Premier Pet Care & Dog Training, Surrey & West London

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00

About Premier Pet Care & Dog Training, Surrey & West London

Outstanding & reliable care for your pets & your home.
Dog training and behaviour consultations.
25 years animal welfare and training experience.



We're looking after the gorgeous Ninja this weekend. Such a lovely boy 😍








We've had some very sad news this evening that our lovely, elderly friend, Molly has passed away. 😢 We've looked after Molly regularly over the past 3 years and we'll miss her very much. Goodnight sweet little "kitchen table" cat xx


Mini sausage, Lily loves to play! We had a great training session with her this week and as her reward she got to play with this brilliant toy from Tug-E-Nuff Dog Gear. Studies show that playful activity directly after learning improves training performance in dogs and concluded that physiological arousal—in the form of play—following training has a positive effect on learning in dogs.


Would you drink out of an unwashed glass or mug?
Ever rub your fingers on the inside of your pet’s water bowl and you feel a slippery slime?
Well that invisible goo is called Biofilm.
... Biofilm is a collection of organic and inorganic, living and dead materials collected on a surface. It is made up of many different types of bacteria bound together in a thick substance that acts as a glue to both hold the bacteria together and adhere it to a surface.
Biofilms provide a safe haven for organisms like Listeria, E. coli and legionella where they can reproduce to levels where contamination of products passing through that water becomes inevitable. Bad Biofilms have been found to be involved in a wide variety of microbial infections in the body such as urinary tract infections, middle-ear infections and bladder infections.
Many pet owners are guilty of simply refilling the water bowl over and over without a wash and, especially during warmer weather, this becomes a wonderful environment for biofilm to soak around in.
Best practice is to change your pet's water daily and thoroughly wash the bowl with hot, soapy water (by hand or in the dishwasher) every couple of days to keep potentially harmful bacteria at bay.
See More


Max & Sheila join us for walks over the next couple of weeks. This is their best "Mum usually gives us a biscuit after our walk" look! Such a sweet couple! 😍




To all our friends: Whether we have visited your cat whilst you were away, helped you learn how to raise & train your puppy or taught you how to overcome behaviour problems with your dog, we would love if you could leave us a review of our services on Google as it will help our business to grow. Even if you have kindly left us a review on our Facebook page, please Google 'Premier Pet Care and Training' and click 'write a review'. Many thanks


We're looking after lovely Leo again this week. Look at that impressive set of whiskers!! 😍




Little Lily is such a smart cookie and she loves learning through games & play. This week we worked on building in an emergency stop and after just a few minutes her and her owner had it nailed!! Teaching your dog to stop in an instant could literally save their life. Why not add it in to your dog's repertoire today and if you need help teaching it, give us a call on 07905 565834.


Amadeus has been doing so well with his boundary training to promote calmness that we moved things on to the next level this week and worked on figuring out which interactive toys/feeding equipment are of benefit to him. We worked out this snuffle mat did the best job at keeping Amadeus calm yet entertained whilst keeping him working for his food. Food dispensers and interactive puzzle toys are great for providing mental stimulation but should be chosen carefully so as not to create frustration and actually have the opposite effect to the one you are trying to achieve.


You know it's been a great training session and the dogs have had a blast when your favourite toys from Tug-E-Nuff Dog Gear look this dishevelled!! 😃


We've welcomed two new friends this week - mother & daughter duo, Tigger & Blackjack. These lovely old ladies are in their high teens & both suffer with serious medical complications. Tigger is hypothyroid and requires daily tablets, and Blackjack is an insulin dependent diabetic. Both girls are a little shy but after just a few days, even with having to inject poor Blackjack at every visit, we are getting some purring 😍


"Dear diary, it's day 694 of my captivity. The new human who's been sent here to feed me those little dry brown pellets refuses to release me out into my natural habitat and for now I am forced to remain inside. I must work harder on my plot to escape"
Iggy, your Dad's been away 1 day!! #overdramatic #diva 😄



More about Premier Pet Care & Dog Training, Surrey & West London

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 09:00 - 17:00