Raystede Centre For Animal Welfare

Monday: 10:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 16:00
Friday: 10:00 - 16:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00

About Raystede Centre For Animal Welfare

Raystede aims to give animals a better life through rehoming, rehabilitation and sanctuary.
For more information and to see the animals available for adoption, please visit our website at www. raystede.org

Raystede Centre For Animal Welfare Description

Raystede rescues, rehomes and provides sanctuary for more than 2, 000 animals each year. We have one of the most diverse ranges of species of any Rescue in the UK and a dedicated, highly trained team to meet the very different needs of everything from rabbits to parrots. It costs £6, 000 a day to run and rely entirely on donations to survive. The site is entry by donation with free parking. There is dog friendly cafe and charity shop on site.



Beautiful Cinibun came to Raystede with four tiny babies! She had been bought from the internet without her new owner realizing she was heavily pregnant and she gave birth within days of her arrival. Understandably her owner felt overwhelmed by the responsibility of caring for the family and asked Raystede to step in.
Cinibun, as she was christened in honour of Bake Off will need Alfalfa Hay to help feed her kits Croissant, Macaron, Yum Yum and Strudel. This is a specialist feed that is perfect for helping her produce enough milk to help them grow into healthy, strong rabbits. Please can you help with the gift of some Alfalfa hay? Cinibun says thank you. http://ow.ly/nyva30mquT1


Will you change a life? We are urgently seeking new foster carers to help give relief and support to long stay dogs and those who would really benefit from one to one care and training. Our hard working kennels team make every effort to make a dogs stay with us as easy as possible but for some institutional life can be hard going and the respite offered by a caring foster home can make all the difference to their welfare.
If you think you might be able to support a Raystede dog through our foster program, why not join us for a talk and learn more about the process? It's an excellent opportunity to see if it might be right for you in a relaxed, no obligation environment. You can read more about it and how to book your place here. http://ow.ly/sLpM30mpreg


Happy Halloween! Some of our gorgeous pussy cats and pooches have been helping us celebrate! Whatever your plans are for the day (and the night) we hope you have a Devilishly good time! https://www.raystede.org/adopt


Could you help our chickens have a happy Halloween? If you have any spare un carved pumpkins, our chooks would love them! They make a tasty and nutritious treat for our hens and cockerels to enjoy and get into the Spooky Spirit! Chickens will often eat more during the cold months as they will be burning lots of calories to keep warm and pumpkins are one of their favorites. As they are quite a large vegetable, they also go a long way. If anyone has any winter squash, that woul...d also be most welcome.
You should never feed chickens avocado, uncooked potatoes or citrus and like most animals, chocolate is also highly toxic. Kale, spinach, juicy berries such as strawberries and sweetcorn all make wonderful treats. Hanging them slightly above ground can keep your chickens entertained as they have to work a little harder to reach them. A big thank you in advance to anyone who'd like to treat the chooks! Find out how to reach us here. http://ow.ly/4gbJ30mqOAB
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A few pets in our Small Animals section are often sadly overlooked for rehoming. These include gerbils, mice and degus, largely because people often don't know much about them. This is very sad as they can make wonderful pets and actually be more suitable for an individual home than some of the other more popular choices.
Many of these small animals are available in pet shops and online. We would always strongly advise against buying any pet on the internet but there does see...m to be a perception that this is risk free for rodents and rabbits. In our experience these animals can often be sick, pregnant or have been given an inaccurate description. We have had a number of animals handed in with unwanted litters that individuals have bought in good faith from the web. Please consider adopting a rescue rodent rather than buying from a pet shop or online and giving a small animal a second chance at life. https://www.raystede.org/adopt/small-anim als
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If you missed out on our Halloween Fun Dog Show, it's not too late to have some spooky thrills, all in the name of Raystede...
The Anchor, Ringmer is holding a Creepy Casino night for us this Saturday. There will be music, ghoulish dress and a chance to win some great prizes from having a go on the casino tables.
The proceeds are being donated to Raystede, which will help cats like Ginger Ninja below be cared for until he goes on to find a home of his own!


Thanks to everyone that braved the cold and came along to our Halloween Fun Dog Show yesterday! It was wonderful to see so many people and dogs, including a lot of ex-Raystede dogs supporting our centre. You've helped us raise £350 for the animals at Raystede, which is brilliant!
Thanks to Jason Burrill, Janet Kelly , Jennifer Stevens and Val Suleski our head of kennels at Raystede, for their excellent judging on the day and to our volunteers who helped work hard on this eve...nt.
We'd also like to thank The patch in Lewes and Hoogly Tea for donating a prize to Simon who won the best adult fancy dress! Well done to Galia's children for winning the best child fancy dress category and Ruby for the top pumpkin carver.
Thanks as well to our Customer Services team for donating home-made dog treats to the winning dogs as well as a discount voucher for new pet goods at our centre. If you feel like treating your dog to a bag of our special Halloween dog treats, it's not too late and you can buy them still from Customer Services.
We will be putting up more photos from the day soon, but if you have any of your own, please share them with us!
To check out more of our upcoming events, please visit this link: https://www.raystede.org/events
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We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has donated towards the care of the Abbots Wood Kittens! We are so, so grateful for your support. All four went off to their new homes over the weekend, ready to start a new and happier life as loved members of a family. It's hard to believe just a short time ago they were discarded and left to die like rubbish.
This happy ending would not have been possible without the generosity of our amazing supporters. Every year thou...sands of cats and kittens are dumped in the UK. The lucky ones are bought to organisations like ourselves but the care they need comes at a price.
We receive no government funding and with prices rising our running costs are now a staggering £8,000 per day. Every donation helps us keep being there for animals like these four kittens. Thank you for your kindness. Without you, we simply would not remain open and able to care for the thousands of animals that need us every year. https://www.raystede.org/support-us/spons or-me-cattery
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We would like to say a huge thank you to all those who have recently donated gifts from our Amazon Wish List! Bailey the rabbit received so many joint supplements, we couldn't believe it! Thank you for being so generous. We thought we would share this picture of long stay Sookie enjoying herself with a recently gifted Frisbee in a off the lead dog run!
We have had reports of supporters having difficulties adding items to their basket. Unfortunately this is do with Amazon, not us but if you want to buy an item, please click on the item itself (which which will open it up) and then add it from that screen to your basket as normal. Thank you so much everyone for your kindness; it means so much to us and the animals. http://ow.ly/8Eks30mnLj5


We have some fantastic news! Ruby, our longest stay cat who was just two months off her one year anniversary at Raystede, has been adopted! She has found the perfect home with someone who will enjoy her wonderful character and queenly ways!
It is such a joy to see any animal go off to start their new life but it is particularly special when a long stay finds their happy ending. Animals lives are so much shorter than ours and they deserve to spend the time that they have in the love and security of a family. Our job is to make that happen. Thank you for helping us achieve it for Ruby. http://ow.ly/Otiq30mnMdX


Lewis and Star, (the Raystede office mascots) are looking forward to the Halloween Dog Show on Sunday and we hope your dogs are too!
The 'Prettiest Witch' category is now full but there are still spaces in the other classes.If the classes do become full we won't be able to accept any more registrations for those categories on the day, so to guarantee your dog a spot in the show, please do book on in advance by following this link: https://www.raystede.org/portal/…
There will ...also be a prize for the adult and child in the best Halloween outfit, as well as a prize for the best pumpkin carver. You can get your face painted near our shop, and make sure you look out for home-made Halloween dog treats too!
P.S- Remember the clocks go back on Sunday. We look forward to seeing you then!
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We would like to say a massive thank you Beautiful Joe's Ethical Dog Treats for another bumper batch of delicious liver treats for our kennels dogs. These low fat, yummy rewards are ideal to hide and scatter in the runs, giving the dogs a chance to use their nose and sniff them out.
Our very own beautiful Joe was more than happy to have his picture taken with these tasty treats! This handsome boy is desperate for a new home but does have more complex training needs. Please help us spread the word about him and find the home he so desperately needs! https://www.raystede.org/pet-profile/1897 4


Our tortoises have been enjoying the last of the Summer sunshine before they go into hibernation for the winter. This process has to be carefully timed and managed by our expert team to ensure their safety.
Despite a reputation for being low maintenance, tortoises are actually incredibly complex and with the right care can live to well over 100. Our current oldest relative, Churchill celebrated her own 100 birthday during the Summer and we hope and expect to have her for at least another 40 years. For this reason we do not recommend them as pets and we would advise anyone who does own a tortoise to make a provision in their will for them in the very great likelihood their pet will outlive them.


Maxine has been adopted! Thank you to everyone who shared her adoption appeal; as you can see it can really make the difference. Owners so often say that their pets chose them rather than the other way around and in this case, there is a very touching symmetry. Like her, Maxine's new owner has also suffered a recent bereavement and so we hope the two of them can provide each other with the healing and companionship they both need.
Is there a dog out there waiting for you? Animals come into our lives often we need them just as much as they need us. Why not begin your journey today. http://ow.ly/keJ930ml0zA


The Abbots Wood Four are famous! Please keep sharing their story to raise awareness of our work, bring in vital donations and ultimately find more animals loving homes.


Raystede is in the press! The Eastbourne Herald our four abandoned kittens, Chester, Rowan, Ivy and Ash who saved from death by a passing dog. You can read all about them here. If you can spare a few pennies to help the foursome and others like them, please donate today.


Don't forget, our Halloween Fun Dog show is this Sunday!!
Some of our categories are nearly full, so book on by following the below link to guarantee your dog a place: https://www.raystede.org/portal/…
The winners will receive one of our special Halloween themed rosettes, as well as a tasty home-made dog treat, and a discount voucher off our new pet goods!
... There will be face painting and apple bobbing in customer services and you can also find more of the home-made Halloween dog treats for sale!
We look forward to seeing you this Sunday! To read more about the fun dog show categories follow this link: https://www.raystede.org/events/2018-hall oween-fun-dog-show
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We recently waved off our gorgeous girl May the turkey hen to a lovely new home. May was a firm favorite with the staff because of her friendly and sweet nature and her love of cuddles! She was known to sing to people she was really fond of.
Sadly May had become increasingly lonely as she was too frail to share her home with Gregory, our sometimes boisterous male turkey, and was obviously missing the company of her own kind. We are so delighted that she has gone to a wonderful home with other turkey hens and will spend the winter in the lap of luxury. Her lovely new mum also took the two elderly hens who were rather attached to May and looked up to her as their turkey goddess! We wish them all a happy new life.


it is fantastic here and well done to all you run this wonderful place


Yesterday I went to Raystede for the first time and I absolutely loved it!! It’s amazing to see how well cared for all the animals are. I had a few watery-eyed moments especially when one of the parrots seemed so happy to see people interacting and talking to him/her. I wonder if any of those birds are up for adoption? I have not seen them available on the brochure. One of them has definitely stolen my boy friend’s heart �


We visited today, in the rain and a hail storm for about the 20th time. Had a great time! Your new rabbit game was great, even in the pouring rain with the help of some brollies and the new play area is great. All that on top of the gorgeous animals you care for so beautifully. Thank you!


Visited today as I have not been for about 15 years, what a fantastic transformation & staff are so friendly. Beautiful coffee shop that me & my dog enjoyed a relaxing beverage.

A must for anyone who has not visited before.


Thank you so much for the experience, it was an amazing day here!

Well done guys for the hard work, you make better life for animals.


Really great place in terms of welfare, rehoming and general day out.


One of the best animal sanctuaries I've been to. All animals on site are given the best possible life and it's heartwarming to see so much care, attention and time given to animals that need humans to care. The site is beautiful and the staff caring and hard working. You can adopt cats, dogs, rabbits, other small animals, birds and more. Definitely worth visiting and supporting. Great charity shop on site, with some fabulous bargains.


My and my partner brought our 14 month old son today and he loved looking around at all the different animals we had a lovely chat with the staff about possible adopting when the little one is abit older we will be returning in the future


Lovely place to visit nice coffee shop and really helpful friendly stsff in the kennels we got both our cats from here and would agsin they really look after their animals here


Lovely place and definitely worth a visit. Sadly self funded, and relying on donations, which in my opinion is wrong given the amount of money wasted in this county on other non worthwhile rubbish. Amazing education and welfare of the animals which reside there. Make sure you visit and leave a donation.


Lovely animal sanctuary to visit with children, we had a lovely walk, fed ducks and geese and saw donkeys, goats, bunnies and a couple of dogs. Rounded the afternoon off with a picnic lunch and an ice cream.


Just been to the summer fair - forgot this place was on our doorstep. Well organised animal sanctuary who do great work. Really good find raising fair.


Great place to drop in with the kids and see the animals and birds that live there.

Or drop in for a coffee and a browse in the well stocked charity/gift shop.


Adopted Jet and Tiger-lilly back in 2017 (2 of Angela's favourites) unfortunately we had to have Tiger-lilly put down last October and when we saw Hazel we instantly fell in love with her and thought she would make a lovely addition to the family and great company for Jet who has been lonely since losing his best friend so spoke with Angela yesterday (03/03/18) to discuss Hazel and the possibility of integrating them together and going to visit Hazel today we have reserved her and Angela & Jane have been fantastic with very good information to help with the process also gave us one of hazels blankets to help get the ball rolling. You can tell that Angela and all the staff at raystede love and take fantastic care of all the animals


Adopted Angie (now Evie) 3 weeks ago tomorrow. Certainly made herself at home: It as if she has been here her whole life!

She has claimed the corners of my bed as well as every room in the house! I know my place.


A great place to find an animal to enrich your life! A great centre!


It's was my first time just passing through. I have a cuppa and ended up going to see the parrots and just had wanders a around for a while

So glad I drop by will go again this time with family members.


A place I can take my 16 month old grandson and he loves it there. He really enjoyed the cockatiels yesterday as they were enjoying the sunshine and making lots of squawking noises. We always look for birds in the sky and in my garden too


Why does Mission Statement say every animal yet menu in café is a dead cow?/Makes absolutely NO sense to me..save one animal, ask for funds to keep it alive, serve a dead one in the café..sigh.


it is fantastic here and well done to all you run this wonderful place


Yesterday I went to Raystede for the first time and I absolutely loved it!! It’s amazing to see how well cared for all the animals are. I had a few watery-eyed moments especially when one of the parrots seemed so happy to see people interacting and talking to him/her. I wonder if any of those birds are up for adoption? I have not seen them available on the brochure. One of them has definitely stolen my boy friend’s heart �


We visited today, in the rain and a hail storm for about the 20th time. Had a great time! Your new rabbit game was great, even in the pouring rain with the help of some brollies and the new play area is great. All that on top of the gorgeous animals you care for so beautifully. Thank you!


Visited today as I have not been for about 15 years, what a fantastic transformation & staff are so friendly. Beautiful coffee shop that me & my dog enjoyed a relaxing beverage.

A must for anyone who has not visited before.


Thank you so much for the experience, it was an amazing day here!

Well done guys for the hard work, you make better life for animals.


Really great place in terms of welfare, rehoming and general day out.


One of the best animal sanctuaries I've been to. All animals on site are given the best possible life and it's heartwarming to see so much care, attention and time given to animals that need humans to care. The site is beautiful and the staff caring and hard working. You can adopt cats, dogs, rabbits, other small animals, birds and more. Definitely worth visiting and supporting. Great charity shop on site, with some fabulous bargains.


My and my partner brought our 14 month old son today and he loved looking around at all the different animals we had a lovely chat with the staff about possible adopting when the little one is abit older we will be returning in the future


Lovely place to visit nice coffee shop and really helpful friendly stsff in the kennels we got both our cats from here and would agsin they really look after their animals here


Lovely place and definitely worth a visit. Sadly self funded, and relying on donations, which in my opinion is wrong given the amount of money wasted in this county on other non worthwhile rubbish. Amazing education and welfare of the animals which reside there. Make sure you visit and leave a donation.


Lovely animal sanctuary to visit with children, we had a lovely walk, fed ducks and geese and saw donkeys, goats, bunnies and a couple of dogs. Rounded the afternoon off with a picnic lunch and an ice cream.


Just been to the summer fair - forgot this place was on our doorstep. Well organised animal sanctuary who do great work. Really good find raising fair.


Great place to drop in with the kids and see the animals and birds that live there.

Or drop in for a coffee and a browse in the well stocked charity/gift shop.


Adopted Jet and Tiger-lilly back in 2017 (2 of Angela's favourites) unfortunately we had to have Tiger-lilly put down last October and when we saw Hazel we instantly fell in love with her and thought she would make a lovely addition to the family and great company for Jet who has been lonely since losing his best friend so spoke with Angela yesterday (03/03/18) to discuss Hazel and the possibility of integrating them together and going to visit Hazel today we have reserved her and Angela & Jane have been fantastic with very good information to help with the process also gave us one of hazels blankets to help get the ball rolling. You can tell that Angela and all the staff at raystede love and take fantastic care of all the animals


Adopted Angie (now Evie) 3 weeks ago tomorrow. Certainly made herself at home: It as if she has been here her whole life!

She has claimed the corners of my bed as well as every room in the house! I know my place.


A great place to find an animal to enrich your life! A great centre!


It's was my first time just passing through. I have a cuppa and ended up going to see the parrots and just had wanders a around for a while

So glad I drop by will go again this time with family members.


A place I can take my 16 month old grandson and he loves it there. He really enjoyed the cockatiels yesterday as they were enjoying the sunshine and making lots of squawking noises. We always look for birds in the sky and in my garden too


Why does Mission Statement say every animal yet menu in café is a dead cow?/Makes absolutely NO sense to me..save one animal, ask for funds to keep it alive, serve a dead one in the café..sigh.

More about Raystede Centre For Animal Welfare

Raystede Centre For Animal Welfare is located at The Broyle, BN8 5AJ Ringmer
01825 840252
Monday: 10:00 - 16:00
Tuesday: 10:00 - 16:00
Wednesday: 10:00 - 16:00
Thursday: 10:00 - 16:00
Friday: 10:00 - 16:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 16:00
Sunday: 10:00 - 16:00