Premium Liquid Collagen

About Premium Liquid Collagen

Signs of aging can result from natural wear and tear of the body, particularly in areas where collagen is essential. Collagen is the most abundant protein found in joint cartilage and the dermis of the skin and helps to keep your skin firm and resilient.


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When should I detox?
Number of Times a Year to Detox.
Those who support detox diets suggest doing one four (4) times per year – usually with the changes of the seasons. If you can't handle four per year, it is suggested to do a detox at least twice – in the fall and spring.
... Most serious detox plans call for a minimum of 7-14 days.
Book your detox TODAY at
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Spirulina Spirulina is an edible blue-green algae that grows in both fresh and salt waters. It can be sold in tablets, flakes, or powder. It is typically used as a supplement because it contains 60% protein. It’s also extremely high in thiamin, riboflavin, copper, iron, and manganese.
Benefits: Anti-aging, antioxidant, antiviral, lowers cholesterol, prevents cancer, relieves seasonal allergy symptoms, weight loss
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Who's going Sober for October?
Why not go the whole (FRUIT & VEG) way and give yourselves a complete flush out with one of our detox plans!
Get 15% off our usual prices for this month only! Website prices have been updated to reflect offer. Book yours TODAY at
... ALL plans delivered directly to your door and cold pressed to order!
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Spinach Spinach is a flowering plant native to Asia. Its edible leaves can be oval or triangular and grow up to 12 inches long and up to 6 inches wide. There are three different varieties of spinach: savoy, flat, and semi-savoy. Savoy is dark green with curly leaves. Flat has smooth leaves and are grown for canning, freezing, or adding to soups or baby food. Semi-savoy is a hybrid between the two, leaning more toward savoy in appearance. It is typically used in salads, sandwi...ches, and green smoothies. Spinach is low in fat and cholesterol and high in niacin, zinc, protein, fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K, thiamin, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and manganese.
Benefits: Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, lowers blood pressure, prevents asthma, prevents cancer, prevents constipation, prevents osteoporosis, skin health
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Oranges Oranges are round citrus fruits that are 2 to 3 inches in diameter. They are hybrids of pomelos and mandarins. They come in many varieties including common, navel, cara cara, and blood. Common oranges are used primarily for juicing. Navel oranges are named for their visual similarity to a human’s navel. They have a thick skin, are slightly bitter, and are not very juicy. Cara Cara oranges are a red version of the navel. They are grown in Venezuela, South Africa, and C...alifornia and are sweeter and lower in acid levels. Blood oranges originated in Sicily and are known for their dark red flesh. They are considered more delicious than any other orange variety. Oranges are extremely high in vitamin C and also contain potassium, calcium, vitamin B, folate, thiamin, vitamin B6, and fiber.
Benefits: Anti-aging, antioxidant, antiviral, heart health, lowers blood pressure, lowers cholesterol, lowers cholesterol, prevents Rheumatoid arthritis, prevents cancer, prevents kidney stones, prevents ulcers, respiritory health, skin health
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Lemon Lemons are elliptical citrus fruits with a yellow peel that contains 8 to 10 segments. It is typically used for its sour juice in both cooking and cleaning. Lemon peels can can also be grated into a zest to add a hint of lemon to a dish. Lemons come in 6 varieties: Bonnie Brae, Eureka, Femminello St. Theresa, Meyer, Ponderosa, and Yen Ben. Bonnie Brae has a thin skin, no seeds, and native to San Diego. Eureka grows year-round and is the most commonly sold variety. Femmi...nello St. Theresa is native to Italy and is used to make limoncello. Meyer is a cross between a lemon and an orange. It has a thinner skin and is less acidic. Ponderosa is a citron-lemon hybrid that has a thick skin and is much larger than other varieties. Yen Ben is native to New Zealand with a thin skin and very few seeds. Lemons are extremely high in vitamin C, high in fiber, vitamin B6, calcium, potassium, copper, folate, and potassium, and also contain thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, iron, and magnesium.
Benefits: Antibacterial, antibiotic, antioxidant, fever reducer, fights fatigue, freshens breath, lowers blood pressure, prevents Rheumatoid arthritis, prevents gum disease, reduces burn scars, relieves constipation, skin health, weight loss
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Kale Kale is a leafy green, cruciferous vegetable. Its leaves come in many varieties including curly, plain, ornamental, dinosaur, and Jersey. Curly kale has a deep green color and features ruffled leaves with a fibrous stalk. It has a bitter and peppery taste. Ornamental kale has green, white, or purple leaves and has a less bitter flavor. Dinosaur kale has blue-green embossed leaves. It has a sweeter flavor than curly kale. Jersey kale is a more rare variety that has very stalks, between 6 and 10 feet. Because of this, its stalks were made into walking sticks, rafters, or used for fencing. Kale is typically used in salads and combined with other strong ingredients like dry roasted peanuts, soy sauce roasted almonds, red pepper flakes, or sesame dressing. It can also be baked like a potato chip. It is extremely high in vitamin A, vitamin K, and vitamin C and also contains vitamin B6, manganese, calcium, copper, potassium, and magnesium.
Benefits: Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, eye health, heart health, lowers cholesterol, prevents cancer, weight loss
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Ginger Ginger is a yellow, white, or red horn shaped root with a brown skin. The skin’s thickness depends on the ginger’s age. It has a spicy hot flavor and is very fragrant. Fresh ginger can be pickled, cooked into spicy cuisines, or made into candy, tea, or wine. Powdered ginger is typically used in gingerbread, cookies, crackers, cakes, ginger ale, and ginger beer. Ginger is a good source of vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, copper, and manganese.
Benefits: Anti-inflammator...y, boosts the immune system, brain booster, cures morning sickness and nausea, heart health, helps with digestion, prevents cancer, reduces menstrual pain, reduces osteoarthritis symptoms, relieves pain, treats indigestion
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Cucumber Cucumbers are green cylindrical gourds that come in three varieties: slicing, pickling, and burpless. It is grown on a vine that has large protective leaves and can be up to 24 inches long and 3.9 inches in diameter. Since they are over 90% water they can be very hydrating to the body. Slicing cucumbers are grown unripe to eat raw and have a thick skin. Unlike other foods, ripe yellow cucumbers are actually sour and bitter. Pickled cucumbers are smaller and grown for... flavor and longer shelf-life. Burpless cucumbers are the sweetest variety and easiest to digest. They have very few seeds and a much thinner skin.
Benefits: Anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, fights free radicals, skin health, soothes tired eyes, treats headaches
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Celery Celery is a plant in the parsley family that has leafstalks. This crunchy vegetable has high water content and can be boiled, blanced, or eaten raw. It’s very low in calories but high in fiber. It also has a lot of electrolytes and cools the body. While typically green in color, celery can also be white, gold, or red.
Benefits: Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, heart health, helps with digestion, hydrating, lowers cholesterol, prevents cancer, weight loss
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Carrots Carrots are long, crunchy, triangular root vegetables with fern-like leaves. Though orange is most popular color, they also come in pink, purple, yellow, white, and red. Carrots are served many different ways, including juiced, sliced, grated, julienned, sauteed, pureed, and baked into chip form. They are high in vitamin A and beta carotene and also contain calcium, phosphorous, magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, copper, folic acid, thiamine, and magnesium.
...Benefits: Anti-aging, anti-cancer, antioxidant, detoxifies the body, heart health, prevents infections from cuts, prevents strokes, protects against ultraviolet radiation
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Beets Beets are sweet, fragile round roots that are reddish-purple, white, golden, or rainbow colored. They are high sugar, fiber, vitamin C, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and folate, and low in calories, fat, and cholesterol. Their betalain pigments make them sensitive to temperature change.
Benefits: Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, detoxifies the body, heart health, immune health, prevents colon and stomach cancer, regulates blood sugar levels, strengthens bones
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Banana Bananas are long curved white fruits with a creamy texture and have a thick yellow peel. When the peel turns mostly brown, bananas are at their sweetest. While they come in hundreds of varieties, the two most common are sweet bananas and starchy plantains. They are high in potassium, fiber, magnesium, manganese, copper, and vitamin C.
Benefits: Brain booster, eases heartburn, fights free-radicals, relieves constipation and PMS, stress reducer
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Apple Apples are white fruits that are crunchy and have a slightly tough red, yellow, or green skin. They grow on trees that originated in Central Asia. There are up to 7,000 varieties in the world that range from sweet to tart in taste. Apples are high in fiber, iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, and potassium.
Benefits: Anti-asthma, anti-cancer, antioxidant, fights free-radicals, heart health, high fiber, regulates blood sugar.
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Feeling tired? Feel like a boost? Want a spring back in your step?
Order your Juice Detox today and get it delivered directly to your door!
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What can I say; well the five day detox is brilliant. On the first day of drinking the juices i was a bit worried that i would feel extremely hungry and would suffer from severe headaches, to my surprise none of the above happened. In fact I now feel more energised, not as bloated or tired. I will definitely do the detox again and would encourage others to try it out. Me personally if you are to try it out start with the five day plan you will like it!!

I lost 3.8lb in five days which is good but I need to do better than this so with a bit of exercise at bootcamp I am sure I can reach my goals.

The staffs at Nutribar are helpful and very encouraging, keep you motivated throughout.


Took part in a 3 day Juice Detox with the lovely team at The NutriBar... Not going to lie, the first day was v.tough the juices were heavily veggie in taste for my palette. But as they're all made to order fresh every day, Richard managed to alter the flavours ever so slightly by using fruits like apple & pineapple to sweeten the taste which meant I was able to drink them, which in turn made it a v.successful & completed 3 Day Detox. Great Local Juice Bar & Juice Detox packages.


My new favourite place! Great service, friendly and helpful staff! Tasty smoothies! Can't wait for my next one! Just all round superb! :)


I needed a boost to get me back on track and eating healthy again. I did the 3 day detox and got one day free. I'm not going to lie I wasn't looking forward to it but the juices were lovely and filling, I could have carried on for 7 days. In 4 days I lost 7.3lb, it has definitely been worth it and I feel great. I will be back for more after Christmas


What can I say; well the five day detox is brilliant. On the first day of drinking the juices i was a bit worried that i would feel extremely hungry and would suffer from severe headaches, to my surprise none of the above happened. In fact I now feel more energised, not as bloated or tired. I will definitely do the detox again and would encourage others to try it out. Me personally if you are to try it out start with the five day plan you will like it!!

I lost 3.8lb in five days which is good but I need to do better than this so with a bit of exercise at bootcamp I am sure I can reach my goals.

The staffs at Nutribar are helpful and very encouraging, keep you motivated throughout.


Took part in a 3 day Juice Detox with the lovely team at The NutriBar... Not going to lie, the first day was v.tough the juices were heavily veggie in taste for my palette. But as they're all made to order fresh every day, Richard managed to alter the flavours ever so slightly by using fruits like apple & pineapple to sweeten the taste which meant I was able to drink them, which in turn made it a v.successful & completed 3 Day Detox. Great Local Juice Bar & Juice Detox packages.


My new favourite place! Great service, friendly and helpful staff! Tasty smoothies! Can't wait for my next one! Just all round superb! :)


I needed a boost to get me back on track and eating healthy again. I did the 3 day detox and got one day free. I'm not going to lie I wasn't looking forward to it but the juices were lovely and filling, I could have carried on for 7 days. In 4 days I lost 7.3lb, it has definitely been worth it and I feel great. I will be back for more after Christmas


What can I say; well the five day detox is brilliant. On the first day of drinking the juices i was a bit worried that i would feel extremely hungry and would suffer from severe headaches, to my surprise none of the above happened. In fact I now feel more energised, not as bloated or tired. I will definitely do the detox again and would encourage others to try it out. Me personally if you are to try it out start with the five day plan you will like it!!

I lost 3.8lb in five days which is good but I need to do better than this so with a bit of exercise at bootcamp I am sure I can reach my goals.

The staffs at Nutribar are helpful and very encouraging, keep you motivated throughout.


Took part in a 3 day Juice Detox with the lovely team at The NutriBar... Not going to lie, the first day was v.tough the juices were heavily veggie in taste for my palette. But as they're all made to order fresh every day, Richard managed to alter the flavours ever so slightly by using fruits like apple & pineapple to sweeten the taste which meant I was able to drink them, which in turn made it a v.successful & completed 3 Day Detox. Great Local Juice Bar & Juice Detox packages.


My new favourite place! Great service, friendly and helpful staff! Tasty smoothies! Can't wait for my next one! Just all round superb! :)


I needed a boost to get me back on track and eating healthy again. I did the 3 day detox and got one day free. I'm not going to lie I wasn't looking forward to it but the juices were lovely and filling, I could have carried on for 7 days. In 4 days I lost 7.3lb, it has definitely been worth it and I feel great. I will be back for more after Christmas

More about Premium Liquid Collagen
