Push Doctor

Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 17:00

About Push Doctor

Push Doctor was the UK's first platform to offer video consultations and is a leading online GP provider and remote consultation enabler in the UK, connecting thousands of patients each week with clinicians and appointments available in minutes.



Headaches are a nasty business but most are short-lived and easily treatable. But if pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medicines arenтАЩt helping, this advice directly form our doctors should do the trick: https://www.pushdoctor.co.uk/bтАж/how-to- get-rid-of-a-headache


HOW TO PLAY: ЁЯСЛ Each pair of words in this brain game is connected. Your goal is to find a third word that is associated with both. тЭУ This puzzle tests the brain's ability to think laterally, using the left and right sides simultaneously to connect information and find the overall solution.... ЁЯдФ Let's take the first as an example: The answer is TRUNK. The word trunk is connected with both the word TREE and the word CAR: A trunk is the main part of a tree & is also the main storage component of a car. ЁЯШК Over to you... ЁЯСН https://www.pushdoctor.co.uk/
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Now here's a bright idea. ЁЯТб Did you know that today is National Relaxation Day? ЁЯТЖ No? Well, it is & it even has a hashtag & everything.... #я╕ПтГг But social media trends aside, making a conscious effort to relax & unwind is a crucial element of your overall health and wellbeing. ЁЯСН Too much stress can increase the levels of cortisol in your body, which in turn, can negatively affect sleep, the immune system & concentration. ЁЯШК In fact, too much cortisol can hinder every single metabolic function in your body, from blood sugar control & hormone production, to how your body converts food into energy, rather than storing it as fat... you can see it's pretty powerful. ЁЯСК Now, we understand that in today's frantic world, commitments pile up, to-do lists grow & finding time to relax can be tough. ЁЯШй But switching off shouldn't be squeezed in, it's essential and should be at the top of your properties. ЁЯУЛ Time to let your mind rest can leave you feeling refreshed, refocused and raring to go. ЁЯЩМ Your form of relaxation might be a walk outside on your lunch break, taking an hour in a coffee shop, it could be the gym, even reading in the library. ЁЯдЧ Whatever lets your mind untangle and provides it with the time & space to de-clutter. ЁЯСП Your form of relaxation & time away from your work might even give your mind the freedom it needs to think clearly & solve problems you've been struggling with in the day. ЁЯСМ In fact, busy IT professional by week, adventurer by weekend, John Edward James worked with us on past mental health campaign where he gave some practical advice about how time away from his desk can improve his performance. ЁЯЩМ тАЬIтАЩm fortunate enough to be able to get out of the office and go for a walk on my lunch break. ЁЯЩВ I find that these little excursions help me in a number of ways. Having some time to clear my head & collect my thoughts can work wonders. ЁЯза Quite often, itтАЩll be this time where I have an epiphany & understand how I need to tackle the problem that IтАЩm facing.тАЭ ЁЯСН https://www.pushdoctor.co.uk/
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You are enough. ЁЯШМ In the world of perfect Instagrammers, fitness gurus and 'motivational' health advice, it's easy to feel inadequate, even overwhelmed at times. ЁЯУ╕ We've touched on it before, but all-or-nothing thinking, and not comparing yourself to someone else's filtered, highlights reel, are both massively important for your wellbeing and mental health.... ЁЯЩД And just like we'd always advise an 'everything in moderation' approach to your food, the same goes for your approach and mindset towards exercise. ЁЯПГ If you have to force it, let it go. ЁЯШ│ Find something you enjoy. Something you can easily make part of your daily routine. - Don't set unrealistic goals. Don't compare yourself to others. Celebrate yourself. Your journey. Your strengths. ЁЯЩМ And give yourself some credit because youтАЩre doing just great. www.pushdoctor.co.uk
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Get a head start. ЁЯСК Making positive changes to your lifestyle isn't always easy. Change takes time and is best tackled in small steps, rather than all at once. ЁЯЩВ As we've featured before, aim for achievable changes over generous time periods. That way you're way more likely to succeed, (and notice the difference).... тМЫ If you're looking to improve your health and wellbeing, you don't need to become a completely different person overnight. But here's 5 simple ways to take a more proactive approach to your health and start to improve how you think and feel. ЁЯСЗ 1. Even though life can throw out all sorts of hurdles, try and make time to think, or even better, write down, the things you're thankful for. No matter how small. тЬНя╕П 2. Stop, breathe and take time to pull your awareness to your current situation, thoughts and feelings. Try to accept them for what they are, without letting your mind wander to dwelling on the past or projecting into the future. ЁЯШК 3. Never under estimate the power of sleep. Switch off screens before shut eye, leave them out of your room and create your own bedtime routine. ЁЯШ┤ 4. Eat slowly, and listen to your body when it is full. Taking more time and concentrating on when, where and how long it takes you to eat, will help you create a healthier relationship with your food. ЁЯеж 5. Caring for yourself first isn't selfish. It's essential. ЁЯСН For help and support on all areas of your health and wellbeing, our caring UK Doctors are here, from 6am to 11pm, every single day. www.pushdoctor.co.uk
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You are amazing. Your body is amazing. ЁЯЩМ Look after the most important thing you own. ЁЯШБ And so ends #ItsBodyAmazing - a celebration of your amazing body and its amazing capability. We hope you've enjoyed it.... ЁЯСН A huge thank you to the brilliant doctors and health experts (Dr Helen Garr, Dr Claire Ashley, Dr Claudia Pastides and Will Hawkins who helped bring our content to life. ЁЯЩВ Amazing. ЁЯСП https://www.pushdoctor.co.uk/тАж/19-amazi ng-facts-about-the-hтАж
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Your body is capable of some pretty amazing things. ЁЯШ▒ Look after the most amazing thing you own. https://www.pushdoctor.co.uk/тАж/19-amazi ng-facts-about-the-hтАж


Collect memories not things. ЁЯШК Earlier the week, as part of #ItsBodyAmazing we featured Dr Helen Garr & her brilliant insight into how our memories are stored & retrieved. ЁЯза But now she digs a little deeper and discusses how obsession with technology might be causing people to miss out on precious memories.... ЁЯШл Now, love or loathe them, there's no doubt that smartphones have mostly had a positive impact on society, changing many parts of our daily lives. Making things easier, more efficient, even more effective. ЁЯУ▒ From replacing household objects, how we bank or call a taxi, even all they way through to how we see a doctor if we're struggling to get an appointment... ЁЯСитАНтЪХя╕П But even with their many benefits to our lives, it's important to use smartphones to compliment, not replace your senses. ЁЯСН Dr Helen says: ЁЯСЗ "Some psychologists think that taking pictures of everything on our smart phones means that we rely on our phones to be our memories and therefore donтАЩt make our own." ЁЯСО But the process of making memories is important and beneficial for mental health: ЁЯЩВ "If you remember a happy memory then your brain actually produces the chemical dopamine that makes us feel happy. Research shows that recalling and appreciating positive memories can have positive effects on our sense of wellbeing and how we feel about ourselves and others тАУ reminiscing is good for you" ЁЯСМ Your body isn't just great - #ItsBodyAmazing - take complete care of the most important thing you own. ЁЯЩМ https://www.pushdoctor.co.uk/blog/how-doe s-your-memory-workтАж
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Sticks and stones may break your bones, but... (Don't worry, they can heal themselves.) ЁЯЩМ What comes to mind when you think of bones? Pirates... A cheap Halloween costume, perhaps, or just those brittle old things that help keep you upright? ЁЯдФ... Sure. But did you know that the 206 bones that make up the human skeleton are very much alive? Growing, adapting, re-moulding and changing, just like other parts of your body. тЭУ As part of #ItsBodyAmazing the superb Dr Claudia Pastides @drclaudiapastides has looked into the science behind bones and has some pretty remarkable facts to share! ЁЯСН She says: ЁЯСЗ "Bones are incredible at healing themselves. Bone is a living material and, following a break, the blood clot that forms around it later transforms into solid bone and bridges the break." ЁЯШ▒ Children's bones are even more amazing, according to Dr Pastides: ЁЯСж "The amazing thing about childrenтАЩs bones is that, because their bones are still growing, the healing process happens much faster and their bones can even reshape without intervention" ЁЯШи Check out our Instagram story today (@pushdoctor) to hear Dr Pastides discuss and show how our bones heal. Trust us, you wont want to miss it. ЁЯСП Your body isn't just great, #ItsBodyAmazing ЁЯШБ https://www.pushdoctor.co.uk/blog/how-the -body-worksтАж
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Avoid Illness N' Chill ЁЯШЙ How relaxing can boost your immune system. ЁЯШК As part of #ItsBodyAmazing we've been celebrating the incredible capability of the human body and the thousands of amazing functions it carries out each and every day.... ЁЯЩМ Our immune system is certainly one. And here Dr Claire Ashley looks at how this actually works, and what you can do to massively help give yours a boost. ЁЯСЗ She says: ЁЯСйтАНтЪХя╕П "One of the most important parts of the body is your immune system, which defends the body from bacteria, viruses, parasites, fungi and toxins which can infect you." ЁЯШл "If you imagine your immune system to be like an army, then the front line troops would be your white blood cells. These clever cells detect and destroy the enemy invaders, such as different viruses." ЁЯСК "Have you got ill when youтАЩve felt tired, run down and stressed? ThatтАЩs because chronic stress and sleep deprivation can profoundly affect how the immune system by raising levels of cortisol. That is why managing your stress, through mindfulness, meditation, sport, taking therapies and relaxation can make a huge impact on your health." ЁЯЩП https://www.pushdoctor.co.uk/blog/how-the -body-worksтАж
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You are what you eat. ЁЯН╜я╕П So the saying goes... And whilst the line has become a bit of a cliche in today's world, there's certainly plenty of truth behind the statement. ЁЯСН We've covered it in the past but food isn't just calories, it is information that talks to your body and tells it what to do.... ЁЯШБ And it's vital we understand the implications of what you put in your mouth and how that ultimately affects how you feel. ЁЯШК In #ItsBodyAmazing we've been celebrating the human body and how it plays host to thousands of incredible functions to help you live life to the fullest. And there's no doubt that what we eat can help, even improve, our body and its ability to function. ЁЯеж Head over to our Instagram (@pushdoctor) to tune in to today's stories to hear our nutritionist, Will, @nutritionistwill talk through exactly what nutrients you should be including in your diet to aid your most vital body parts and functions. ЁЯЩМ He'll be covering... ЁЯСЗ Our Heart: тЭдя╕П And what it needs: Vitamin D & D3 Omega 3s Potassium ЁЯСК Our Gut: ЁЯСМ And: ЁЯСЗ B vitamins Prebiotics & Probiotics Fibre ЁЯША Our Brains: ЁЯза And how to boost them, by incorporating: ЁЯСЗ Calcium Zinc B Vitamins Omega 3s ЁЯеЫ Our Muscle & Bones: ЁЯТк All 3 macros: Protein, Carbs & Fats Calcium Vitamin D & D3 Iron ЁЯСН Look after your body. It's the most valuable thing you will ever own. - https://www.pushdoctor.co.uk/тАж/19-amazi ng-facts-about-the-hтАж
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Three are facts that show just how amazing the human body is... ЁЯШо One is fiction. ЁЯдФ But can you tell which?... тЭУ https://www.pushdoctor.co.uk/тАж/19-amazi ng-facts-about-the-hтАж
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Your lungs are amazing. ЁЯСЗ Despite fitting neatly inside our ribcage, the surface area of our lungs is roughly the same size of a tennis court! ЁЯО╛ Your lungs are powerful things and every day, you breathe in 2000 gallons of air - enough to fill a standard swimming pool!... ЁЯПК Our bodies are capable of some amazing things, but sometimes they need a little TLC. Our new membership programme is designed to help you take control of your health - with exclusive access to everything you need to start living and happier, healthier life today. - Read more information about your incredible body, and our memberships programme, by following the link in our bio. https://www.pushdoctor.co.uk/тАж/19-amazi ng-facts-about-the-hтАж
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Your blood is amazing. ЁЯЫл And did you know your heart pumps approximately 200 million litres of blood throughout your body during a lifetime - the equivalent to 1.3 billion cups of tea! тШХя╕П And when resting, your heart still works twice as hard as your legs do when youтАЩre sprinting.... ЁЯПГ Your body isn't just great, #ItsBodyAmazing ЁЯЩМ Check the link in our bio for more miraculous facts about the body and take control of your health and look after the most amazing thing you own. https://www.pushdoctor.co.uk/тАж/19-amazi ng-facts-about-the-hтАж
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Your gut is amazing. ЁЯШо There IS such a thing as тАШgut instinctтАЩ - your vagus nerve, that lives within the gut, sends fear-triggering signals to the brain. ЁЯШ▒ And did you know that there are over 100 million 'brain' (nerve) cells in your gut - more than the amount in your spinal cord!... ЁЯШо Your body isn't just great, #ItsBodyAmazing ЁЯЩМ Take control of your health and look after the most amazing thing you own https://www.pushdoctor.co.uk/тАж/19-amazi ng-facts-about-the-hтАж
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From your head to your toes... ЁЯСг Your body plays host to thousands upon thousands of incredible functions - helping you to live your life to the fullest. ЁЯТл Did you know that every day you breathe enough air to fill a standard swimming pool?... ЁЯПК Or that your brain generates up to 50,000 thoughts a day?! ЁЯТб ThereтАЩs no doubt that the human body is incredible - and with the help of some brilliant, forward-thinking doctors, our latest campaign #ItsBodyAmazing will be bringing you more facts and information about just how astonishing your body really is, and what it's able to do. ЁЯЩМ From looking at how skin has the ability to repair after being damaged (unlike any other material in the world), to revealing how memory works and allows an incredible amount of information to be stored and recalled in an instant... ЁЯзРЁЯзР We'll be celebrating the body and all its miraculous functions, and the launch of our new memberships programme - which gives you the ability to take complete control of your health and look after the most amazing thing you own. ЁЯСМ Your body. https://www.pushdoctor.co.uk/тАж/19-amazi ng-facts-about-the-hтАж
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Being healthy isn't becoming a completely different person overnight. ЁЯСО It isn't giving up all the things you love. ЁЯСО It isn't feeling restricted, deprived or hungry.... ЁЯСО It isn't punishing yourself with things you don't enjoy. ЁЯСО It's finding a balance. It's moderation. It's happiness. It's looking after yourself... and it's living. ~~~ www.pushdoctor.co.uk
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From islands of love, to the prompts to look good for the looming summer holiday. ЁЯПЭ Many of us have insecurities about our appearance and hang-ups about our bodies that can be triggered easily by a society that is often set up to profit from self-doubt. - Looking specifically at body dissatisfaction, it has been found to lead to poor diets, excessive exercising and depression тАУ a combination that can create a dangerous relationship with food, and ultimately your health. ... ЁЯШ│ The key lies in your ability to not compare yourself to others. To stop focusing on other people and what they look like, or what they may or may not (but probably donтАЩt) think of you, and focus on yourself. ЁЯЩП And it can be tough, but try not to criticise yourself. As we've covered before, if left unmanned, our thoughts can have a huge impact on our actions and feelings. ЁЯЩЛ If you're looking to make positive changes to your lifestyle, then try and keep your fitness mindset free from negative thoughts. - If you miss a session, just make sure you make it next time. If you indulge a little, then don't dwell and start a fresh with you next meal. If youтАЩre not progressing as quickly as youтАЩd like, remember that getting healthy is a long-term goal, not just a quick fix for summer. тШАя╕П Even the smallest bit of activity contributes towards a healthier life, and if youтАЩre doing that, then youтАЩre doing just great. www.pushdoctor.co.uk
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More about Push Doctor

Push Doctor is located at Push Dr Limited, Arkwright House, Parsonage Gardens, M3 2LF Manchester, United Kingdom
Monday: 08:00 - 20:00
Tuesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Wednesday: 08:00 - 20:00
Thursday: 08:00 - 20:00
Friday: 08:00 - 20:00
Saturday: 08:00 - 17:00
Sunday: 08:00 - 17:00