Pye Bank Ce Primary School

About Pye Bank Ce Primary School

Pye Bank Primary is a great school in Pitsmoor Sheffield, serving a culturally diverse community. We are proud of our school and our children.



Thank you to all parents for coming to the Foundation Stage open morning. So lovely to meet you all and to meet some of your amazing children. Looking forward to seeing you in September.


Our Year 1s loved taking part in the Arches Dance Competition. Have a look at the Investigators blog and watch the childrens’ amazing dance. /…/…/y1-dance-show/


The children had an amazing experience with Art John.


What an amazing workshop today. The amazing Mrs Dawson led some fabulous family learning today attended by over 30 Foundation Stage parents. Everyone left happy today.
More info to follow but this is what one parent said....


Year 2 have worked so hard making bridges for the Gruffalo within their topic topic. The constructions have been designed with strength in mind and the children have developed some great skills linked to joining materials.


Great Maths work from Year 5 today.


Year 6 have completed some great work linked to the Creation in RE. Children chose to write in different styles and text types. Some wrote poems and some wrote narratives, in 1st and 3rd person. There main aim was to show their understanding of the story itself, before we begin to answer the big question of Creation and Science: Complementary or conflicting?


‪Exciting news. The Library is open again but is now filled with 100s of new books, all sorted into your favourite categories: adventure, mystery, science fiction and many more. Come and see for yourself.‬


‪What a great week. Everyone is back at school and getting settled in to class. Year 6 look amazing and look fabulous in their jumpers. ‬
‪Today Year 6 find out what it means to be a school Ambassador.‬


Some of the cast of Jack and the Beanstalk.


We had a brilliant last week with so many children entering our egg competition. Very creative ideas. We also finished with a fabulous year 2 performance of Jack and the Beanstalk.


Hope everyone is getting on Times Tables Rock Stars and practising those skills. I am creeping up that leader board. One day I will be a Rock Hero!


Remember this week we have our decorated egg competition assemblies on Wednesday and our Year 2 performance of Jack and the Beanstalk at 9.30 on Thursday.


Fantastic Time to Shine events this week with Year 4, 5 and 6 sharing their learning. We had a great turn out of parents.


World Book Day finally arrived at Pye Bank. We all had a swashbuckling time! We particularly enjoyed our assembly, singing What shall we do with the pirate Teacher and seeing the staff walk the plank!! Ahoy me hearties


We are planning to open as normal tomorrow. We will update everyone as early as possible if things change overnight. Thank you for all your support. Hopefully you had some fun in the snow. Stay safe


Fabulous Memory Master competition today. Well done to McKee for coming first. Great to see so many speedy times tablers and spellers!


The countdown is over! The day has arrived... prepare for Memory Master!

More about Pye Bank Ce Primary School

Pye Bank Ce Primary School is located at Andover Street, S39 Sheffield
0114 276 0472