Psychology Of Weight Control. Weight Loss Help

About Psychology Of Weight Control. Weight Loss Help

There are many reasons we over eat understanding the psycological reasons why helps us control our weight.

Psychology Of Weight Control. Weight Loss Help Description

I am not trying to be clever or make myself out to be special, normally when you discover something you want to share it but after a time the shine wears off as its not as good as you first thought, Wel I kind of thought this is how it would be with this for me. But it hasn't been like this for me. For me its made a huge change and I can only see the level of change looking back.

Having reached nearly 30 stone I believed the reasons I was over weight was that I was basically lazy and lacked motivation. I tried diets but would soon give up. They were hard work, I tried hypnosis and other weird and wonderful diets with limited success. They would work short term but I just couldn't maintain that lifestyle.

That was when one day out of the blue I realised I could apply processes I already learned over 20 years of in mindfulness training to bring awareness to subconscious thoughts that might be affecting me.

I felt silly that I'd never thought of do it before. Addressing the psychological issues if you like.

I made a list of areas I thought might have something and sat on my own to address them one by one on a biofeedback monitor (a device used in mindfulness to help make visible brainwave patterns around emotionally charged or conflicting thoughts, a little like a lie detector)

Wow what a change, I realised everyone has to regulate their weight even thin people but unlike them I was fighting it subconsciously.

I released so much upset and angry from traumatic experiences, realised so many things that didn't seem connected where indeed really very significant and connected.

I sat with uncomfortable feelings and cravings and then as if by magic dieting become effortless. Yes effortless.

It took me several months to realise how much I changed how easy I was finding things, where before it was impossible.

I've a long way to go but I've lost 8 stone to date and its been easy. I bought a pair of high street jeans not mail order for the first time in 12 years. My energy and mobility has increased and I feel at least ten years younger.

My aim now is to share my realisation and find ways to help others truly find the psychological reasons behind their own weight issues and end the game of continuos yoyo diets.

More about Psychology Of Weight Control. Weight Loss Help

Psychology Of Weight Control. Weight Loss Help is located at Weston-super-Mare