried and tested ways to stay hydrated…. basically things that you only know about when you have already suffered HG. We can't fix it for you, but we can give you the tools to help yourself. uk/get-help/
📷: Amy Armstrong
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A few more pictures from the Wild Women Challenge today. Don’t forget you can still sponsor the team💪👑 #hgsurvivor #pregnancysicknesssupport #hgheroes #wildwomenchallenge #teampss #snowdonia


They did it!!! Congratulations to the Wild Women Challenge team for completing this epic challenge in Snowdonia. Thank you to everyone who has sponsored them and helped raise a fantastic amount for Pregnancy Sickness Support. We are a tiny charity and this will have a huge impact on the work we are able to do. We will be posting more pictures over the coming days and fundraising pages for each team member will be open for a little longer if you would like to sponsor them. htt...p:// en.html?m=1
#teampss #wildwomenchallenge #pregnancysicknesssupport #charity #fundraisingchallenge #snowdonia #snowdonianationalpark
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It’s Day 3 of the #TeamPSS #WildWomenChallenge in Snowdonia. Today the team will be putting their kayaks on the water at Afon Dwyryd and paddling to the end of the valley. From here they will paddle down river and pass the village of #portmeirion and on to the town of #Porthmadog. They will head out to #BlackRockSands where the challenge will be complete and they will enjoy a BBQ and celebrations. They will cover a distance of 15km today
Please support them in their last push... to the finish line and sponsor them what you can
#teampss #wildwomenchallenge #snowdonia #hyperemesisgravidarum #pregnancysicknesssupport #hgsurvivors
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Some pictures from day 2 of the Wild Women Challenge in Snowdonia. Don’t forget to keep up with the team via our stories and sponsor them whatever you can.


The team made it to the summit!! #TeamPSS #WildWomenChallenge


How’s this for our latest Survivor Story Saturday? These amazing women have all survived HG and are now currently on day 2 of the Wild Women Challenge to raise money for @HGSupportUK helping other women suffering from HG. Charity Chairperson Caitlin Dean who is organising the expedition says: “Approaching HG like a survival situation, with a realistic outlook and robust strategy can make surviving it more achievable. Additionally, having a strong team and emotional support is key to surviving HG.” HG is tough but it makes a woman even tougher! Please donate html?m=1 #teampss #wildwomanchallenge #survivors #ninemonthsof #ihadhg #tough #superwoman #support #donate


It’s day 2 of the Wild Women Challenge and the team will be straight into the adventure today. The team will ascend the Moelwyn Mountains, climbing past Foel Boethwel and Llyn yr Adar. They will climb up to an enormous sink hole where the mountain collapsed into the mine workings. From the edge they will rappel 50 meters into the sink hole and scramble down a steep incline heading deeper into the mine. Following the tunnel underground where it eventually flattens out back int...o the light. From here the team will traverse around the mountain to the head of the Croesor valley where they will descend to the second nights camp. The team will cover a distance if approximately 15km today.
Please support the team by sponsoring them via the link below html?m=1
#wildwomenchallenge #teampss #pregnancysicknesssupport #hyperemesisgravidarum #fundraising #snowdonia
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A few pics from the team today. Don’t forget to sponsor the team members and help them reach their £500 targets
#teampss #wildwomenchallenge #snowdonia #snowdon #snowdonianationalpark


wouldn't be getting through my HG right now without the support and help from this charity- being put in contact with a peer support has helped me feel less alone. thank you xxxx


Truly amazing charity that helped me through some very dark times without judgement or prejudice. I have 2 beautiful hg babies and I would never have survived without the help of this charity. A massive thank you


This page was invaluable to me while I was pregnant with my son. I suffered with HG from 5 weeks right up until he made his appearance. The words from the ladies on this page kept me sane through every hospital admission, every midwife appointment that felt like I was banging my head against a wall and reminded me that, no matter how bad it got (and it got bad) or how low I felt, there was a beautiful light at the end of it.


This is a cause close to my heart this is what I had. I was in and out of hospital with serve sickness and along with this come along complications. It got so serve complications with my liver started showing I was lucky the scan showed nothing series. Without amazing support and support from this group it made it a little easier to cope


Thank you so much for all the support during my pregnancies- I have two beautiful HG babies. This charity helped me through some very dark days. Im glad to say my HG journey is now over forever xx


Thank you for giving me the advice I needed when I was at my lowest! My lovely friend (?laura )got in touch with you regarding what I should do, after the 4th visit to my gp, I got prescribed my 4th batch of oral anti sickness, which I knew there was no way of keeping down! Having a 3 year old has made this journey so much harder not only physically but emotionally too! So I just wanted to say thank you! �


It wasn't until I found the PSS website (after desperately searching for some kind of help on Google) that I even knew that I had HG...being told it was "just a phase of pregnancy that should pass soon" by several midwives and GP's. Even though by 2 months into my first pregnancy I had lost around 2 stone and was being sick around 30-40 times a day. By my second pregnancy, even though everyone told this one might be different, I thankfully had the knowledge and support gained from PSS members to arm myself like I was heading into battle every time I had to drag my ass out of the house (with my sick bucket) to get some help. It was a chore every single time I had to ask for more Ondansetron (because after being admitted to hospital for rehydration therapy and given numerous anti emetics, on a few occasions, we found out what kept me out) and I was so angry that I was made to feel like I wasn't strong enough to do without them that I ended up trusting no one. I felt constantly nauseous (like severe food poisoning) right up until I had delivered my boy's. Only then did it stop.

Now almost 3 years after my last pregnancy I am still struggling to find answers to my health problems, that I'm sure could be linked to HG, every GP or specialist I mention it to doesn't bat an eye lid...and I feel that my chance to carry any more children is slowly slipping away from me because I don't think my body could handle another pregnancy with no specialist support in my area. Thankyou so much to everyone at PSS as without you I do not know how I would have coped. X�X


In September 2017 I was incredibly ill with HG and was recommended this charity. It was our first baby and my partner Michael was incredible throughout, but being assigned a supporter that had experienced HG in the past was great to be able to talk to someone you didn't know and offload any worries.

Having visited my GP several times, on several different drugs, several admissions to hospital and being told the same thing over and over was incredibly hard and you start to drive into a very dark place. I was very lucky to have so many amazing people around me to support me through every day but the charity was so informative and made me understand so much more about how I was feeling and what was going on in my body.

HG is a condition that needs so much more research and money to help more women now and in the future and knowing that the likeliness of me suffering with another HG pregnancy in the future is very high, I will do my best to make friends and family aware of this fantastic charity as unfortunately people who don't have the support from partners/family/friends will end up in a very dark place leading to such sad consequences.

We now have the most amazing little boy Finn born in May this year weighing 9,6lbs and will be forever grateful to all the work you are doing as a charity to help others.


In 2016 I was pregnant with my second child. I began suffering with HG even before I had a Positive pregnancy test. The HG was so much worse than the first time, leaving me malnourished and dehydrated, requiring multiple hospital admissions.

However, this time I found out about PSS and armed with new information and with their support, I was able to fight for treatment. Treatment which should have been made available to me, but the hospital staff just weren't fully informed. I used the PSS resources to share with the Consultants and also stand my ground when some Consultants weren't listening, and were trying to discharge me with anti-emetics that I already knew weren't effective at all. As i had learnt, through PSS, that there ARE treatments which ARE safe in pregnancy and ARE more effective.

Without the knowledge and support from PSS I am not sure I would have been able to make it through the pregnancy. My body was deteriorating too quickly.

My second daughter turned 1 yesterday, the same day that i was accepted as a PSS Volunteer. I hope now to be able to help other women and their babies to survive their HG pregnancies.

We will always be grateful to PSS.


I'm currently 32 weeks along and going through a horrible horrible pregnancy. This page, its stories and encouragement are helping me get through this difficult time. I feel like a completely different person having battled this condition and the woman who are sharing their stories are pulling me through. Thank you �


I wish I had found this site 16 weeks ago, as I started suffering severe nausea/vomiting, then HG, and now back to severe nausea/vomiting. It's nice to know there is plenty of support, it's just a shame it's not known about!!!!

I am 22 weeks and whenever I feel my little one moving I remember it is worth every moment of it. Stick with it ladies, just hold that little bit of hope that it'll be worth it!! I was pointed out that this is mummy's unconditional love already there before you realise it.



I wish I found this charity and Facebook page 9 weeks ago! Before I was diagnosed I had never heard of this condition. This is my first pregnancy and I have been suffering from hyperemesis since I was 5 weeks pregnant. The first 2 weeks I was on holiday abroad, completely bed ridden the whole time, vomiting was relentless and as a reusult I had torn my oesophagus and stomach lining. I ate nothing and survived from sucking the juice from oranges! I was so afraid to get medical help incase they thought I was over exaggerating normal pregnancy sickness. The day after I arrived home I was rushed straight into hospital, that became the first of many hospital admissions.

I felt like nobody in the world understood what I was going through, I'd never been so unwell in my whole entire life and I'd been through large operations as a child, along with many medical issues and hospital admissions, but hg doesn't come close to any of that. I'd been told by so many people soon it will be over, being sick is just part of pregnancy, try a ginger snap... when really I felt like I was dying!!! I was alone a lot of the time as my husband had to work, I cried constantly, the vomiting was completely uncontrollable, the fatigue, the loneliness, the migranes, dehydration, veins collapsing, the point when your body goes into starvation mode. I lost 2 stone in weight, I have zero appetite, I've barely been outside in 2 months! Not only did I feel absolutely useless barely being able to lift my head but I felt guilty for not feeling happy about being pregnant, I was just too ill to think about anything other than surviving this. Thankfully my close friends and family have been very supportive, despite this hyperemesis is so severe it dragged me down into a mental state I'd never experienced before and at times I couldn't see through this and all I could do was break down .

I pray to god that women become aware of this condition, and know where to go for help and support because feeling alone in this is all I've known until now . Speaking to someone who has been through this gives you hope, and when suffering this God awful condition hope is what you need to get through this.

Thank God for this page. You women are true hero's!

Jenna and 16 week old bump ❤


I suffer from HG have done since i was about 4 weeks pregnant, i have been admitted several times for weeks at a time hooked up to bags of fluid and potassium, having nemourios jags on my bum every day to try help stop the sickness but they just failed, i had then to start having anti sickness through the drip which wasn't pleasant as it was extremely painful. in the first 16 weeks i lost over 2 stone due to being sick up to 30 times a day, i am now 25 weeks pregnant and lost 3 stone in total going from 13stone down to 10stone due to still being sick, i am on a special diet called juicee build up drinks, as i couldn't eat or even keep a sip of water down, i have two boys who i couldn't look after as i had no energy to even leave my bed without being sick or nearly collapsing. There needs to b more awareness about HG!! I love this page and share most stories to make more people aware


I lost 2stone in the first 6 weeks of pregnancy and by the time my daughter was born I was the same weight as when I convinced, and had HG until the last 2weeks of pregnancy. I'm thrilled to discover you guys, I can't bare the thought of women going through it alone xx


I joined the website when I was suffering and it helped me so much, when your in a very low place and think it’s never going to end � � xx


I had HG during both of my pregnancies but the 2nd was the worst I threw up every day from 7 wks up to 40 times a day it took everything out of me some days it hurt to even move my head. I spent most weekend in the hospital only to be realised to dehydrate this cycle was only broke at around 7months when after 8 days if continuous IV fluids I slipped into a short coma and was given ondasatron upon waking up which really helped but through all this I had no real support the midwives even admitted to me they didn't really know how to help! This group is amazing and somewhere I wish I told about because they give real help and advice to women who really need it.


I found this charity when my daughter was at her wit's end and they have been so helpful. Karen has given us peace of mind.

I urge everyone to make a donation to this worthwhile charity. Until you suffer yourself or see someone suffering this sickness, you have no idea how terrible it is.

Thank you to PSS for everything.


I am a two time survivor, and wish I had found this charity when I really needed it. I only found the FB page while I was searching randomly one day. When you suffer with HG, you need to talk to people who have been there themselves. No one knows how much you have to go through, unless they have been through it too.

I am eternally grateful my husband and I fought through it, as the results are our beautiful and amazing girls. There is an eight year age gap between them, due to HG.

HG doesn't last just through pregnancy, many sufferers will live with the affects for the rest of their lives. But PSS are here to help, and I am grateful that they are. We just need to ensure the word spreads, and every Hospital, doctor, nurse and every pregnancy support team knows about it.


A fantastic support service. I wish we had had this when my wife went through HG with all three of our pregnancies. Now mothers going through what most assume is 'just morning sickness' have somewhere that understands and can offer support. I am proud to be raising money for them.

More about Pregnancy Sickness Support (Hyperemesis) Uk

Pregnancy Sickness Support (Hyperemesis) Uk is located at 19G Normandy Way, PL31 1RB Bodmin