Readings With Denise

About Readings With Denise

Unique heart centred psychic readings for inspiration, clarity and insight. In person or via zoom or Skype. Call Denise on 0121 517 0381. Love and Blessings Denise
£25. 30mins
£40. 60mins



Having your own tarot deck can greatly enhance your intuition as the cards can teach you how to trust your inner wisdom. Your tarot deck can become a sacred healing tool and advisor, helping you gain insight, and make informed decisions. Once you start divining with your cards you can use them to ask special or important questions. In fact your cards can become a trusted ally and friend. Having a professional reading from time to time is good as well. Who knows you may one day be a professional tarot reader yourself. The cards can reveal your personal power and potential as they work beyond the veil of the egoic mind. Buy yourself a deck. I recommend the traditional Ryder Waite to start off with. Enjoy your tarot journey!!


Thursdays tarot theme .
Perfect balance is possible with the 4 of Wands next to the intelligent and insightful Queen of Swords. This special queen shows prowess and the ability to see through and beyond. Then the Page of Pentacles a good solid proposition an opportunity. He confirms whatever your project or offer is and indicates it has the chance to succeed. So if you are considering an offer or is it that it's on its way!! All in all these three cards are the bearer of good news. Enjoy your Thursday!!


Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.


Thursday's Full Moon Tarot Offering.
We now approach the full moon in Gemini, the sign of the duality. This full moon occurs at 0 degrees indicating this is a ‘ground zero’ time of NEW BEGINNINGS!
As Venus now moves forward we have finally progressed in letting go of old stories. You may feel purged and cleansed as the Gemini Full Moon washes away the last remnants of Venus retrograde.
... I shuffled and these three cards jumped out. The Seven of Cups. The Emperor. The Chariot. Wow... in a nutshell. Make a choice act on it and move forward.
The Seven of Cups is the card of options and indeed you have many, perhaps along the same theme. Choose from your heart. The Emperor is wise, mature and impressively proactive. In fact he makes things happen as if by magic.
And then dear hearts: The Chariot, your carriage awaits you to take you on your journey. New beginnings.. onwards and upwards!! Love Denise
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We can all breath a sigh of relief, Venus is moving forward not retrograde. We can all move forward having cleared much relationship karma from our past.


Sunday's Card
The Goddess of Strength
I am sure there are times when you have to muster up all your strength to achieve a certain goal or follow through on a dream.... There are also times when it's best to walk away from certain situations. The Goddess of Strength encourages you to stand up for something you believe in and to stand by your convictions, without allowing negativity or fear to hold you back. Be brave be bold stand up for yourself break long held fears of lack of confidence. You have the strength within you to do whatever you want. Call on this Goddess whenever you need a bit of strength.
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Angel of Manifestation.
Have you ever thought of yourself as an angel?
We all have the power to become angels here on Earth. You do have the ability to become an angelic force for good on our planet. More and more of us are aligning to angelic qualities such as love, truth, creativity and integrity. This will not only help others but yourself as well and strengthen your connection to the angels.
... The Angel of Manifestation says that your past efforts and determination are about to pay off. Don't give up ask the angels to help you Manifest today!!
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Monday's Message
I picked 2 cards for today.
The Angel of Self Worth implores you not to undervalue yourself. She reflects to you all the beauty, love and light that you are and to help you regain your self worth. You are part of Gods creation and are worthy of love. ... The Angel of Joyfulness perfectly complements the Angel of Self Worth. The amalgamation of these two cards ignites innate confidence and knowing enabling wonderful things to manifest for you. Be joyful know you are loved and appreciated. I know when i feel sad or depressed i focus on all i have to be joyful for.
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Why do you stay in prison when the door is wide open..Rumi.


Body? Mind?
Beautifully said!!
"Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly, and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story. Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love – for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment it is perennial as the grass. Take kin...dly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you from misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be, and whatever your labours and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Max Erhmann
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Thursdays Insight.
The Angel of Love
We are all a conduit for love. It is fear that casts a shadow over our heart. Be a conduit of love not fear. Fear has no place in the heart only love and compassion reside there.


Relish the fiery New Moon energy to burn away fear and uncertainty!!


When we become aware of the sacred dream, we understand that the cosmos is pulsing and conscious, longing to create beauty and birth life.


Sunday's Angel Message. Angel of Expression
The Angel of Expression shows up in a reading to encourage you to speak your truth. The truth can never harm anyone if it is spoken honestly and with love. She understands sometimes it's difficult at times to speak up but you can call on her to give you courage to face challenges. By expressing yourself clearly the situation will heal for the highest good of all.


Thursday offering for the 1st of November.
The 2 of Cups and the Page of Pentacles.
The main theme associated with the 2 of Cups is partnership of all kinds. Primarily romantic, but it can also be friendship or business as well. What ever sort of partnership it is it will have absolute trust and commanding respect. ... The 2 of Cups is a beautiful harmonious card full of love and commitment. Particularly in unison with the Page of Pentacles offering long term grounded commitment with potentially a new partner or an old relationship being renewed.
So on this 1 st day of November and the prevailing winds of change permeating our planet right now. You can see the 2 of Cups as an opportunity to ooze self love for yourself and others. Then watch your life transform at every level. As Brian Weiss said "only love is real" the rest is an illusion. Let today truly be the first day of your new all loving giving self.
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Celebrate and enjoy the Festival of LightsCelebrate and enjoy the Festival of Lights


Thanku greatly for my reading.U were spot on about my past & now look forward to my futre. Highly recommended u.


I’ve had many readings with Denise, each has been inspiring and have had true predictions.

I would highly recommend a reading for anyone seeing insight and inspiration.

Thanks Denise!


I have known Denise for a number of years and cannot speak highly enough of her. I have recommended her to many friends who all share my opinion. I had one session of hypnotherapy for nailbiting a couple of years ago, and I haven't bitten them since.


Denise’s reading gave me some motivation that I was lacking in my life and helped me move past a stage in my life at which I was stuck and didn’t have any direction. Her reading also predicted true circumstance that occurred in my work life later on. Also a great person, will recommend Denise


Denise was very positive and optimistic in regards to my question to her. She not only gave my reading but a bit more understanding of what each card meant and and its relevance to me. I 100% recommend! xx

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