Re-Inventing Our Businesses

About Re-Inventing Our Businesses

Keeping up with changing world is strenuous? Thinking of reinventing your business? Not sure what to change nor how? Engage your workforce! I can help

Re-Inventing Our Businesses Description

Finding keeping up with changing world is strenuous? Thinking of reinventing your business? Not sure what to change nor how? Engage your whole workforce - I can help.



Human Organising Co is running an online interactive conversation on the topic of complexity, and what this means for leadership. If you'd like to learn and/or share you related stories, please join us on 18 September at 19:00 UK time (BST) online on Zoom - register to get the Zoom link.


Join us for our tele-conference (Zoom) webinar, which we run every two months, to explore a topical business issue which cries out for different solutions from business as usual, as well as for similar souls to meet, share and connect. Our next one is on Tuesday 7 May at 18:00 UTC. To join please register (no charge) to get the Zoom link (which will be emailed 36 hours before the call).


Easter Bunny Offer ends end of Easter Monday.
How do we reinvent ourselves, our organisations & our processes, and align with emotional intelligence, to tackle the huge issues of our time, e.g. environmental & spiritual crisis? A learning workshop to help redirect our workplaces and organisations. An opportunity to learn new & practice skills and approaches, for leaders and mavericks, as well as to align our outer world with our true selves.
Central London, 14th May 2019, 9am-5pm.


Aren't you just fed up of all this "change" going on, affecting our lives often unpleasantly, and yet you then look around and think, yes, but nothing has really changed, it's still old business as usual (slightly worse off). That's what happens with change without invitation. Without inviting those affected to co-create the new story. The Change Platform newsletter explores new perspectives of change management.


For those wanting to experience and learn principles of collaborative decision-making, the missing link in Agile, Lean, Teal and many other people-centred, iterative and responsive approaches, this workshop should be of interest.
Most decisions are taken by a single person; yes often in collaboration with others, but few people know how teams can make collective decisions efficiently with everyone having equal say (other than by voting which ends up being a popularity contest - and this workshop is most definitely not about voting). Come and learn some basic collective decision-making processes which can be applied with whatever approach you are using.
An interactive experiental learning workshop, half-day central London early January 2019 - start the year with some fresh thinking! Early Bird discount ends Wednesday 12 December.


#nextstageorg, #reinventingwork, #futureofwork, #orgshift, #changemanagement, #agility, #changeplatform, #orgculture


Based on success of similar event in Bristol earlier this year, we are running it again in central London on 10th October: Next Stage Organisations, Leaving the safe harbour ... for pioneers and leaders seeking to introduce new ways of working and organising in the workplace to share and learn.


Ted and Jerry have done some great work, and a huge service to those of us trying to restore connectedness and humanity.


Here's a company that not only is, but wants to prove that business can be a force for good. Hugely inspirational founder turning his business to become employee owned in order to preserve its ethos. Here's a thriving business that is not run following any particular methodology (agile, teal etc), but purely by its very strong ethos of putting people first, and thereby getting everyone one fully engaged and creative in the business. He defied what traditional farmers were telling him 20 years ago when he first set up his organic farm business, and he's now defying what all the city capitalists are telling now, paving a way for a new way forward to run business as a force for the common good.


We still have the choice to reinvent our organisations, to reinvent our thinking, to reinvent ourselves!

More about Re-Inventing Our Businesses

Re-Inventing Our Businesses is located at London, United Kingdom
+44 20 8133 5211