
About Psychotherapy

We provide counselling sessions for Arabic speakers that live in London.

Psychotherapy Description

About Us

Third Age began as a study into how to help the elderly come to terms with emotional traumas, partnership problems and unresolved issues stretching back in time. Then, five years ago, it became a pilot project doing just that. We are now moving not just earlier down the age scale but into broader categories as well.

Our aim is to offer a nurturing atmosphere in which we can give emotional therapy to allow people to come to terms with life's ups and downs in short to live happier emotional lives.

We offer psychotherapeutic counselling for people who have reached one of life's many emotional crossroads -- that may be redundancy, retirement, bereavement, separation, eviction or another of the myriad forms of life change and help them negotiate that transition.

We do not tell people what to do. We work with them to find solutions. It is a collaborative process not a didactic one.

We will be establishing services across London and more broadly with partners in Europe to make it easier for people to come to us.

But we will also go to people, offering outreach programmes, corporate and professional counselling and workshops for groups and companies.

Third Age does not claim to have a magic wand to wave away all of life's emotional troubles. But we can and will make them easier to bear a not insignificant achievement in today's stress-filled world.