Raw And Cooked Vegan/Vegetarian Recipes

About Raw And Cooked Vegan/Vegetarian Recipes

This page is for people to understand and learn about the amazing health benefits of raw cold pressed juice.
I am also a fitness professional based in Hordle in the New Forest, Hampshire.



Hey everyone..
Don’t throw away unwanted veg.. kale and chard, I love by the way to eat or juice... put through your juicer, cauliflower leafs, dark green cabbage.. at the moment I have friends and clients giving me lots of green veg... it’s packed with so many nutrients vitamins and minerals... such a good way to balance out the acidity in our diets... Juice with cucumber, apple and pear for a delicious alkaline juice...


Cashew and almond milk... made in the retro cold press juicer
100g cashew nuts 100g almonds 200ml filtered cold water
... Soak the nuts for at least 2hrs
Add a handful at a time with a splash of water until all ingredients have gone through the juicer...
Watch the video below and ENJOY..
Dairy is a highly acidic food, and the most mucus forming, so why not occasionally try to use an alternative..
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This is a super healthy chocolate mousse! So easy to make πŸ₯‘πŸ₯‘
Did you know Avocado are 85% water!Packed full of essential fats, provide you with protein, and vitamin E, great for the skin, hair and nails...


Raw vegan Mango cheesecake recipe
BASE: 2 cups ground pecan nuts 1 cup medjool dates (take stones out!)... 1 cup of raw cacao or cocoa.
Process until it resembles a dough Grease with coconut oil a 12 by 18 lift out baking tin and press dough into tin Put aside.
TOP: 2 very ripe mangoes 1/4 cup maple syrup 2 cups 2 hr soaked cashew nuts 4 tbsp melted coconut oil
Add to processor and blend until smooth Spoon mixture onto base and put into freezer for two hrs to set.
Take out of freezer lift base from outer tin and slice and serve..
Goes well with coconut πŸ₯₯ cream πŸ‘Œ
Enjoy.. it really was a delicious dessert..
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Raw mango cheesecake... recipe up tomorrow πŸ‘Œ


Super quick healthy lunch...
Raw vegetables, avocado, mixed seeds, mint,basil, raw chutney, on an open chickpea wrap..
Chickpea wrap:
... 1/4 cup chickpeas flour 1tbsp Nutritional yeast Pink salt and pepper to taste 1/4 cup filtered water Tsp coconut oil
Whisk together
Pan fry on medium heat until cooked on both side Put salad ingredients on wrap add chutney and drizzle with hemp oil, mixed seeds, and coconut milk...
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Recipe and method.. Black bean and butternut squash burgers


These were sooooo good! Black bean and butternut squash burgers.. with a lime, tamari and tahini sauce..πŸ˜‹ Recipe up tomorrow πŸ‘Œ


Delicious coconut and ginger rice with a mango and avocado salsa (I didn’t add any red pepper but feel free) πŸ‘Œ


Raw Vegan freezer fudge anyoneβ€¦πŸ˜‹
3tbsp melted coconut oil 125g almond butter ( I used raw almond butter) 125g peanut butter (no added salt, oils or sugar variety) ... 1/2tsp cinnamon 1tbsp maple/agave syrup (I used fruit syrup)
Stir all ingredients together... Pour into a 12cm by 18cm plastic/glass tray/dish Allow to set in freezer for 30 minutes Take out and cut into squares..
Keep in freezer!!
High in protein and GOOD fats... One or two will satisfy...
Enjoy πŸ‘Œ
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Citrus quinoa and crunchy raw vegetable tabbouleh with avocado slices.. Pm me if interested in the recipe πŸ₯‘πŸ₯’πŸ₯•


Activate your nuts and seeds...
WHY? Because of the Phytic acid..
Phytic acid, also know as phytates, or IP-6 – is the storage form of phorphorus in plants.
... Phytic acid binds to minerals such as zinc, iron, magnesium, calcium, chromium, and manganese in the digestive tract, making them unavailable. When we consume foods with phytic acid, our ability to absorb the minerals is impaired and mineral deficiencies and bone loss may result.
Phytase is the enzyme that breaks up phytates. Some animals have plenty of it.
Humans do not.
The way to reduce phytic acid and neutralize it, is to soak, sprout and/or ferment the nut or seed.
This also applies to grains and legumes like soy.
If you notice a heavy feeling in your gut after eating regular commercial nuts, then you are experiencing indigestion from the nuts. You may also see pieces of nuts in your stool the next day.
If you are a person who eats several items made from nuts everyday, then you really need to activate them!
In our culture we can use a good quality sea salt and water to soak the nuts, and the oven (between 135ΒΊ and 150ΒΊ F) or a dehydrator (at 120ΒΊ – 135ΒΊ F) to dry them
There are various times for soaking and dehydrated depending on the nut...
But I usually soak over night, rinse dry, and pop in the oven for most of the day.. 10-12hr...
Enjoy your nuts and seeds..
Nuts contain fat, light, heat, cause oxidation, the fat within the nuts can become rancid .. NOT good for health..πŸ‘Œ
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Delicious roasted cauliflower, garlic, onion, and chickpeas with tahini and lemon juice dressing.. on a bed of lemon rice..and a side of green kale, rocket and green bean salad.. Follow the pictures to create a super healthy dinner..
As you can see I have some left over for a cold lunch tomorrow.. πŸ‘Œ


Afternoon all! Just had an awesome leftovers lunch...
Chickpea wrap, with hummus, raw chutney and salad.. Leftovers are great for this purpose.. ensuring a healthy option for lunch when, if like me... you are always in a dash!
... All recipes here just scroll away and you will find them..
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Prune, sultana, chia, and orange energy balls...
Still sugar, so eat sparingly, packed full of essential nutrients.. one or two should suffice..
These of course are a much healthier option to refined chocolate and cereal bars!
... 500g prunes 100g sultanas Splash of vanilla Twist of pink salt 1/2 cup of roasted chopped hazelnut nuts Tbsp chia seeds Juice of one satsuma Tbsp raw cacao/cocoa powder
Add all ingredients to food processor and blitz into a large ball Then shape to desired size balls Store in the fridge..πŸ‘Œ
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A delicious vegan gluten free supper! Squash, lentil and sweet potato Dahl with a side of chickpea naan bread and rocket, grated carrot and beetroot salad ... πŸ‘ŒπŸ₯—πŸ πŸ₯¦
Healthy, balanced, unprocessed food..


Mean green berry burst..🍏πŸ₯’πŸ‘Œ Fab smoothie to energise.. Packed full of anti oxidants.. good fats..vitamins and minerals So delicious..


Fab informative class ..learning soo much about nutrition


Fab informative class ..learning soo much about nutrition

More about Raw And Cooked Vegan/Vegetarian Recipes
