
About Rbcg

Robert Brown Consulting Group is a team of consultants focusing on serving the comprehensive needs of businesses in the full range of the business cycle. With a core staff of experienced professionals and a team approach to most consulting projects

Rbcg Description

We are delighted to welcome you to the Facebook page for Robert Brown Consulting Group.

At RBCG, we understand that new platforms for online collaboration are fundamentally changing the way we work by offering new ways to engage with our clients, our colleagues and the world at large. We hope this community page helps you stay connected to what we're doing here at RBCG.
In addition to posting our ideas, we also want to hear from you. We hope that you'll stay engaged with us and play an active role in generating new ideas and spurring debate and discussion among other community members. Feel free to invite others from your network to join this community and share their views and insights.

Again, welcome.



ICT will not make you popular and more useful if you are well known for failure in your area. Social media is a transport medium that can enhance already existing plans and dreams. ICT will not deliver what you should have delivered but merely acts as an efficient conduit to channel your plans. Most elected officials that I know do not have a functional social media page or status. The reason is obvious. They know that they will receive more venom than honey through those pages as they are serial failures. By joining public discussion groups set up by others, elected officials are thus able to have an idea what the average voter is talking or thinking about. This is a back door approach but it works.


say no to cyber bullying and particularly of women in leadership...Linda Kasonde


Silas Adekunle credited for building the world's first gaming robot and has just become the highest paid in the field of Robotic engineering. He has also been described as the smartest robotics engineer in the world. The 26-year-old achieved this feat after signing a new deal with the world's reputable software manufacturers, Apple Inc.


The inventors of the Internet didn’t give much thought to cyber security. Why would they? The idea behind the Internet’s main predecessor, the Pentagon’s ARPANET, was to help researchers share more information more easily. It was designed for openness, resilience, and scale, for users who all shared a common purpose.
They didn’t know — and couldn’t have guessed — how central the Internet would become to our lives. Nor could they imagine a network of users who would eventually turn on each other. But decades later, the Internet is as essential to global society’s day-to-day functioning as electricity, and cyber security has emerged as a defining issue of the digital era.#RBCG


Indian billionaire Mukesh Ambani aims to compete with Google and Netflix. "I'm not building a telco, I’m building a digital platform company," he has said.


Sheryl Sandberg says Facebook shows related articles next to misinformation on the platform "so people can see alternative facts..#RBCG Intersection of Business & Technology


Jack Dorsey: “We aren’t proud of how that free and open exchange has been weaponized and used to distract and divide people, and our nation. We found ourselves unprepared and ill-equipped for the immensity of the problems that we’ve acknowledged.”


Japan’s ‘Fourth Industrial Revolution’: Japan is poised to offer some useful lessons for how countries can respond to the Fourth Industrial Revolution in which a fusion of technologies merging the physical, digital and biological spheres is transforming systems of production, management and governance. So says the World Economic Forum, which recently launched a Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in Japan.#RBCG Intersection of Business & Technology


5G trials: Orange and vendor partners have published details of a 5G fixed wireless access (FWA) trial in Romania to demonstrate how 5G can complement existing fibre deployments to deliver high-quality and high-speed bandwidth services. Meanwhile, KDDI and China Mobile are testing two radical new 5G use cases for broadcasters. #RBCG Intersection of Business & Technology


Blockchain and Digital Fiat Currency: Top figures in the world of blockchain technology are meeting this week in the Swiss city of Zug to ‘discuss how and where blockchain technology is going to disrupt the status quo.’ Meanwhile, ITU’s upcoming workshop on digital fiat currency will host several Central Banks pioneering to discuss common challenges in regulation and standardization.#RBCG Intersection of Business & Technology


The United States' Federal Bureau of Investigation, said it had arrested 74 'email scammers', 29 of them Nigerians in a global operation.
The bureau also said the criminal scheme, which was used by the suspects, originated from Nigeria.
The FBI said 42 suspects were nabbed in the U.S., 29 in Nigeria, and three others in Canada, Mauritius, and Poland.
... Some of those arrested were working as part of a larger network of criminal organisations, while others acted alone, the bureau said.
In a statement published on the agency's website, it said, the operation was a coordinated effort by the federal authorities including the Department of Justice and the FBI aimed at intercepting illegal wire transfers from businesses and individuals across the globe.
"Operation Wire Wire," a coordinated effort by Interpol, national police forces, and U.S. agencies including the FBI, DoJ, Homeland Security, Treasury Department, Secret Service, and the Postal Inspection Service, was conducted over a six-month period.
"In addition to the arrests, it resulted in the seizure of nearly $2.4 million, and the recovery of approximately $14 million in fraudulent wire transfers," the bureau said.
The coordinated law enforcement effort was "to disrupt international business e-mail compromise (BEC) schemes that are designed to intercept and hijack wire transfers from businesses and individuals", the agency added.
"BEC, also known as cyber-enabled financial fraud, is a sophisticated scam that often targets employees with access to company finances and trick them using a variety of methods like social engineering and computer intrusions into making wire transfers to bank accounts thought to belong to trusted partners but instead belong to accounts controlled by the criminals themselves.
"And these same criminal organisations that perpetrate BEC schemes also exploit individual victims often real estate purchasers, the elderly, and others by convincing them to make wire transfers to bank accounts controlled by the criminals. Foreign citizens perpetrate many of these schemes, which originated in Nigeria but have spread throughout the world.
"During Operation WireWire, U.S. law enforcement agents executed more than 51 domestic actions, including search warrants, asset seizure warrants, and money mule warning letters. And local and state law enforcement partners on FBI task forces across the country, with the assistance of multiple district attorney's offices, charged 15 alleged money mules for their roles in defrauding victims." #AIIH News
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Mayamiko Nkoloma brings outstanding innovation to Malawi!
iMoSyS provides solutions to people and organisations to help them remotely manage their infrastructure with the use of ICT. They help reduce running costs, improve productivity as well as reveal inequalities in supply chains.


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Fox-IT's security experts created two new tools to decrypt sensitive information in Orchestrator.


New Personal Data Protection Guidelines for Africa launched today at AIS Dakar ensuring trust in online services, as a key factor in sustaining a productive and beneficial digital econom


thanks facebook for reminder


Premier Li on China’s economic strategies: - China has contributed about 30 percent to global economic growth - As a developing country, China will not seek expansion or hegemony - Economic assistance does not come with political strings attached


Digital footprints What are digital footprints and how does it affect an online reputation We have all heard of the term “digital footprints” but do we really understand what they mean? It is important that parents and carers do understand what these are so that they can in turn educate their children and help them to know what risks they might be placing themselves in when sharing information online, or just looking innocently at websites.
Whatever we are doing on the intern...
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Pretty Good


One of the brilliant forums on facebook with some maturity.I have leant a couple of things . Keep it up !


Keep posting tips on real estate,I'm inspired....


Very interesting and we are going to learn more from here.




Brilliant, convenient


Pretty Good


One of the brilliant forums on facebook with some maturity.I have leant a couple of things . Keep it up !


Keep posting tips on real estate,I'm inspired....


Very interesting and we are going to learn more from here.




Brilliant, convenient

More about Rbcg

Rbcg is located at Lenton Busineess Centre Unit 33, Lenton Boulevard, NG7 2BY Nottingham, United Kingdom