Raay - Royal Adelaide Art And Yoga

About Raay - Royal Adelaide Art And Yoga

RAAY is the ongoing project to create an inclusive, experimental and interesting space. It will house Yoga, Gallery, workshop, studios and community space



Make time in your schedule to see this exhibition, we can't wait!


Hey Nudge Community Builders how about a bit of this to brighten up Union Street? 😍
https://www.facebook.com/superstarmagazin e/videos/2694190040641649/UzpfSTE0MTgyNj YwOTE6MTAxNjE5MTMzNzIzODA1MzM/


Last Friday, we went on a research junket to Penryn, to investigate certain aspects of the town and collect valuable information regarding things like availability of espresso and well-stocked charity shops. From a research perspective, it was a very productive trip. Another reason for the trip was to attend the opening of The Fish Factory's Sightings of Morgawr Exhibition, which we were very excited to see, and which did not disappoint. The exhibition is teeming with interpr...etations of the Morgawr, from the sublime to the ridiculous, and includes the 'People's Polychromatic Plesiosaurus', which was created at RAAY during Crab & Bee's Plymouth Labyrinth exhibition back in April. In addition, there's a fair bit of history about the beast, and a film about Doc Shiels, the artist who first reported sightings of it back in the 70s. Part of our research on the day included photo documentation, which we present here now for your delectation.
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So, if it hasn't been mentioned before, we at RAAY love paper. A lot. Just this past week, we took our relationship with paper to a new level, and started making it. The last time I (Matt), did this was about 25 years ago, so it's safe to assume the needle on the learning curve has bounced back to nought during the gap in years. But so far, after two sessions, the results are intriguing and it's gone well enough that I'm inspired to continue. It's a great process, very peacef...ul, deliberate and satisfying. With any luck, I'll get good enough at it that we'll be able to use our own paper for all kinds of interesting projects, and get other people to come and help us make it. At the very least, it's a good way of reusing all our scraps and cuttings, keeping it all in house and contributing to RAAY's goal of zero (or as close as we can), waste. Anyway, here're some photos...
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Oops! We weren't paying attention (which happens more than it might seem), and we've got ourselves doublebooked. As a result, RAAYmart will not be at the Clipper today, Friday, 24th. However, we will very much be at the Manor Street Market tomorrow, Saturday, 25th...with bells on. And a fab assortment of strange, colourful paper goods, samples of the very fresh, prototype RAAY handmade paper, and possibly other stuff. We're sorry about the mix up, hope we'll see you tomorrow!


RAAYMart is back this weekend... We'll be unpacking our boxes of wonderfulness and sharing it with the Stonehouse posse. Come visit us at the Clipper on Friday and at the very yellow Manor St Market on Saturday. Here's a photo of Matt taking it very seriously πŸ‘ #shoplocal


Yoga tips - While we don't disagree about jeans being stressful, we just wanted to point out that you don't need specialist clothing to do yoga - Yoga is everyday so the clothes you wear can be too.
As long as you're comfortable, then you're properly dressed...


Hey, for all of you who've been asking about when we might start an open class, well, ask no more. Nic's offering two classes on Thursday, starting this week, the 23rd. Details are below on our fabulously designed flyer. Just a reminder for the Adelaide Street neighbourhood - your classes are on Mondays - breath awareness 12-1, and an evening yoga class 6-8pm.


Check it out - we love this poster, and we're excited to be taking part in this exhibition - our sea monster came to life over the course of four making sessions that were part of Crab & Bee's Plymouth Labyrinth exhibition at RAAY in April, and then made its way to Penryn, where we're sure it's going to be in plenty of good company. Get down to Penryn to see this one if you can.


donut QUEEN, oh boy, we can't wait!


For a quiet Saturday morning, we found this interview with Brother Phap Dung, a monk and senior disciple of Thich Nhat Hanh, talking about Nhat Hanh's return to Vietnam in preparation for his death.
"One of the most powerful teachings that he shared with us before he got sick was about not building a stupa [shrine for his remains] for him and putting his ashes in an urn for us to pray to. He strongly commanded us not to do this. I will paraphrase his message:
β€œPlease do not b...uild a stupa for me. Please do not put my ashes in a vase, lock me inside, and limit who I am. I know this will be difficult for some of you. If you must build a stupa though, please make sure that you put a sign on it that says, β€˜I am not in here.’ In addition, you can also put another sign that says, β€˜I am not out there either,’ and a third sign that says, β€˜If I am anywhere, it is in your mindful breathing and in your peaceful steps.’” https://www.vox.com/…/thich-nhat-hanh-h ealth-mindfulness-pl…
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No one claimed yesterday's giveaway, so today we'll have TWO! The first two people who come into the RAAYmart stall at the Clipper and say today's phrase, 'I felt like a robot wearing tap shoes', will get a nice thing from the nice thing vault. What is the nice thing, you ask? How do we know it's not a mostly empty mustard jar from the back of your fridge? Well, here's a picture - the nice thing is a lovely RAAYmart blank book with the day's phrase on the fronnt, and a set of four cards, one for each phrase.


Are you coming along to the No Label Lunch tonight? As it's technically part of an arts practice we will just HAVE to go along to support it, and it's totally coincidental that there's delicious food involved Nudge Community Builders No Whey Plymouth


This is a brilliant project and now it's in our area! Get your home more energy efficient and save some money and the planet!


Check it out, RAAYmart at the Clipper all weekend, from Thursday on. Strange and colourful paper goods. And a giveaway every day. How can you resist?


We went out for our birthday to the absolutely brilliant TOOT recently and tried Ghormeh Sabzi. We noticed it has "Kind"ney beans in it πŸ’œ We know it's a typo but we love it... (ps if you get the chance eat it!)

More about Raay - Royal Adelaide Art And Yoga

Raay - Royal Adelaide Art And Yoga is located at 9 Adelaide Street, PL1 3JE Plymouth