Rain Rescue - The Official Page

About Rain Rescue - The Official Page

Saving the lives of 1000's of pets in and around Yorkshire
www. rainrescue. co. uk / enquiries@rainrescue. co. uk

Rain Rescue - The Official Page Description

Saving the lives of 1000's of pets in and around Yorkshire
www. rainrescue. co. uk / enquiries@rainrescue. co. uk



Why adopt from Rain Rescue?
Adopting through Rain Rescue gives you the opportunity to transform the life of an animal who deserves the very best, often after a long period of neglect and/or abuse. Not only will you be giving your new companion the opportunity to thrive that may have been missing from their lives, but you also get to play a vital part in building their new, happy lives in their forever home. ​ Everything we do is centred on rescuing, rehabilitating and rehomin...g pets who need help – and it's in the last of these stages where you can make sure everything we do leads to a happy ending for everyone. It may be the last stage in our process, but for your new pet this is the beginning of an exciting new life with you. ​ What's more, by adopting one animal, you'll be helping at least one other by freeing up a space in our rescue centre for another dog or cat who needs our support!
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Brrrr it's a cold one tonight ... make sure your pooches are snug as a bug in one of the many beds and blankets we have for sale in our online shop ...


LEEDS, Stolen charity van full of equipment ... Please share and let's get the van found ASAP.


So in 2019 Rain Rescue has made a resolution to try and raise more awareness of the issues facing canine and feline welfare.
We shared some posts the other day about the problem with society's obsessions of Brachycephalic breeds and why it is the puppy buying public that have the power to change this through their purchasing choices.
Breeding is primarily fuelled by money. Where you spend yours determines how breeders breed. If people keep buying unhealthy dogs, the breeders... will keep breeding them.
Lots of people don't realise that pure breeds are not natural, they are created by us humans to meet our own desires.
As hard as the truths in this video are to hear we feel the message it is trying to bring is an important one.
Adopt don't shop!
Video by Adam Ruins Everything - yes it's controversial but sometimes sugar coating it just doesn't cut it.
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Please share. Cat is not with Rain Rescue, sharing on behalf of finder.
Do you know this cat? If so please contact enquiries@rainrescue.co.uk


So you've found the puppy - and how lucky - the breeder is passing your way and can drop off the puppy this weekend? Sound familiar? Don't be fooled. Puppy breeding is BIG BUSINESS. Always research the breed, search the mobile number on the internet, have they been selling lots before. Puppy farms are horrendous and all over all areas of England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland with one of the biggest importers now even worse farms abroad with the puppies having to travel hu...ndreds and thousands of miles to be delivered to your door. This is BIG BUSINESS.
Don't fuel the market, these designer breed farms are creating a great amount of wealth for unscrupulous breeders who have no regard for the health of the dogs they are churning out nor the mums and dads they are leaving behind.
Its hard to do your research on the breeder and the breed but it can be done.
Here's at least one thats having to pay back a little.
https://www.vettimes.co.uk/…/illegal-do g-breeder-given-su…/…
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Our farewell to the one and only Murdoch - saved 5 years ago and loved forever by his mum and dad. A character to never be forgotten. Happy to have helped you find home big lad. Jacquie x


We just had to share this gorgeous shot of Vienna ...
Interested in adopting? Find out more here www.rainrescue.co.uk/cats


Huge thank you for all the gifts for our dogs and cats that have arrived this week. You are all so kind, thanks for thinking of the animals in our care.
Wishlist here : http://amzn.eu/bKGE9YB


No matter what day of the year it is, our work here at Rain never stops and so despite posting our stats on the morning of the 31st we actually took in 2 more cats that day taking our total animals helped last year to 429 ... one of those arrivals was Vienna, who has been straying in the Rotherham area for the last two months. As temperatures are set to nose dive to minus figures this week she's found her spot here in rescue just in the nick of time.
Sadl...y no owner has come forward to claim Vienna despite searching by the lovely Nicola at Rotherham Rescue Rangers who asked us to help this lovely girl and transported her safely to us.
Vienna has received treatment for a skin condition likely caused by flea infestation and is now on the road to recovery.
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Well it certainly was for Simpson. This time last year Simpson had just been adopted. Just a few weeks before that he was skin and bone, at risk of being put to sleep in the local pound after being found as a stray and no owner claiming him. He came to Rain Rescue where he was given all the love, care and attention he needed to get him on the road to recovery ... then into a loving home. As you can see he is now a happy healthy boy living a fantastic life where he is cherished, just as he deserves. He's gone from a mere 35.6kg (not much for big lad like him), to a very healthy 50kg.
Without rescue's like Rain where would dogs like Simpson be? This is why your support is so important. Make it your resolution to be there for dogs like Simpson who have no where else to go.


Ah what better news than this to round off 2018.
Blue the Husky boy who was adored by all here at the centre is finally adopted. We featured Blue as the cover star in our 2018 Christmas Dinner Appeal in the hopes someone would see him and want to take him home.
... We are just over the moon to know this boy is now in a loving home for 2019!
Thank you to Burns Pet Nutrition who have provided Blue and the other animals in our care with a healthy diet this year. #poweredbyburns
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Wow, I cannot believe it is that time of year again where I sit and gather statistics and highlights (and lows) of our year to share with you, our supporters.
2018 has been a big year of change for Rain Rescue, we've seen a HUGE increase in the number of cats needing our care and so we have grown our neutering scheme to help 164 Rotherham pet owners access affordable neutering and chipping in an attempt to control the over population of cats in the Rotherham ar...ea. 164 might not sound huge but if every female cat can produce up to 180 kittens in a lifetime then of the 86 females that we neutered we've prevented over 15,000 unwanted cats being born on Rotherham streets, not taking into account the amount that the 78 boys could have sired (no limits there). We are really starting to focus on the importance of prevention rather than just mopping up when it is already too late. We are delighted to say thanks to support from Cats Protection and Co-op Community Fund our Snip N Chip project will continue into 2019. Rain Rescue prides itself on being there for pets who have no where else to go, cats like Willow who you can see in the photo below with Kelly - elderly and homeless after her owner died leaving only their bereaved carers to find her somewhere to go. She is now adopted and cherished by her new mum.
Our commitment to being there to help stray dogs at risk in local authority kennels continues, though the numbers of strays in the UK appears to be reducing the ones thrown away by society are in no less need, often those facing huge medical or behavioural issues. Rain Rescue continues to be a last lifeline to many. Dogs like Darwin pictured below with Welfare Assistant, Dan. Darwin's owner passed away leaving no one to care for him, he was in the local pound skinny and with the most horrendous diahorrea even we've experienced (and we've experienced lots!) ... it was a long road to recovery and at times we weren't sure he'd make it but he did and he now lives the best life he could wish for, all played out on his Instagram page! (@adventureswithdarwin)
Remember behind every number there is an animal, each with their own sad story of homelessness, abandonment and neglect to tell.
We'd like to thank you, our supporters, our donors for making their new lives possible. From the ex racing greyhound saved from the tracks, to the mum cat and her kittens that are now safe, neutered and in homes, to the never forgotten poundies who without rescue might be needlessly put to sleep, THANK YOU. Without you none of it is possible.
To ensure this work can continue into 2019 please donate. Text 'BARK22 £1/2/3/4/5/10' to 70070, visit www.justgiving.com/rainrescue or you can send cheques to 'Rain Rescue', Summerfield Lodge, Moat Lane, Rotherham, S66 1DZ
Thank you, and Happy New Year!
P.S check out the page later today for a very special rehoming update.
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Would 100% recommend Rain Rescue to anyone! Lovely, friendly staff, lovely place and the dogs seem very happy! We already have one very settled happy dog, who seemed to love it at the centre! Love the fact that they are very willing to help with anything, especially after care! Thank you Rain Rescue, one very happy family here!


While looking for a Staffie I came across Rain rescue. After leaving my details on line they soon rang me at home. They were really kind and helpful. I am really impressed with this rescue and any animal that makes it to them is very lucky.


We saw Morris, a black and white short hair cat who had been abandoned with a note to get him vet care because of his mouth issues, in a video shared by Rain Rescue and fell in love with him. After carefully considering whether we could give him a forever home alongside our other furries, we went to meet him. He has the most beautiful chirrupy meow and loves his cuddles. We took the plunge and adopted him as his personality meant we were confident with a little time, he will fit in well. Rain were fantastic to deal with and it is really clear they care deeply for the animals they rescue. Enya, who introduced us to Morris, was lovely and told us all about his history and his likes and dislikes. Morris was obviously well loved while he was under the care of Rain Rescue and we wouldn't hesitate in recommending friends and family to adopt from them.


We rescued toffee from here and were really impressed with how much they care about the dogs and getting them to the right owners. You are matched up with the right pup for you based on your lifestyle etc and we couldn't have gotten a more perfect pooch. Thanks the team and I recommend you to everyone!


We got our beautiful tabby kitten ( jellytots) from rain rescue. It was the best thing we ever did, she is so happy and an integral part of our family.rain rescue do such amazing work and without them I dread to think what would have happened to this little kitten found on tram tracks. Thankyou rain and all your fabulous workers.


We adopted Monty a bout 5 weeks ago, he is a beautiful boy and we love him to bits, he has settled in and is part of our family now. It's still a bit difficult walking him but he now comes back when off the lead which had us worried in case he did a runner. Thanks Rain Rescue for introducing Monty to us.


U do a great job. Dropped donation at the shop as promised. Been on nights that's why took a few days


These volunteers are excellent!! They have a lot of patience and dedication. Admired them all these weeks as they kept answering my doubts thru emails. I'm new to cats so the volunteers were SO helpful in explaining me EVERYTHING about cats and sent me some guide books. Best rescue organisation!!


These guys do a awesome job and have total respect for them and the cause. I have a Elderly stuffy called Rollo who was at the council pound because her owners would not pay to get her back after escaping, I offered to take Rollo on but at the time couldn’t afford the fee to get her out, Jackie payed the fee and that was around 7 years ago and we have had years of happiness with our beautiful Rollo who deserved a forever loving home !

Thank you and keep up the tremendous work !


Saw a post about Albert the Ancient and knew right away we had to have him come join our family. After losing grandad in October grandma had decided she would like a dog for some companionship and I knew Albert was the perfect match for her. She now has a sparkle in her eye again and so has old Albert! We are all madly in love with the old boy and can’t imagine being without him. Thank you to all the lovely staff at RR for making the adoption process so easy for helping Albert out in his hour if need. We are all eternally grateful �


Rainrescue is a fantastic yet understated charity, they help so many animals and many that you never even hear about, they have been fantastic in helping me with vet fee's for many many needy rescued ferrets and allowed to to advertise them on their page when the time comes for getting a new home.

Long may Rain continue in their wonderful, life saving work, I don't know where many animals would be without them :)


Rain Rescue truly do care about the animals they care for. They deserve all the funding they can and have been nothing but helpful and professional I'm my own dealings with them. My family and I now have a much loved pet


Me and my partner rescued pepper and chilli (mother and daughter) from start to finish the process was straight forward. Not only did we have support from the staff but the owners too. Every animal brought to rain rescue is well looked after and cared for. Rain rescue have been so supportive and any questions or queries after adoption or through out the process they are more than happy to help and advise. Will recommend to anyone looking to give an animal a forever home. Thank you once again for giving us the most beautiful little girls we could ever ask for.


Just to say thanks for all your hard work. Rocky has only been with us for a couple of weeks and it seems like he's been with us forever. Perfect match for us and I think he's settled in very well with us. Keep up the great work you are doing for all the animals in your care and the ones you have yet to rescue from who knows what! Karen and Tom. Big thumbs up to Claire and Tom (Fosterers) for loving Rocky until we came along xx


I've seen the centre where the animals are kept and it's a very good setup. The animals seem happy and the guys looking after them do a cracking job. I think the things Rain does is simply amazing and every town/district should have a Rain Rescue in it, looking after the local strays and badly done to animals! I hope to adopt one of the dogs soon, and everyone has been really nice and very informative about the dogs they keep - so I just can't fault at all. :)


I was matched with Dexter :) - all they told me at Rain Rescue about him was very accurate. We are in our early days together but I am confident we are a good match. Prompt and professional service. Couldn't recommend more highly :)


I got my beautiful boy from Rain nearly six months ago. I saw him last year but heard he had been rehomed. After a traumatic start to this year, I clicked on Rain again and the first thing I saw was my beautiful boy had been returned to them. We went to see him and fell in love, not only with him, but the kind, caring loving people who work so hard in saving these fur babies. We brought him straight home, one of the best things we have done. Thanks to All at Rain, I was given a life line. It was as if he was meant to be. They all deserve medals for the work they do. I thank them all for being there. Love you all xxxxx


Having been looking for just the right dog, we travelled all the way from Surrey to adopt Baxter. Rain Rescue described him perfectly and he had been well looked after whilst in their care having been rescued from the pound. The staff were friendly and helpful and we have been delighted with Baxter who has settled in to his new home beautifully.


After taking time to look around for places to adopt from we've found that Rain Rescue is one of the most professional and caring rescue centres going! All going well we should hopefully be adopting some time soon! After speaking with Lauren (who was absolutely lovely may I add!) today we are happy we're in good hands and will be matched perfectly!

Amazing charity!

More about Rain Rescue - The Official Page

Rain Rescue - The Official Page is located at S66 1D Sheffield