Régima Uk

Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -

About Régima Uk


Régima Uk Description




Working synergistically with the aim of skin treatment and preservation

RГ©gimA is the most advanced, medically accepted skin care programme created to attack the ageing free radicals and toxins associated with modern living. These elements are responsible for most of the skin's visible signs of ageing, including loss of skin tone and wrinkles. Without the help of RГ©gimA's technology these toxins will surely cause premature ageing. Years of scientific research have culminated in this ultimate regime, which is simplicity itself.

RГ©gimA is a unique skin rejuvenation and treatment range manufactured for the use of doctors and skin care professionals. Extensive use of the very finest potent natural ingredients from Europe, South Africa and other tropical regions and indigenous wound healing, skin repairing plants, ensures RГ©gimA's status as a skin treatment leader in the world market. We are not just talking 'normal' cosmetics which may feel nice, smell nice and keep the skin hydrated, but are just moisturizing outer dead skin. To really rejuvenate one has to remove that outer layer which shows all signs of ageing, revealing a much fresher, more youthful skin. RГ©gimA is a cosmeceutical focusing not only on AESTHETICS but SKIN HEALTH.

Safely, gently and naturally RГ©gimA helps restore the skin's youthful appearance, improving colour, tone and texture, smoothing away fine lines and uneven skin colour, bringing back that glow of a good, healthy skin, irrespective of age.

-Full Facial and Body Rejuvenation range
-Specialized treatments for use by Doctors, Specialist trained Skin Care Professionals
-Pigmentation, Wrinkles, Acne, Acne Scarring, Scars, Burns
-Provides Post Peel Treatment
-Provides Post Skin Resurfacing Laser or Hair Removal Laser Treatment
-Ultimate Simplicity within the Home Care Range
-Suitable for all skin types, ages, ethnicities
-Manufactured for doctors pre- and post-surgery ensuring continuity of care
-Powerful NATURAL ingredients providing potency without side effects (No Hydroquinone used in our pigmentation treatment)
-Laboratory produced by internationally trained cosmetic chemists
-Continued International research - keeping ahead
-Cost efficiency providing the most potent internationally renowned product at affordable prices cutting out the middle men
-NO animal or human ingredients and NOT tested on animals
-Internationally available
-HIGHEST amount of NATURAL ingredients achieving ULTIMATE Anti-Ageing results

Many skin problems are associated with excessive build-up of dead cells, making the skin hardened and dull. Problems are exacerbated by exposure to the sun, pollution and other environmental effects, leading to skin damage and disease. RГ©gimA follows a rule of 'Peel & Heal' and is instrumental in restoring, rejuvenating and preserving.

We do not believe in just peeling the skin, one must repair and restore at the deeper skin level. However, one always has the fear that one is going to thin the skin. The SECRET is always within the formulation and the RГ©gimA 'Peel & Heal' cannot be compared to any other peeling product. We gently, gradually remove the outer dead layer of skin and work down to the dermis (the living layer). The formulation then stimulates collagen production. In essence RГ©gimA 'Peel & Heal' is thickening and re-elasticizing the skin.

RГ©gimA home care benefits from Natural, time dependent fruity acids, Lactic Acid from milk and Malic Acid from apples. These are the most skin friendly, have less irritating effects than certain other acids and achieve maximum effect. These products have a low pH (acidity) that is essential in achieving perfect skin penetration, (something pH balanced products cannot do) working gradually through the outer dead layer to the basal, living layer of skin. Stimulates cell renewal as well as helping collagen production, re-elasticizing the skin naturally. The Natural acids do not work any deeper than the basal layer and there is definitely no long term thinning of the skin and no other long term side effects. Other exciting, safe, natural, acids are used within certain RГ©gimA in-rooms /in-salon treatments. The hibiscus flower acid is the most biodegradable natural acid that exfoliates and smoothes the most sensitive skins without adverse reaction, citric acid powerfully treats pigmentation and natural sugar cane provides extra micronutrients. RГ©gimA combinations of acid increase cell turnover and stimulate collagen synthesis.

What type of improvement can one expect with RГ©gimA?

вҖў Softening of fine lines from sun damage

вҖў Smoothing of deeper lines if undergoing treatments with the 'Peel & Heal'

вҖў Diminution of coarse lines from sun damage or age

вҖў Increased smoothness of skin texture

вҖў Normalizing of pigmentation and improvement in overall skin colour

вҖў Firming, toning of the skin of the face and body

вҖў Improved suppleness and rehydration of tired, damaged skin

вҖў Clearing blackheads and spots and minimizing pore size

вҖў Enhanced wound healing and scar maturation

вҖў Helps even old scarring, improves smoothness & colour of scarring

вҖў Helps prevent and repair stretch marks

вҖў Helps eliminate and control cellulite with maintenance

вҖў Safe during pregnancy

вҖў More rapid healing and better end result following laser therapy

вҖў Increased natural skin glow and radiance

вҖў Skin maintenance as never before bringing back youthfulness

вҖў Overall improvement in skin condition of the face and body

YES. There are many powerful NATURAL ingredients within the treatment range but all are safe to use by all age groups and even during pregnancy. The only product NOT to be used by pregnant or lactating women would be the Curve Contour Cellulite Controller.

What MAY be experienced initially due to the potency of the RГ©gimA range

Certain symptoms 'MAY' be experienced during the first few weeks of treatment. However, if one does experience any of these it does not mean that one has an allergy to the product and these cannot be considered side effects. One may feel a tingling and itchiness on application of the night preparations. The intensity of this varies from person to person and some feel nothing. This tingling is due to the product having a low pH (acidity). Dryness and flakiness of the skin MAY be experienced, especially in the more sensitive areas such as nostrils, corners of mouth, upper cheekbones, eyes etc. Wrinkles may initially look worse and pigmentation may look darker. This is due to the separation of the outer dead horny layer from the healthy, new inner living layer of skin. During this initial process the skin MAY dry out a little and one can counteract this by using one of the RГ©gimA products suggested for hydrating a particular skin type e. g. Basal Cell Feed, Quantum Elastin Dermal Regenerator, Scar Repair & Anti-Stretch Complex, Post Laser /Post Peel Gel etc. The skin will start to feel tighter as it becomes firmer.

One must differentiate between firming /tightening of the skin and dryness. Tight and firm is exactly what one wants. Bear in mind also, whatever is sitting under the surface of the skin is likely to come out. The products are not drawing them out; they are actually working through that tough outer surface and going down to meet the problem. It may be noted that certain skins tend to have a long-term problems with very uneven little bumps sitting under the surface. In many cases this has been caused by a certain foundation. One should be careful when choosing a foundation, try not to opt for very thick foundations as these can block the pores in certain cases. Avoid foundations with a high fragrance or if they claim to have a high sun protection factor as this is usually titanium dioxide (white pigment used for colour and acts as a sunscreen. This is also the white pigment used in paint! ) and in some people this can cause blockage of the pores. As RГ©gimA day products contain sunscreens it is not necessary for the foundation to have a sun protection factor. There are many RГ©gimA product options available to treat all skin problems, and your skin care professional will suggest what is going to be best for you.

Hang in there if you experience any initial symptoms - It is worth it!

It should be remembered that although one MAY initially experience some tingling or irritation on using the concentrated night preparations with the low pH, one achieves much greater and more rapid cell renewal. It has been scientifically proven that photo-aged skin has produced increased amounts of mucopolysaccharides (sugars) and collagen and has had a positive effect on skin thickness without skin inflammation. Most people wish to see and feel an immediate difference and realize it is worth accepting a bit of tingling. Once the skin is in a better condition the tingling and itchiness of the skin diminishes dramatically.

The skin's normal pH we are told is 5. 5, although this varies from person to person. The pH of our potent night creams is 3 to 3. 5 which scientifically and clinically has been proven to be the perfect pH to achieve the best skin penetrance, up to 20 times better than products with a higher pH and they are therefore at the very least 20 times more effective. This also enhances the efficacy and compatibility of the night preparations with the skin. The skin's acid mantle is also maintained to combat skin bacteria. Our time dependent acids within the night creams work on the skin from the moment of application until the moment of neutralization with RГ©gimA cleanser e. g. If applied at 10 O'clock at night and one removes at 7 O'clock the next morning, natural exfoliation and rejuvenation has been taking place for 9 hours. When using these products it is not necessary to use face scrubs etc.

The RГ©gimA products stimulate cell turnover within the living, basal layer and diminish corneocyte adhesion in the stratum corneum (outer layer). These acids and salts attract more moisture into the skin. This is totally different from most night preparations that are formulated to hydrate and nourish the outer dead layer of skin only. The process of removing the dead skin layer can take up to 8 weeks. (However, this can be sooner if one is undergoing 'Peel & Heal' treatments). Once this is achieved the skin just requires maintenance.

It is all about Percentage and Synergy of Actives

There is a very high percentage of active plant and marine material within the RГ©gimA preparations. These have the job of stimulating, nourishing repairing and providing ultimate rejuvenation. One of the main plants we use is indigenous to Southern Africa and it is incorporated into most products within the range, Centella Asiatica renowned for wound healing properties. Also, laminaria ochroleuca, a brown algae from the South Sea Islands is a major active incorporated to reduce photoinduced inflammation, helps prevent the formation of solar keratoses, and is a powerful anti-oxidant, anti-ager and cell protector. Penetrating hexapeptides, pentapeptides, tetrapeptides, platinum and healing nanotechnology ensure RГ©gimA provides ultimate anti-ageing technology.

The RГ©gimA Skin Treatment Programme can and should be used indefinitely. It is the most effective range and can be used long term with perfect safety. As one gets older the body's cell renewal process is more sluggish and so one tends to develop one problem or another. One can help eliminate these problems and maintain as perfect a skin as possible with RГ©gimA. Collagen III Booster, Basal Cell Feed, Growth Factor Stimulator and Protector and Plant Stem Cells, are just a few options available for retarding the skin ageing process.



рҹ’ңрқҷҲрқҷӨрқҷ©рқҷқрқҷҡрқҷ§'рқҷЁ рқҳҝрқҷ–рқҷ® рқҷҳрқҷӨрқҷўрқҷҘрқҷҡрқҷ©рқҷһрқҷ©рқҷһрқҷӨр қҷЈрҹ’ң
RГ©gimA are giving away a Beautiful Pamper Hamper for Mother's Day! Would you like to win this amazing prize? All you have to do is:
... вҖў Like our main Facebook Page вҖў Tag a Mum (Your mum) / Mum to be Friend вҖў Share this post
Throughout the month we will entice you with what YOU could win!
One winner will be chosen at random on Wednesday 27th March 2019 so you will have your Hamper just in time for Mother's day
Best of luck рҹҢ·вӯҗпёҸрҹҢ·вӯҗпёҸ
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Laser Azu-Repair 'The Blue Gel' contains amazing star ingredients such as Natural Azulene, powerful anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-microbial, anti-viral, repairing, wound healing, plus the famous Miracle fruit, Pomegranate! This incredible ingredient is rich in Vitamin C, plus an enzyme with natural exfoliation properties, helping remove the outer dead cells that trap bacteria, without disrupting wound healing. в Җ в Җ Laser Azu-Repair 'The Blue Gel' along with the Scar R...epair FortГ© Super Strength Serum is the Best Combo Medic to help assist with all eventualities.в Җ в Җ The RГ©gimA Wound Healing Heroesв Җ в Җ #LaserAzu #ScarRepair #ScarRepairForte #HolidayNecessities #WoundHealing #HealthySkin #SmartMoms #LoveYourSkin #HolidaySeason #RegimAZoneв Җ
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Most women know that having Stretch Marks has a huge impact on one's self-esteem, seriously lowering confidence and causing embarrassment. We understand that insecurities are hard to overcome, so it doesn't hurt to have a helping hand to get over the hurdle. This is why we love the RГ©gimA Scar Repair FortГ© Super Strength Serum! в Җ в Җ We have been received amazing feedback from RГ©gimA clients regarding their Stretch Marks. This RГ©gimA` client used our Scar Repair FortГ© Super Str...ength Serum and in only 4 weeks her stretch marks have faded so dramatically that they are barely noticeable! Her skin is moist, smooth, more elasticized, with a beautiful natural healthy, youthful glow. в Җ в Җ Have you given our Scar Repair FortГ© Super Strength Serum a try? If you have achieved results like this then send us your Before & After photos and you could get a Free product.в Җ в Җ RГ©gimA - Bringing Out The True Beauty In You!в Җ в Җ #EliminateStretchMarks #NaturalYou #BeautifulYou #NaturalGlow #StretchMarks #RegimAZone #ScarRepair #ScarRepairForte #TheZone #LovingYourself #FeelingBeautiful #NaturalBeauty #SmoothSkin #GlowingSkin #ElasticizedSkin #SkinRepair #NoStretchMarks #HealthySkinв Җ
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Most women know that having Stretch Marks has a huge impact on one's self-esteem, seriously lowering confidence and causing embarrassment. We understand that insecurities are hard to overcome, so it doesn't hurt to have a helping hand to get over the hurdle. This is why we love the RГ©gimA Scar Repair FortГ© Super Strength Serum! в Җ в Җ We have been received amazing feedback from RГ©gimA clients regarding their Stretch Marks. This RГ©gimA` client used our Scar Repair FortГ© Super Str...ength Serum and in only 4 weeks her stretch marks have faded so dramatically that they are barely noticeable! Her skin is moist, smooth, more elasticized, with a beautiful natural healthy, youthful glow. в Җ в Җ Have you given our Scar Repair FortГ© Super Strength Serum a try? If you have achieved results like this then send us your Before & After photos and you could get a Free product.в Җ в Җ RГ©gimA - Bringing Out The True Beauty In You!в Җ в Җ #EliminateStretchMarks #NaturalYou #BeautifulYou #NaturalGlow #StretchMarks #RegimAZone #ScarRepair #ScarRepairForte #TheZone #LovingYourself #FeelingBeautiful #NaturalBeauty #SmoothSkin #GlowingSkin #ElasticizedSkin #SkinRepair #NoStretchMarks #HealthySkinв Җ
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A purified extract from peach tree leaves, plus a unique carbohydrate complex with penetrating moisturisers, delivers long term lasting hydration, regenerating, allowing signs of ageing to be less pronounced. в Җ в Җ These, combined with 3 natural exfoliating fruit acids, Lactic, Malic, Citric, Vitamins A, C and E, plus an abundance of organic oils, rosehip and blackcurrant seed oil, with their anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant action, deliver anti-ageing excellence.в Җ в Җ #Regima #Regimaskincare #Regimauk #skincare #skincareproducts #skincareroutine #nightcream #nightcare #skin #beautyskin #skintreatments #saloncare #beautycare


Traumatic accidents not only leave emotional scars, but the physical scars are a horrible reminder of the incident. No one wants to look at a scar that has a painful reminder of the past.в Җ в Җ This is why We are Here To Help Change Lives! With our perfectly formulated Products, and Brilliant Therapists, there is no scar that we cannot attack!в Җ в Җ Our 25 year old RГ©gimA client below had a devastating accident a few years ago having to undergo major surgery with extensive skin g...rafting. Due to the Scar being old, the skilled RГ©gimA therapist needed to do a series of Power Peels, resulting in these amazing results. в Җ в Җ #RegimA #PowerPeels #Scarring #HealingSkin #CentellaAsiatica #HealingPeels #HelpingChangeLives #SmoothSkin #ScarRepair #ScarRepairForte #PowerPeels #SkinPeel #PeelandHeal #ScarHealing #UglyScars #SkinGraftScars #CitricAcid #MalicAcid #LacticAcidв Җ
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Have You Tried the O2-Purifyer?
This smooth, cooling Gel Serum is a Must Have For Smokers or People that Live and Work in the Cities
Why is this a Must Have?
... The O2-Purifier is a multifaceted Purifying Serum which creates a Biomimetic flexible non-occlusive film on the skin.
This magnificent In-Salon Treatment has ingredients that target the skins natural detoxification mechanisms, which actively fights against chemical pollutants; nicotine, carbon monoxide fumes and heavy metals in the air. An interesting fact is that the purified fungi within this product is obtained from a fermentation process and promotes Autophagy. Autophagy is one of the key ways in which your body cleans out various debris, including toxins, and recycles damaged cell components, whilst playing a critical role in reducing inflammation and slowing down the ageing process.
O2 Purifyer provides the ideal Anti-Ageing and Detoxifying weapon for the face and body when used as part of a RГ©gimA Treatment, as well as any Micro-Needling or Laser Treatment, providing an immediate attenuation of facial wrinkles, body firming, with a visible lifting effect.
RegimA SpaZone вҖ“ Treat Yourself
#O2Purifyer #SpaZone #RegimAUK #SalonTreatments #TLC #HealthySkin #SmokersSkin #FlawlessSkin #BeautifulSkin #SmoothSkin #GlowingSkin #RegimASalonTreatments #NaturalGlow #LoveYourSkin #SelfLove #PurifiedFungi #NaturalIngredients #NaturalCosmetics #Detox #DetoxifyingSkin #Purifying #PurifyingSkin #NaturalDetox #treatyourself
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RegimA UK recently donated some skincare products to Diane Nivern Clinic Ltd for a Charity Spring Ball being held The Lowry Hotel in Manchester in March 2019.
This years beneficiary will be Derian House childrenвҖҷs Hospice where the money raised will go towards two new rooms for those special children reaching their time.
Thank you Diane for this opportunity to donate to this wonderful charity Eventрҹ’ҷWe are happy we could help!
... #Regima #Charity
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With big things on the cards for 2019 вҖ“ Brexit (or not?), epic summer festivals, another Royal baby вҖ“ the year promises to be fun, exciting and challenging all in one. If you havenвҖҷt yet got your вҖҳgame faceвҖҷ on, thereвҖҷ s no better time than now вҖ“ and our рқҗ‘рқҗһрқҗЈрқҗ®рқҗҜрқҗЁрқҗқрқҗһрқҗ«рқҗҰ рқҗҚрқҗўрқҗ рқҗЎрқҗӯ рқҗҢрқҗҡрқҗўрқҗ§рқҗӯрқҗһрқҗ§рқҗҡрқҗ§рқҗңр қҗһ рқҗңрқҗ«рқҗһрқҗҡрқҗҰ рқҗ°рқҗўрқҗҘрқҗҘ рқҗ©рқҗ«рқҗһрқҗ©рқҗҡрқҗ«рқҗһ рқҗІрқҗЁрқҗ®рқҗ« рқҗ¬рқҗӨрқҗўрқҗ§ рқҗӯрқҗЁ рқҗӯрқҗҡрқҗӨрқҗһ рқҗЁрқҗ§ рқҗӯрқҗЎрқҗһ рқҗ°рқҗЁрқҗ«рқҗҘрқҗқ!
With purified extract from peach tree leaves plus a unique carbohydrate complex with penetrating moisturisers, RejuvoвҖҷ Night delivers long term l...asting hydration and skin regeneration, imbuing your skin with a youthful glow.
Contact us at uk@regima.com for more info вҖ“ weвҖҷd love to help!
#Regima #Regimaskincare #Regimauk #skincare #skincareproducts #skincareroutine #nightcream #nightcare #skin #beautyskin #skintreatments #saloncare #beautycare
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"It's important to have a regular skin-care regimen" Helen Manchasв Җ в Җ #Quotes #Regima #Regimaskincare #Regimauk #skincare #skincareproducts #skincareroutine #nightcream #nightcare #skin #beautyskin #skintreatments #saloncare #beautycare


Anti-ageing remedies have been the focus of humankind dating back to ancient civilizations, where age-defying mineral baths and serums concocted from naturally sourced ingredients were closely guarded secrets. Thankfully, times have changed вҖ“ and we are excited to share one of our favourite skin maintenance products with you!
рқҗ‘рқҗһрқҗЈрқҗ®рқҗҜрқҗЁрқҗқрқҗһрқҗ«рқҗҰ рқҗҚрқҗўрқҗ рқҗЎрқҗӯ combines three natural exfoliating fruit acids, Lactic, Malic, Citric, Vitamins A, C and E, plus an abundance of organic oils, rosehip ...and blackcurrant seed oil вҖ“ the combination of which enhances anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant action; delivering anti-ageing excellence.
Contact us at uk@regima.com for more info вҖ“ weвҖҷd love to help!
#Regima #Regimaskincare #Regimauk #skincare #skincareproducts #skincareroutine #nightcream #nightcare #skin #beautyskin #skintreatments #saloncare #beautycare
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It is irritating and embarrassing to have acne, but it can also be extremely painful!в Җ RГ©gimA have dealt with many cases of young and mature males and females experiencing extreme acne breakouts. In order to combat these traumatic episodes, RГ©gimA formulated In-Salon 'Acne Attack' Treatments, combined with compatible home care products. These have proven to be perfect ammunition in the fight against Problematic & Acneform Skins! в Җ в Җ Why you may ask? Well, one of the many st...ar ingredients within our 'Acne Attack' treatments is Meadowsweet Extract, which helps control oil secretion, cleverly balancing hormones within the skin, without affecting hormones in the body, helps minimize pores and stimulates synthesis of natural antibiotic peptides.в Җ в Җ If you, or someone you know is experiencing bad breakouts, let us know and we can Help Restore Your Confidence with 'Acne Attack'!в Җ в Җ RГ©gimA - We are Always Here To Help!в Җ в Җ #RegimAResults #RegimAAcneAttack #AcneAttack #AcneSolution #RegimAZone #RegimA #NaturalBeauty #HealthySkin #NaturalCosmetics #NaturalBeauty #Peels #ClearSkin #YouthAcne #AdultAcne в Җ
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You may have spotted the occasional brave blossom or sassy sprout exposing itself to the winter air but do not be deceived; we all know what the month February has in store for us: ice, frost and snow.
If your skin is not typically fond of the bitter weather, rather than wrap a scarf around your dry, frost-bitten face (at least thatвҖҷs what it feels like, right!?), рқҗ°рқҗЎрқҗІ рқҗ§рқҗЁрқҗӯ рқҗӯрқҗ«рқҗІ рқҗ‘ГЁрқҗ рқҗўрқҗҰрқҗҖвҖҷрқҗ¬ рқҗ‘рқҗһрқҗЈрқҗ®рқҗҜрқҗЁрқҗқрқҗһрқҗ«рқҗҰ рқҗҚрқҗўрқҗ рқҗЎрқҗӯ рқҗҢрқҗҡрқҗўрқҗ§рқҗӯрқҗһрқҗ§рқҗҡрқҗ§рқҗңр қҗһ рқҗңрқҗ«рқҗһрқҗҡрқҗҰ?
Containing penetrating moisturisers, Rejuvoderm Night... delivers long lasting hydration, regenerating skin and allowing signs of ageing to be less pronounced. Contact us at uk@regima.com for further details вҖ“ weвҖҷd love to help!
#Regima #Regimaskincare #Regimauk #skincare #skincareproducts #skincareroutine #nightcream #nightcare #skin #beautyskin #skintreatments #saloncare #beautycare
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рқҗҖ рқҗ®рқҗ§рқҗўрқҗӘрқҗ®рқҗһ рқҗңрқҗҡрқҗ«рқҗӣрқҗЁрқҗЎрқҗІрқҗқрқҗ«рқҗҡр қҗӯрқҗһ рқҗңрқҗЁрқҗҰрқҗ©рқҗҘрқҗһрқҗұ рқҗ°рқҗўрқҗӯрқҗЎ рқҗ©рқҗһрқҗ§рқҗһрқҗӯрқҗ«рқҗҡрқҗӯрқҗўрқҗ§р қҗ  рқҗҰрқҗЁрқҗўрқҗ¬рқҗӯрқҗ®рқҗ«рқҗўрқҗ¬рқҗһр қҗ«рқҗ¬
A purified extract from peach tree leaves, plus a unique carbohydrate complex with penetrating moisturisers, delivers long term lasting hydration, regenerating, allowing signs of ageing to be less pronounced.
These, combined with 3 natural exfoliating fruit acids, Lactic, Malic, Citric, Vitamins A, C and E, plus an abundance of organic oils, rosehip and blackcurrant seed oil, with their anti-inflammatory, anti-oxida...nt action, deliver anti-ageing excellence.
#Regima #Regimaskincare #Regimauk #skincare #skincareproducts #skincareroutine #nightcream #nightcare #skin #beautyskin #skintreatments #saloncare #beautycare
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If youвҖҷre looking for a restorative product that promises to hydrate your skin gently but effectively, why not try RГ©gimAвҖҷs Marine Replenishing-Peptide Masque? Bursting with moisture, this Ultra Rich Gel is luxurious in texture and not only hydrates the skin but improves moisture retention and lifts and firms as well. в Җ в Җ If youвҖҷd like to know more, do contact the team at uk@regima.com вҖ“ weвҖҷre always happy to help!в Җ в Җ #Regima #Regimauk #Regimaskincare #skincare #skin #skintreatments #skincareproducts #beauty #beautyproducts #antiaging #beautycare


There is something super special about living in a big city вҖ“ the vibe, the excitement, the people and oh-the-places...never a dull moment. Whilst cities give off a lot of energy, they also take a lot вҖ“ the whole hype-thing, whilst attractive, can be tiring. And if weвҖҷre tired, or stressed; our skin will tell the story.
Containing a new species of yeast from the Saguoro Cactus (indigenous to the Sonoran Desert of North America), RГ©gimAвҖҷs Urban Stress Protect+Detox-Clarifying ...Masque contains a remarkable yeast species rich in glucomannans, proven to be an anti-pollution natural active, combating harmful environmental stress вҖ“ entirely perfect for urban-exposed skin!
The masque is available in-salon, only. Feel free to contact the team at uk@regima.com to find out the location of your closest RГЁgimA salon/stockist.
#Regima #Regimauk #Regimaskincare #skincare #skin #skintreatments #skincareproducts #beauty #beautyproducts #antiaging #beautycare
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Nature gives you the face you have at twenty; it is up to you to merit the face you have at fifty вҖ“ Coco Chanel.в Җ в Җ #Quote #Skincare #Skincarequote #regimauk #regimaskincare #regima


There is something super special about living in a big city вҖ“ the vibe, the excitement, the people and oh-the-places...never a dull moment. Whilst cities give off a lot of energy, they also take a lot вҖ“ the whole hype-thing, whilst attractive, can be tiring. And if weвҖҷre tired, or stressed; our skin will tell the story.в Җ в Җ The masque is available in-salon, only. Feel free to contact the team at uk@regima.com to find out the location of your closest RГЁgimA salon/stockist.в Җ в Җ #Regima #Regimauk #Regimaskincare #skincare #skin #skintreatments #skincareproducts #beauty #beautyproducts #antiaging #beautycare

More about Régima Uk

Régima Uk is located at Unit 9, Southview Park, RG45AF Reading, UK
Monday: 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday: 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday: 09:00 - 17:00
Friday: 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday: -
Sunday: -