Queens' College Jcr

About Queens' College Jcr

Queens' College JCR, University of Cambridge

Queens' College Jcr Description

Queens' College supports a thriving academic community of undergraduates, graduates and Fellows.
Today we enjoy one of the most modern, welcoming and comfortable working colleges in Cambridge without having lost any of our historical charm, beauty or tradition.

Queens' sits astride the River Cam with its two halves joined across the river by the famous Mathematical Bridge. The College is open to the public and visitors are welcome.

The facilities in Queens' range from the medieval Old Hall to the new fourth floor of the Cripps Building . For more infomation, please explore the college website:

http://www. queens. cam. ac. uk /



Check out the sports fair next week!


Good luck to everyone receiving their results today, and a massive congratulations to those of you who will be coming to Queens' this year!
We can't wait to meet you in October!
-- QJCR Committee đź’š


Your wonderful 2019-20 JCR Committee!


Queens' Students telling us how they care for themselves over the welfare weekend!


Open meeting in 10 minutes! Come on down for a break!


George is our new Computer Officer - the horrors of the Freshers' Week Gown Fiasco only made him hungrier for more JCR Committee.
He's a second year mathmo, and his fun fact is that he once castrated a sheep.
... George's main goal for this year is to have a fully functioning JCR website! It's currently undergoing a big restructuring, with a whole new section dedicated to current students. This will include all info about the committee, R O O M B A L L O T, and useful links to things like the buttery menu and room booking forms all in one place. There's also a new anonymous message form (qjcr.org.uk/contact-the-committee)!
Send him memes at: george.molina-stubbs@qjcr.org.uk
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Wilfred Salmon is our new Steward. He's a second-year mathmo living in V12. He likes food.
He aims include getting sweet potato fries and nachos back on the bar menu, improving veggie formal and trying to squeeze as much free food out of the role as possible. When asked what makes a good commitee member he said "Likes food. Look guys I really only do one thing..."
... You can contact Wilfred at wilfred.salmon@qjcr.org.uk or on Facebook.
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Hannah Matthews is one of the new Welfare Officers. She's a first year Economics student who resides in P10 (But can frequently be found in Cripps). She really likes getting cake with her college wife and general wholesome-ness. And condoms. Weirdly interested in condoms.
Her aims for the year include improving the condom distribution system and reaching out to those from Non-Traditional Cambridge Backgrounds. But mainly she wants to give you tea and h...ot chocolate and biscuits while you tell her your woes.
Hannah will always reply ASAP to welfare messages so please feel free to email her at hannah.matthews@qjcr.org.uk or Facebook message if anything's on your mind - please don't suffer alone!
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Stephen is one of your dynamic welfare dispensing duo for the year!!
In his free time he likes to row, play water polo, volunteer with children, paint, give out condoms, and occasionally work on his degree in education and psychology.
... He think the only way for him to effectively perform the welfare role is to build relationships with as many people as possible. He wants to make friends with as many of you all as possible, listen to anything you want to tell him, and give you all the love that's in his little heart and is desperate to get out.
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Introducing Boo, your new Access officer! Boo is second-year Natsci from Bradford (one of our wonderful link districts). She sees her role of access officer as ensuring that people for all backgrounds have equal opportunities to apply, and get in, to Cambridge.
Her own experience has taught her that applying to Cambridge can be scary and confusing particularly if you do not know people who have been/ can support. But that is what the whole access team is... there to help with. The access team of Queens’ includes the Schools Liaison Officer, Maria, access intern Hannah and a new Schools Liaison officer especially for Bradford. Each Cambridge college has a number of link districts who they support by running access events and being in contact with schools, our link districts are Kent, Havering and Bradford. Queens’ access therefore do a lot of work to support students from these areas such as running an annual roadshow in which we speak to thousands of students about Cambridge. They also act as a great first-contact to any student (especially those from one of these areas) who is thinking of applying to Cambridge. On top of this Boo also works with the access team to run and organise events such as open days and also the interviews which aim to make sure that every student feels at home at Queens’.
Access is something that everyone in Queens’ can get involved in not just to receive meal vouchers but because it really does make a difference. Students can help to run college tours, go on the access roadshow, help at interviews and at open days. Boo is always really keen to hear any suggestions about what more could be done to improve access at Queens’.
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Freddy Lofgren is our new Accommodation and Environmental Officer. He’s a first-year economics student living in EE41 (for now). Freddy likes to compare prices with sizes of rooms and he also likes to see small numbers on electricity and gas bills.
His aims this year include decreasing our carbon footprint, keeping current as well as prospective students as informed as possible about rooms, creating an open dialogue about the ballot system, working to se...e what is being and what can be done about Queens’ investment impacts on the environment and working with other college officers.
When asked what he thinks makes a good JCR committee member he replied: “be yourself :raised_hands::raised_hands:”
You can contact Freddy at bengt.lofgren@qjcr.org.uk, or talk to him (he’s probably at the gym with no friends)
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Abi Smith is our current Disabilities Officer. She is a first year Geographer, living in AA and is always up for a cup of tea and a chat. Although if you can’t find her she’s probably getting her spare key after locking herself out (again).
This year she is aiming: ... - To increase general accessibility of college resources - To provide updates and information about the wider university DSC campaign - To possibly arrange some socials with other colleges, either during term time or Fresher’s week (message her if interested!) - To increase information available to current and prospective students with disabilities by adding further information and anecdotes to the JCR website and through setting up some form of system where people can contact anyone who may have similar experiences
Feel free to contact her on abi.smith@qjcr.org.uk, or message on Facebook if easier, with any concerns, questions or ideas!
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Victoria Ayodeji is our new BME Officer. Her aims this year include spearheading Queens' very first BME Access Day and introducing a new BME mentoring system for incoming freshers with older BME students at Queens'. Thus, continuing the efforts to make Queens’ as inclusive and accepting as possible.
When asked about being a BME student at Queens' she said "the BME community in college is particularly friendly and caring and they were paramount in helpin...g me to settle into college life when I first arrived as a fresher. Remember that as a BME student your thoughts and opinions are valid and necessary here."
You can contact Victoria at victoria.ayodeji@qjcr.org.uk, or message her on Facebook.
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Joe Taylor is our new QEnts President He’s a second-year mathematician student living in W13. Some of his favourite things include the 2nd, 3rd and 5th Rocky films; illegally strong polish beers bought from corner shops and dry-stone walls.
His aims this year include trying not to be the first QEnts President who ruins bounce, rebranding the bops and getting a QEnts committee picture behind QBar.
... When asked what he thinks makes a good JCR committee member he replied: “Including myself and my Vice President, I’m one of 3 members who provide comic relief during the meetings - I’ll let the rest fight about the 3rd”
You can contact Joe at joe.taylor@qjcr.org.uk, or preferably, message him on Facebook.
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ZĂ©bulon Goriely, after having been hardened by a year of being Computer Officer, has returned for another year of JCR duties as our new Secretary/Academics Officer!
He’s a second year Compsci living in V11 who spends his free time pursuing a variety of creative endeavours including making Youtube videos (youtube.com/filmbyzeb), making videos for Varsity, doing some thespy production and soon-to-be getting involved in the short film scene.
... This year, he aims to commit to the policies agreed at JCR open meetings, establishing better communication with the fellows, increasing “engagement” and trying to avoid another room ballot crisis.
Zeb can be contacted at zeb.goriely@qjcr.org.uk
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More about Queens' College Jcr

Queens' College Jcr is located at Queens' College, Silver Street, CB3 9ET Cambridge, Cambridgeshire