Rare Tea Company

About Rare Tea Company

Our aim is simple; to source and supply the world's best tea, directly from farmers and their tea gardens.

Rare Tea Company Description

There is a confusing array of teas on the market today. Most tea companies offer you a huge range from the mediocre to the good. Rare Tea is not that sort of company. We sample the finest and just select the best.

Our trade is fair. We deal directly with our farmers not brokers. We don't haggle. We pay them what they ask and what they need for the farms and the people who live on them to thrive.

We keep our packaging to a minimum. Good tea must be protected from air and light so it is packaged in individual foil pouches as soon as it is picked. It is then put in a tin so that you can keep it fresh once its opened. We hope you like the tins and either recycle them or, better still, re-use them.

This really sets our tea apart: it is as fresh and fragrant as the day it was picked when it reaches you. This is not true of teas which are bought from brokers, shipped in bulk and repackaged, however beautifully.

All our teas are shipped by sea and not air-freighted. Because our teas are lovingly crafted rather than industrially processed our carbon foot-print is only little. Our white silver-tip tea, for example, is entirely processed by hand — they do not even use electricity on the tea-garden.

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