Preston Sands Hotel



Ready steady...we are about to transform to KIndaPlace, interested to support change, move your loyalty over and like kindakafe or kindaplace....your second home. To all our previous patrons .....come and share, help us make the shift to help others.... Watch out cos Eddie and Hugh are still about


Preston Sands changes its image and its name from 12th April, following an extensive refurbishment, come sample our healthy cuisine, our community ambience and some of the best views in the bay. KindaPlace is the new venue hosting our ethical cafe and wine bar retreat KindaKafe


join us on Friday nights...the wine bar opens from 12th. All future postings will be through KindaPlace or KindaKafe so do connect with us and track our future activities


As a compliment to our KIndness warrior evening every Sunday at 7pm, also to the launch of our KindaSound radio station, we're out to set up an inspiring venue with inspiring people. Our first magical acoustic music evening. Starting April, please contact us if interested to perform with uplifting music or verse. if interested to host or perfom please let us kow Be aware that the hotel branding is changing to 'Kindaplace' a social impact venue supporting the Missing Kind charity.


Watch out ....these international flavours will be appearing on the Preston Sands Hotel (KindaPlace), celebrations menu.


Join the kindness revolution. Help launch our kindness 'KindaSound' internet radio station later this year from the hotel (to be renamed KindaPlace). If you have a passion for broadcasting and inspiring global kindness and well-being then come join the volunteer team to help us create this icon station.
Typical programs to include.....
mind and wellbeing ... health and nutrition uplifting music positive news inspiration music conservation eco-living social justice coooperatives community living social enterprise chat kind debates etc...etc
whatever the contributors and radio cooperative decide
See more

More about Preston Sands Hotel

Preston Sands Hotel is located at 10-12 Marine Parade, TQ3 2NU Paignton